Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Unit 3 Schooling and Development

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Block 2 Unit 3 Schooling and Development

1. What do you mean by 3Rs in elementary education? 

The 3Rs refer to reading, writing, and arithmetic.

2. What are the aims that reading skill fulfils?

Reading is a basic intellectual skill associated with modern schooling. Reading serves several key purposes:

  • Foundational for Education: Reading is the base for all education as much of the learning depends on the ability to understand written material. A child's performance in other subjects is dependent on their ability to comprehend what they read.
  • Fluency and Comprehension: Good reading involves clear pronunciation, adequate voice modulation, and recognising emotional tones in text, pauses and maintaining speed so that a listener may follow what is being spoken.
  • Lifelong Learning: Reading is a skill that facilitates lifelong learning.
  • Understanding: The goal of reading is ultimately to understand what is written, this enables the student to gain knowledge and understanding.

3. What steps will you take for the normal development of writing skills in the third and fourth grade students?

Steps to foster normal writing skill development in third and fourth-grade students:

  • Varied Writing Tools and Surfaces: Provide a range of writing tools and surfaces, allowing children to experiment and find what works best for them.
  • Regular Practice: Encourage regular writing practice to build fluency and confidence.
  • Focus on the Writing Process: Emphasise the process of writing, not just the finished product. This includes planning, drafting, revising, and editing.
  • Writing for Different Purposes: Give opportunities for creative writing and writing for various purposes, such as recording ideas, imaginative writing, asking for information, and for fun.
  • Encourage Spontaneity: Encourage the expression of thoughts in a spontaneous manner, noting that good writing skills are developed when the language instinct is appealed to in a social way.
  • Purposeful Writing: Teachers should discuss the purpose of the work before giving the assignment and also provide some points to elaborate.
  • No Interruptions: Once a child begins writing, it should not be interrupted.
  • Revision and Re-evaluation: Children should have time to revise, reorganise, and re-evaluate their work.
  • Display and Celebrate Work: All papers should be displayed without giving importance to only the top students.
  • Integrate Reading and Oral Exercises: Plan reading and oral exercises around writing activities to reinforce learning.
  • Positive Feedback: Provide positive feedback and encouragement to support their development.
  • Connect to Activities: Base writing exercises on the children's personal or classroom activities.
  • Study Literature: Reading literature is also recommended to help students develop good linguistic skills and a habit of thought.

These steps, when implemented thoughtfully, can help third and fourth graders develop strong and effective writing skills.

4. What should be the aims of schooling in middle childhood?

  • Schooling in middle childhood should aim at:
    • Cultivating intelligence
    • Discovering and nurturing special aptitudes in children
    • Providing a full bloom to instincts in a healthy way
    • Developing social and communication skills
    • Providing opportunities to master developmental tasks set by society
    • Developing accuracy through arithmetic
    • Developing skills through practice and planning
    • Imparting information through varied subjects
  • Schooling should provide opportunities for healthy development in all areas—intellectual, emotional, social, and physical.

5. What are the basic school skills that children acquire during middle childhood

Basic school skills include:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Arithmetic
  • Drawing
  • Singing and dancing
  • Concentrating on educational activities
  • Computer skills are also important to introduce

6. What subjects should be taught to the children at the ages between 6 to 12 years? Elaborate your answer with examples.

  • Subjects should be taught to achieve the aims of schooling. This includes subjects that provide information as well as those that develop aptitudes.
  • Mathematics, to develop accuracy
  • Language skills, to improve communication and expression.
  • Physical education, for inculcation of values and physical growth
  • Arts and crafts, to encourage creative instincts
  • Value education to develop ideal character.

7. Write an essay on the contribution of schooling in the development of children. Contrast between ideal and practical state of affairs.

