Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Unit 1 Characteristics of Normal Distribution

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Block 3 Unit 1 Characteristics of Normal Distribution

1) Determine which variables related to cognitive and affective domain of behaviour are normally distributed.

Some examples of variables that often tend towards normal distributions in large populations:

  • Cognitive: Intelligence, perception span, reaction time.
  • Affective: Adjustment, anxiety.

2) As a psychological test constructor or teacher, what precautions are to be considered, while preparing a question paper or test paper

As a psychological test constructor or teacher, consider these general precautions when preparing assessments:

  • Item Difficulty: Ensure a balanced mix of difficulty levels to discriminate between abilities effectively. Too easy or too hard leads to skewed distributions.
  • Item Discrimination: Items should differentiate between those with higher and lower levels of the trait being measured.
  • Content Validity: The test should adequately sample the domain of knowledge or skills being assessed [Implied].
  • Reliability: The test should yield consistent results over time and across different test forms [Implied, 69].
  • Standardisation: Use standardised procedures for administration and scoring to minimise error and ensure fairness.
  • Clarity of Instructions: Instructions should be clear and unambiguous to reduce confusion and variability in responses.

3) Define a Normal Probability Curve.

A Normal Probability Curve (NPC), also known as a normal curve or bell curve, is a graphical representation of a normal distribution. It is a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve that depicts the probability distribution of a continuous variable, where the mean, median, and mode coincide at the peak of the curve.

4) Write the properties of Normal Distribution.

A normal distribution exhibits the following properties:

  • Symmetrical: It is perfectly symmetrical about its vertical axis (ordinate), meaning the two halves are mirror images.
  • Unimodal: It has a single peak, indicating that there's one most frequent value (the mode).
  • Asymptotic: The curve's tails extend indefinitely towards both ends of the horizontal axis (abscissa), approaching but never touching it.
  • Bell-Shaped: The shape resembles a bell, with the highest point at the mean.
  • Defined by Mean and Standard Deviation: The location and spread are determined by the mean (μ) and standard deviation (σ).
  • Empirical Rules: Specific proportions of data lie within fixed standard deviations from the mean. For example, about 68.26% falls within ±1σ, 95.44% within ±2σ, and 99.73% within ±3σ.

5) Mention the conditions under which the frequency distribution can be approximated to the normal distribution.

A frequency distribution can be approximated to a normal distribution when:

  • The variable is continuous.
  • The sample size is sufficiently large.
  • The data is collected randomly.
  • There are no significant outliers or extreme values.
  • The underlying variable being measured is assumed to be normally distributed in the population.

6) In a distribution, what percentage of frequencies lie between:

  • (a) -1σ to +1σ: Approximately 68.26%.
  • (b) -2σ to +2σ: Approximately 95.44%.
  • (c) -3σ to +3σ: Approximately 99.73%.

7) Practically, why are the two ends of the normal curve considered closed at the points ±3σ of the base?

Although the normal curve technically extends infinitely in both directions, for practical purposes, it is considered to end at ±3σ because the area beyond these points represents a very small proportion of the total distribution (approximately 0.27%). This small percentage is often considered negligible, especially when dealing with moderately sized datasets.

8) Numerical: Finding Score Limits for Given Percentages:

Given that M = 50 and S.D. (σ) = 10:

1) Find the limits of the scores for the middle 30% of cases:

  • The middle 30% implies 15% on either side of the mean. Using the z-table (Table 1.6.1), find the z-score corresponding to an area of 0.15. This z-score is approximately ±0.39.
  • Calculate the raw scores (X) using the formula: X = M ± (z * σ)
  • Lower limit: X = 50 - (0.39 * 10) = 46.1
  • Upper limit: X = 50 + (0.39 * 10) = 53.9

2) Find the limits of the scores for the middle 75% of cases:

  • The middle 75% implies 37.5% on either side of the mean. The closest z-score for an area of 0.375 is approximately ±1.15 (from Table 1.6.1).
  • Calculate the raw scores:
  • Lower limit: X = 50 - (1.15 * 10) = 38.5
  • Upper limit: X = 50 + (1.15 * 10) = 61.5

3) Find the limits of the scores for the middle 50% of cases:

  • The middle 50% implies 25% on either side of the mean. The z-score for an area of 0.25 is approximately ±0.67.
  • Calculate the raw scores:
  • Lower limit: X = 50 - (0.67 * 10) = 43.3
  • Upper limit: X = 50 + (0.67 * 10) = 56.7

9) Numerical: Determining Position and Percentile Rank:

In a test of 200 items, where each correct item has 1 mark, M = 100, and σ = 10:

1) Find the position of Rohit, who secured 85 marks:

  • First, calculate Rohit's z-score: z = (85 - 100) / 10 = -1.5
  • A z-score of -1.5 indicates he scored 1.5 standard deviations below the mean.
  • Refer to the z-table (Table 1.6.1) to find the percentage of cases below a z-score of -1.5. This area is approximately 6.68%.
  • Rohit's position is in the bottom 6.68% of the group.

