Telegram Channels and Groups for IGNOU Students' Help and Support
IGNOU students can get help and support from help-desks, other IGNOU students and IGNOU alumni using the several channels and groups on social media.
Following is a list of Telegram Channels and Groups dedicated to supporting IGNOU students. Please note that while some of these claim to be official we have not been able to verify it. Also, be cautious while interacting with these channels and groups, you do not know who is really on the other side.
That said, these are still excellent places to explore for information.
IGNOU Focused Channels
- FREE IGNOU Help Center - we recently launched our channel so that IGNOU students can get updates directly on their phone whenever they want it. Completely FREE resources and support.
- IGNOU - regular updates
- IGNOU Official - regular updates
- IGNOU Info Guidance update news - mix of spam and relevant content
- IGNOU RC Delhi-3 - regular updates
- IGNOU NEWS AND UPDATES - mix of updates and ads by channel owner
- IGNOU Assignment - sell IGNOU Solved assignments
- Free IGNOU Assignments... - provide FREE solved assignments for some IGNOU courses, and sell for others.
- IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENTS FREE - claim to provide FREE solved assignments for IGNOU courses
- IGNOU free assignment - provide FREE solved assignments for some IGNOU courses
- FREE IGNOU SOLVED ASSIGNMENT - provide FREE solved assignments for some IGNOU courses
- Channels focused on specific courses:
- MentVia - PGDMH PGDCFT MSCCFT MAPC MSW MSWC PGDCOUN - regularly post openings for qualified mental health professionals including special educators, speech therapists, occupational therapists, etc.
IGNOU Focused Groups
- FREE IGNOU Help Center - Yes, we also have an accompanying group - we aspire it to be an active and helpful community for IGNOU students, powered by technology.
- Official IGNOU - Automated helpdesk
- RC Delhi 1 IGNOU Delhi 1 Group - Active
- IGNOU Rc1 Delhi - Active
- IGNOU RC Delhi 2 - Automated helpdesk
- IGNOU RC Delhi 2 Delhi 2 Group - Active
- IGNOU Rc3 Delhi - Active
- IGNOU RC Karnal - Active
- IGNOU Student Zone - Active
- IGNOU SOLUTION FREE - Not very active
- IGNOU Free Assignment - Not very active, claim to provide FREE IGNOU Solved Assignments for all courses but doesn't seem to be the case.
- Groups focused on specific courses:
- Education Hotspot - For IGNOU Sociology students - MSO etc. - useful content.
- IGNOU Masters MEG, MAH, MPS, MSO, MAPC, MCOM, MCA (Group by Official IGNOU) - not very active
- IGNOU MSCCFT, MAPC, MSWC, PGDMH, PGDCFT, PGDCOUN - an active healthy community - admin 'Igneous' and members such as 'mak' are very helpful. Definitely, a must join.
- IGNOU MAPC Clinical - Mostly spam and ads
- MAPC IGNOU PSYCHOLOGY - Active admins, shares resources
- MAPC Master of Arts Psychology (Group by Official IGNOU) - not very active (link not available)
- Psychology (MAPC) IGNOU National - not very active
- PFDCFT, MSCCFT - not very active
- LHMC PGDCFT-MSCCFT Support Group - recently launched for IGNOU CFT and PGDMH students of LHMC Delhi.
- MSCCFT IGNOU - not active
- JMC Clinical Psychology IGNOU - not active - link not available
Other Channels and Groups
- For Psychology Enthusiasts
- Towards PCI - Psychological Council of India - group of psychologists but mostly full of ads - link not available
- Psychology Learners Channel - our sister organization recently launched its telegram group and channel
- Psychology Learners Group - our sister organization recently launched its telegram group and channel
- The Real Happiness Center Group - RHC recently launched its telegram channel and group as part of a mental health wellness initiative
- Learn From Home@YMHS - free psychology resources, webinars, and coaching
- Your Mental Health Specialist - mental health support community
- Mental Health India - Depression, Anxiety, Relationship Issues, Stress Management - limited but useful content
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IGNOU Exams - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
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IGNOU Sample Practical File for MCFTL001 Human Development and Family Relationships GN
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