IGNOU Exams - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Answers to questions about IGNOU examinations - eligibility, question paper pattern, preparation, results, revaluation, getting answer scripts & more!

Applying For Examinations

When will the term-end exams be held?

IGNOU holds term-end examinations for its students twice a year - in June for the batch starting in July of previous year, and in Decemeber for the batch starting in January. The students who are unable to appear for their exam cycle can appear in any of the following exam cycles if they meet the eligibility criteria.

When do I become eligible for the exams? Can we sit in the exams only after assignment submission?

To become eligible for the exams you need to fulfil the various criteria prescribed by the University. The most important being: 
  • you should have completed the minimum stipulated period for your programme (and should not have crossed the maximum stipulated period)
  • you should have submitted the assignments as required for your programme.

How and Where do I apply for the exams?

If you fulfil the criteria prescribed by the University you can apply for the exam by filling the prescribed application form and paying the stipulated fee.

When the examination cycle begins IGNOU release the link where you can apply for the exams. You can visit the same, read the instructions properly and then apply for the exams. The IGNOU examination form submission is now open and accessible at the following link. To appear in the exams, submit the exam form before the last date is over. The link is - IGNOU - Guidelines And Instructions For Submission Of On-Line Examination Form.

Do I have to pay a fee for appearing in the exams?

Yes. IGNOU learners have to pay a fee for each exam they wish to appear in including the vivas for practicals, projects, etc.

Do I have to apply for all exams in the same cycle?

No. IGNOU provides learners with the flexibility to divide their exams across multiple cycles. So you can fill for any 1, 2, 3,... subjects right now, 1,2,3... subjects next time, 1,2,3,... subjects next-to-next time and so on. You can apply for the exams in any of the cycles till your programme eligibility is valid.

Whom to contact for refund of excess Examination Fee?

For refund of excess deducted amount, email may be sent to termendexam@ignou.ac.in with the Subject "REFUND OF EXCESS EXAM FEE". However, refund requests are usually not entertained by IGNOU. You may check the latest guidelines on IGNOU's website.

Whom to contact in case of non-generation of control no. or about status of Examination Form after submission of Online Exam Form?

For non-receipt of the control number or about status of Examination Form, email may be sent to termendexam@ignou.ac.in or contact over phone no. 011-29572209.

Will I get the examination centre I have filled in the form?

Maybe. It cannot be said with certainty. It is not uncommon for students to not get the examination centres they opted for.

Can the allotted examination centre be changed?

No, usually IGNOU does not entertain any requests for the change of the allotted examination centre.

Where can I check the IGNOU datesheet for my programme?

When the examination cycle begins IGNOU release the link where you can check and download the datesheet. You can visit the same and fill in the required details to see the datesheet for your subjects. The current link is - IGNOU Examination Datesheet.

If you are using the PDF file released by IGNOU - note that it releases a single datesheet file which has the examination dates for all courses. You need to search the dates for your exams within this file.

The date sheet is marked as tentative. Can the dates change?

Yes, the dates can change. So please continue to be alert for any revised date sheets and announcements from the university regarding the exams.

What if I am unable to appear for the exams on the given dates?

IGNOU allows its students the flexibility to appear for the exams in any of the cycles, subject to the student being eligible. So if you missed it this time - no worries - you can appear for the exam in the next cycle by filling the examination form and paying the requisite fee again.

When will Hall Tickets (examination admit cards) be issued to students for the TEE?

Hall Tickets are usually uploaded on the University website about 10 days before the commencement of the Term End Exam. Students need to take a print out of the Hall Ticket and report at the address of the allotted Examination Centre on the date and time mentioned on the Hall Ticket. Examinees will get the entry into the Examination Hall strictly on the basis of a valid Hall Ticket and University Identity Card.

I paid the exam fee in the last cycle, but was unable to appear in exams. Will the fee be adjusted?

No, under normal circumstances IGNOU usually does not refund or adjust the fees paid by the students unless explicitly stated as in the case of admission.

Preparing for Examinations

How do I score more in the exams?

There is an entire document that answers this very question. Especially useful for IGNOU students considering they get limited guidance from the study center and university. Read it here - How do I score more in exams.

Where can I get the Question Papers of earlier TEEs?

Students may click here for Question Papers of earlier TEEs.

However, to save time - we have done an analysis of the past years' IGNOU Question Paper Pattern and summarised it in a simple way. You can check if the FREE IGNOU Question Paper Pattern Analysis for your course is available by clicking here.