  • Ideally, schooling contributes to the holistic development of the child:
    • Intellectually, by fostering curiosity, knowledge and critical thinking
    • Emotionally, by providing a supportive environment for exploring and expressing feelings
    • Socially, by teaching cooperation, responsibility, and respect for others
    • Physically, through sports and movement activities
    • Schooling provides structured learning and explicit instruction for secondary abilities.
  • In practice, there are often gaps between the ideal and the actual.
    • Some schools may focus more on academic achievement and rote memorisation than on developing a child's full potential.
    • There may be inequalities in resources and opportunities for learning.
    • Some schools may not adequately address the needs of children with different learning styles or special educational needs.

8. What is educational excursion?

  • Educational excursions are trips for educational purposes that provide children with real-world learning experiences, supplementing classroom instruction.
  • These trips help children to learn by doing, encouraging observation, and making connections between theory and practice.
  • They enable students to connect with their environment and cultural heritage.

9. What is teaching for pleasure?

  • Teaching for pleasure involves making learning enjoyable and engaging for children.
  • This can be achieved by using varied teaching methods, incorporating games, music, and other creative activities to stimulate and encourage children to learn.
  • It is important to connect learning with children’s interests and give value to each child's individual efforts.

10. What is Value Education?

Value education is defined as education aimed at the development of ideal character. It is concerned with instilling virtues and ethical principles in individuals. The sources highlight several key aspects of value education:

  • Development of Ideal Character: The primary goal of value education is to shape individuals with desirable traits.
  • Encompassing Virtues: Ideal character includes several key qualities such as vitality, courage, sensitiveness, and intelligence. These qualities can be nurtured by proper physical, emotional and intellectual care.
  • Vitality is linked to good health and the pleasure of being alive.
  • Courage is a combination of self-respect with an impersonal outlook to life.
  • Sensitiveness involves appropriate emotional reactions like sympathy and empathy.
  • Intelligence is the aptitude for acquiring knowledge and is developed through curiosity and observation skills.
  • Beyond Knowledge: Value education goes beyond the mere acquisition of knowledge to focus on the development of moral and ethical principles.
  • Discipline and Order: Discipline is considered important, but should be tailored to the aims of education, emphasizing social cooperation and purpose rather than rote learning.
  • Emotions are Contagious: Values are not solely taught through books, but are also passed from teacher to student through example.

11. Is Value Education Needed Now More Than Ever?

The sources don't directly address whether value education is more needed now than in the past, but they imply its timeless importance. It could be argued, based on the sources, that value education is increasingly important due to the challenges facing modern society.

  • Ethical Foundation: In a complex and ever-changing world, value education is more important than ever to provide an ethical foundation for young people to face life's challenges.
  • Addressing Modern Issues: With increasing issues relating to moral conflicts, value education is important in helping individuals navigate the various complexities of modern society.

12. How Can Value Education Be Imparted?

The sources suggest the following methods for imparting value education:

  • Teacher as a Role Model: Teachers should embody the values they aim to impart, because emotions are contagious, and values pass from the teacher to the student.
  • Practical Application: Instead of being taught through books alone, values should be imparted through practice, behaviour, and activities.
  • Curiosity and Observation: Values like open-mindedness and cooperation can develop naturally with proper intellectual education by giving direction to curiosity, observation and patience.
  • Physical, Emotional, and Intellectual Care: All four qualities (vitality, courage, sensitiveness, and intelligence) can be fostered through care of the young.
  • School as a Workshop: Schools should adopt a model that emphasizes activity and purpose, rather than rote learning and silence.
  • Real-Life Experiences: Children should be given the opportunity to apply their values in daily decisions.
  • Integrating into Curriculum: All the subjects taught at school can emphasize values that are important, like team work, respect, sensitivity.
  • Creating a Supportive Environment: Schools and families should create supportive environments that encourage values such as respect for others, empathy, and compassion.

In summary, value education is crucial for developing individuals with strong moral compasses and is ideally imparted through a combination of instruction, example, and practical application.

Important Points

  1. Aim of schooling in middle childhood:
    1. Cultivation of intelligence
    2. Discovery of special aptitudes in children
    3. The easiest subjects should be taught first.
  2. The instinct to use paper and pencil shows primarily Expressive instinct.
  3. Curiosity is another name for Investigation instinct.
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