Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 14

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 14. Sexuality:  Issues, Attitude and Behaviour

1. Differentiate between sex and gender.

Sex is a biologically oriented term and refers to an individual being a male or a female, whereas Gender refers to the social attributes and opportunities associated with being male and female and the relationships between women and men, girls and boys, as well as the relations between women and those between men.

2. How will you relate gender roles with sexuality?

The gender role of a person consists of the behaviour that is socially defined and expected of that person because of his or her being male or female whereas sexuality is the art of having sex.

3. Brief Note: Sexual Repression

The women often submit to their male partners owing to the fact that it was their duty to satisfy their husbands. Females are not expected to even express or admit that they have any sexual feelings or needs. This is not allowed even in the privacy of her bedroom with her husband due to the fear that the husband might perceive her as a “bad” (unchaste) woman.

4. Brief Note: HIV/AIDS

It is the most serious and life threatening sexually transmitted disease (STD). HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system, causing it to break down. This in turn leaves the body defenceless against infection, eventually resulting in death from any of a number of secondary, opportunistic infections. HIV infection progresses through several stages, the last of which is AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

5. Brief Note: Sexual abuse

Sexual Abuse seems to be increasing in India; however, there is a growing awareness about sexual abuse in the society. Girls, who are near attaining their puberty or have just attained it, are often objects of older men’s attractions. Although it is socially disapproved some instances have been reported where parents because of their poverty, accept a bride price for the marriage of a very young daughter to an older man seeking a young girl as a second wife.

6. Brief Note: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s)

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s) refer to all the infections that can be caught through sexual contact or sexual intercourse, including the venereal diseases. Venereal diseases are a legal term and include only three diseases:

  1. Syphilis (the “pox”), 
  2. Gonorrhoea (the “clap”) and 
  3. Chancroid (soft “sare”).

7. Analyze your own views about sexuality. What attitudinal category would you place yourself in?

8. Introspect and think about your own development. At what time did you get to notice that you are a sexual being? How did you feel about it?

9. Do you share your sexual experiences with a friend? What all are the contents of your sexuality?

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