Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Unit 3 Partial and Multiple Correlations

Have you prepared these important questions from Block 2 Unit 3 for IGNOU MAPC MPC006 Exam? Don't miss this chance to score good marks - get started!

Block 2 Unit 3 Partial and Multiple Correlations

For Numericals, check the questions and examples in your study material.

1) What is the key concept behind partial correlation?

Partial correlation (rp) examines the relationship between two variables while statistically controlling for the influence of a third variable. It aims to isolate the unique relationship between two variables by removing the shared variance explained by the third variable.

2) Provide an example of when you would use partial correlation.

Imagine you're studying the relationship between exercise (X) and stress levels (Y). You suspect that sleep quality (Z) might also play a role. Partial correlation would allow you to assess the correlation between exercise and stress after accounting for the potential effects of sleep quality.

3) How is partial correlation different from semipartial correlation?

While both techniques involve controlling for a third variable, they differ in what variance is removed:

  • Partial Correlation (rp): Removes the influence of the third variable from both the predictor and outcome variables.
  • Semipartial Correlation (rsp): Removes the influence of the third variable only from the predictor variable, leaving the outcome variable untouched.

4) Give a practical example where semipartial correlation would be helpful.

Let's say you are researching the connection between job satisfaction (X) and work performance (Y). You believe that personality traits (Z) might affect job satisfaction. Semipartial correlation can help you determine how much job satisfaction uniquely predicts work performance, independent of the effects of personality.

5) What is the purpose of multiple correlation?

Multiple correlation (R) assesses the relationship between a single outcome variable and a linear combination of two or more predictor variables. It determines how well the predictors, taken together, explain the variance in the outcome variable.

6) Illustrate the use of multiple correlation with an example.

If you were investigating the factors influencing academic achievement (Y), you might consider predictors such as study habits (X1), motivation (X2), and socioeconomic status (X3). Multiple correlation would tell you the combined effect of these predictors on academic achievement.

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