Appearing For Examinations

What documents do I need to carry with me during the exam?

You should carry a print out of the Hall Ticket and the University Identity Card. Without these documents, you may not be allowed to enter the Examination Centre.

What all can I carry with me to the exam centre?

You are allowed to carry the hall ticket, your IGNOU ID card, a wallet with cash and cards (no documents), stationery items (pen, pencil, etc.), a hard-board with clip for answer sheets and water bottles. Depending on the course and subject specific rules - you may also be allowed to carry a calculator, log tables, other statistical tables.

While it depends on examination centres, you may not be allowed to carry your phone, bag, and, in general, anything apart from the items listed above even inside the centre. If you are going alone - it may be wise to not carry any valuable item, that you cannot afford to lose.

Can students write their examination in any language?

Answer to the question paper will only be accepted in the language (s) in which the Programme is offered. Answer script attempted in any other language will be not evaluated and cancelled without any information.

However, students have an option to attempt the examination of the course (s) in Hindi medium irrespective of registration of the same in English medium (except for Language Programmes).


Where can I check my examination results?

Once the result is ready IGNOU announces the link where you can check the results using your Enrolment number. Currently, the link is Check IGNOU Term-End Examination Result.
In case the above is not working - the link is usually announced on this page - IGNOU Term-End Examination Results

Whom to contact in case of non-declaration of results?

Students may write email to the following email IDs as per their Programmes:

How do I calculate my final score?

The instructions to calculate the final score is different for different programmes of IGNOU. Please check the instructions relevant for your programme by visiting the course details page. Considering a lot of the students find the process quite complicated we are in the process of developing a final score calculator - please check it out.

What is the grade card in IGNOU? How is it different from the results?

IGNOU grade cards are marksheets containing the marks for all the components of your programme - assignments, examinations, practicals, projects, internships etc. It shows all your marks for all the subjects after applying the calculations necessary for showing your aggregate score. It continues to be updated throughout the course as you apply for and clear the different components of the programme.

The results on the other hand shows your actual marks for the respective examination cycle only. It may not get updated after re-evaluation.

How do I check my grade card?

You can check your grade card at the following link - IGNOU Grade Card/Marksheet. Please let us know in the comments if this or any other link on this site is not working.

Can I apply for re-evaluation of my anwer sheets?

Yes, as an IGNOU student you have the option to apply for re-evaluation of your anwer sheets. If you are not satisfied with the marks you have received, you have the facility to get a re-evaluation done by the university. However, you must be within the stipulated timeframe which is typically within a month after declaration of result.

Should I apply for re-evaluation of my anwer sheets? Does it help?

Very often the students who apply for reevaluation see an improvement in their marks. It can be specially helpful if you have failed in an exam by just 2-3 marks and you are confident that you will pass upon reevaluation. So, definitely, if you are confident, and if the fee is not a cause of concern for you - go ahead and apply for re-evaluation.

How do I apply for re-evaluation of my answer sheets?

To apply for re-evaluation of your anwer sheets you need to fill the prescribed application form and pay the stipulated fees. You can start the process on the IGNOU Reevaluation page.

Where can I check the results of re-evaluation of my answer sheets?

Once the result is ready IGNOU announces the link where you can check the results using your Enrolment number. The link is usually announced on this page - IGNOU Re-evaluation Results

Is it possible to obtain copies of my anwer sheets?

Yes, as an IGNOU student you have the option to apply to obtain copies of your exam answer scripts. However, you must be within the stipulated timeframe which is typically within a month after declaration of result.

How do I obtain copies of my answer sheets?

To obtain the copies of your answer sheets you need to fill the prescribed application form and pay the stipulated fees. You can start the process on the IGNOU Reevaluation page.

How to apply for the improvement of division/marks?

The information regarding the improvement of division/marks is available at the following link: http://www.ignou.ac.in/userfiles/Improvement%20form.pdf.

How to obtain the Certificate (Degree/ Diploma)?

Students may obtain their Completion Certificate (Degree/ Diploma) by paying online fee using the link https://sedservices.ignou.ac.in/idms/. Please check properly that the link is valid for your batch and proper before making payment.

Whom to contact for non-receipt of Certificate/Degree/Diploma?

Students may contact their concerned Regional Centre. Example: in case the Regional Centre of student is Regional Centre Delhi-2, email may be sent to rcd2exam@ignou.ac.in.
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