Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE001 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 1

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 1. Interview Methods

1. What is the purpose of an interview in the context of family therapy?

The purpose of an interview is to gather information about a family. This information is verbal as well as observational. The information is used to generate a hypothesis about the interpersonal conflict and bring about change in the pattern of family interaction.

2. What are the basic guidelines to be followed when conducting an interview?

  • Set the ground rules 
  • Give information about sessions, 
  • Maintain Neutrality 
  • Allow everyone equal opportunity to speak
  • Be sensitive to the client

3. What are the possible consequences of insensitive interviewing?

  • Clients may drop out of counselling/family therapy.
  • They may not reveal all the information they can. This may lead to misguided and ineffective intervention.
  • Clients may become resistant to the counsellor/family therapist.

4. What factors might reduce the counsellor/family therapist’s sensitivity to the client?

Being is a hurry to collect information.A counsellor/family therapist who is dominating sessions and pushing his or her own agenda will be unable to pick up on all aspects of the dynamics in the family and will not be able to elicit all the required information. Having preconceived notions about a person or socio-demographic characteristics of the client/clients will cloud the objectivity of the counsellor/family therapist.

5. What is the consequence of not maintaining neutrality?

When neutrality is not maintained, the counsellor/family therapist may fall into the pattern of interaction followed by the family, which may involve blaming an individual. The counsellor/family therapist may allow him/herself to get aligned with certain family member/members. This will result in him being unavailable to the rest of the family and having an incorrect view about what should be done to help the family.

6. What are the factors that might damage neutrality of the counsellor/family therapist?

When the counsellor/family therapist does not allow all members in the family equal opportunity to contribute, it damages neutrality. The counsellor/family therapist who is influenced by his or her own life experiences, emotions and ideas of what should be the pattern of interaction in the family and remains biased against a particular member will not be able to retain neutrality and do what is best for the family.

7. What are the guidelines to be kept in mind when interviewing during a family session?

  1. Select a Comfortable Place
  2. Establish Rapport
  3. Set the ground rules
  4. Communicate Session Plan
  5. Be sensitive and neutral
  6. Maintain Confidentiality
  7. Presence of Members
  8. Manage Individual Sessions Carefully
  9. Allow everyone equal opportunity to speak
  10. Terminate Gradually
  11. Record Properly

8. What affects sensitivity and neutrality?

Factors Affecting Sensitivity

  1. Being in a hurry - to get information
  2. Judgmental Attitude
  3. Focus on own agenda
  4. Preconceived Notions/Prejudices

Factors Affecting Neutrality

  1. Counsellor's History and Experiences
  2. Over-Identification with the Family
  3. Own Ideas of Ideal Pattern of Interaction
  4. Bias against particular family member(s)
  5. Level of Self-Awareness of Counsellor
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