Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT007 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 2

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Unit 2. Emotional and Behavioural Problems

1. What is the significance of play therapy?

Play therapy is a form of psychodynamic therapy which provides children an opportunity, through play to:

  1. deal with their emotional difficulties 
  2. develop control over their problematic behaviour.

The specific play setting provided to the child is aimed at achieving a therapeutic effect with a cathartic resolution of conflict or tension through the child’s play

Play also helps in therapeutic rapport formation and communication between the child and therapist.

2. Why is it important that counselling and therapy provided in case of emotional and behavioural problems in children and adolescents, be family based?

It is important because:

  1. the child’s emotional and behavioural problems could well be a manifestation of dysfunction in family system.
  2. It sets the ground for appropriate involvement of parents and other family members
  3. It ensures proper compliance to the process of counselling and therapy.

3. What are common sources of emotional and behavioural problems of children?

1. Child-related

  • poor intelligence
  • sensory defects
  • mild brain damage
  • acquired defects

2. Family-related

  • Parents who are:
    • quarrelsome and difficult,
    • very anxious and ambitious - expect too much from child
    • indifferent to the child,
    • use excessive punishment.
  • Sibling rivalry and jealousy
  • Financial problem at home
  • Parental interpersonal problems, and
  • Unusual home environment (conflict, extra-marital relationship, and alcoholism)

3. School-related

  • Academic pressure or stress,
  • Punitive and critical teacher,
  • Bully classmate or senior etc.

4. Other environmental situations related

Factors present in neighbourhoods, which may create psychological problems in children. Example:
  • bad company,
  • conflict with neighbourhood,
  • inequality,
  • violence etc.

4. How important it is for the counsellor to identify the sources of emotional and behavioural problems of children in counselling process?

Identifying the sources of emotional and behavioral problems in children is critical in the counseling process. Without understanding the root causes, it's difficult for a counselor to effectively address the child's issues. Sources of problems can be child-related, family-related, school-related, or environmental. It's important to assess all these areas to get a complete picture of the child's situation. Only then can the counselor develop an appropriate intervention plan.

Once it is identified that a child is likely to have emotional and/or behavioural problems, a systematic effort should be made to explore the sources of these problems through an interview with the child, the parents and other significant persons.

C/FT must try to establish a convincing explanation about the relationship between the sources of the problems and the emotional and behavioural manifestations of the problems in the child. This explanation must be based on the elicited facts and not on assumptions or any kind of bias.

5. What are different methods of assessment a counsellor can try to carry out appropriate assessment in counselling?

  • Observation of child’s behaviour
  • Academic performance of the child
  • Use of screening tools: Mental Health Screening Questionnaire can be used for identification of psychological problems or mental health problems in children.
  • Interview the Parent’s 
  • Psychological/behavioural testing: helps in identification and assessment of the nature and the severity of the problem. 

Assessment of children’s problems also includes scaling the:

  • Intensity: Visual Analogue Scale is the simplest method for assessing severity of problems.
  • Frequency
  • Antecedents or triggers
  • Immediate and long-term consequences of specific behavioural or emotional problems.

6. What are different therapies available for management of emotional and behavioural problems of children and adolescents?

  1. Play Therapy
  2. Behaviour Therapy
  3. Cognitive Therapy
  4. Supportive Therapy
  5. Parent Training
  6. Family Therapy

7. What are different aspects of family education in counselling for emotional and behavioural problems of children and adolescents?

Counsellor must explain to the parents the:
  • problem of the child
  • factors that are contributing to and maintaining the problem
  • solution available
  • their role and responsibility in helping the child to come out of the problems
  • importance of parenting and family environment in controlling child’s problems etc. 
While educating the family, the counsellor should
  • Communicate in simple understandable language
  • Allow adequate time for information to set in
  • Show confidence, acceptance and patience
  • Satisfy their queries
  • Avoid argument
  • Tell them with clarity that it is not their fault
  • Wait for their reaction and respect their reactions
  • Assure reasonable commitment
  • Avoid false promises
  • Help them take appropriate decisions regarding intervention

8. What measures can a counsellor take to maintain professional relationship with the clients?

Points to keep in mind while Practicing Counselling

  • Work with a specific time frame 
  • Have a fixed time for the session
  • End session on time 
  • Always focus on your target for the session
  • Allow only relevant aspects of discussion in the session
  • Appreciate client for cooperation
  • Never take undue advantage of client’s position 

9. Why it is important to pay attention to parents’ mental health in family counselling and therapy for children’s problems?

While identifying problems in children, a careful attempt to recognize mental health problems in parents is highly advisable in the interest of effective management of children’s problems.

Mental health of parents influences mental health of children by:

  • affecting the environment in the family
  • providing a particular role model
  • shaping quality of parenting process
  • affecting parent-child bond in particular manner, and 
  • influencing their involvement in help seeking process.
  • Parent suffering from anxiety may not be able to provide secure attachment with the child
  • Parent with depressive disorder may not be able to offer adequate parenting, 
  • Parent with alcohol or substance abuse problem will not be able to keep the family environment healthy or provide an ideal role model for the child.
Mental illness in parents can:
  • be a contributory factor for emotional or behavioural problems in children, 
  • negatively affect intervention process,
  • trigger non-compliance to counselling/family therapy techniques, and 
  • further complicate the situation of the child. 
Hence a careful scanning of parental mental health is necessary for the counselling process to attain its goal. 

10. What are important components of behavioural management training?

Components of Behavioural Management Training

  • Behavioural analysis and assessment to record nature, frequency, severity, origin, and maintenance of behavioural problems in children.
  • Identification and attention to positive behaviour
  • Reward for positive behaviour, 
  • Weakening or elimination of maladaptive behaviour using appropriate behavioural techniques.
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