2) Find the percentile rank of Sunita, who got 130 marks:

  • Calculate Sunita's z-score: z = (130 - 100) / 10 = 3
  • A z-score of 3 means she scored 3 standard deviations above the mean.
  • The z-table shows that the area below a z-score of 3 is approximately 99.87%.
  • Sunita's percentile rank is 99.87 or approximately the 100th percentile.

10) Numerical: Finding Percentile Values:

Given M = 100 and σ = 10:

  • i) P75: The 75th percentile means 75% of scores fall below this point.

    • Since 50% lies below the mean, we need an additional 25% to the right of the mean.
    • From the z-table, a z-score of approximately 0.67 corresponds to 25%.
    • Calculate the raw score: P75 = 100 + (0.67 * 10) = 106.7
  • ii) P10: The 10th percentile is 10% below the mean.

    • We need a z-score representing 40% to the left of the mean (50% - 10% = 40%).
    • The z-table shows a z-score of approximately -1.28 for 40%.
    • Calculate the raw score: P10 = 100 - (1.28 * 10) = 87.2
  • iii) P50: The 50th percentile is the same as the mean, which is 100.

  • iv) P80: The 80th percentile is 30% above the mean.

    • From the z-table, a z-score of approximately 0.84 corresponds to 30%.
    • Calculate the raw score: P80 = 100 + (0.84 * 10) = 108.4

11) Numerical: Relative Difficulty of Test Items:

If three test items (1, 2, and 3) are solved by 10%, 20%, and 30% of students, respectively, here's how to determine their relative difficulty:

Item 3 (Solved by 10%):

  • This item is the most difficult, as only 10% answered correctly.
  • It is 40% above the mean (50% - 10% = 40%).
  • The corresponding z-score for 40% is approximately 1.28.

Item 2 (Solved by 20%):

  • This item is moderately difficult, being solved by 20%.
  • It is 30% above the mean.
  • The z-score for 30% is approximately 0.84.

Item 1 (Solved by 30%):

  • This is the easiest item, with 30% answering correctly.
  • It is 20% below the mean (50% - 30% = 20%).
  • The corresponding z-score for 20% is approximately -0.52.

Relative Difficulty:

The z-score differences indicate the relative difficulty:

  • Item 3 is (1.28 - 0.84) = 0.44 standard deviations more difficult than Item 2.
  • Item 2 is (0.84 + 0.52) = 1.36 standard deviations more difficult than Item 1.

12) Define Skewness

Skewness refers to the asymmetry or lack of symmetry in a frequency distribution. It indicates the direction and degree to which a distribution deviates from a perfectly symmetrical normal distribution.

13) Define Negative and Positive Skewness

  • Negative Skewness: Scores cluster at the high end (right side) of the scale, tailing out towards the low end (left side). The mean is less than the median.
  • Positive Skewness: Scores cluster at the low end (left side), tailing out towards the high end (right side). The mean is greater than the median.

14) Define Kurtosis

Kurtosis describes the peakedness or flatness of a frequency distribution compared to a normal distribution. It measures the concentration of scores around the mean.

15) Define Platykurtosis

A platykurtic distribution is flatter than a normal distribution, with more scores spread out from the mean.

16) Leptokurtosis

A leptokurtic distribution is more peaked than a normal distribution, with scores clustered tightly around the mean.

17) What are the Skewness and Kurtosis in a Normal Distribution:

  • In a perfectly normal distribution, the value of skewness is 0. This is because the mean, median, and mode all coincide in a normal distribution, resulting in perfect symmetry.

  • In a normal distribution, the value of kurtosis is 0.263. This represents a mesokurtic distribution, which is neither too peaked nor too flat.

18) What is the importance of Skewness and Kurtosis for Teachers:

Understanding skewness and kurtosis can provide teachers with valuable insights into:

  • Test Difficulty: A negatively skewed distribution of test scores might indicate that the test was too easy, as many students scored high. Conversely, a positively skewed distribution could suggest the test was too difficult.
  • Item Analysis: Skewness can help identify poorly designed test items. Items that are too easy or too difficult may contribute to skewness in the score distribution.
  • Student Grouping: Kurtosis can reveal the homogeneity of student abilities within a class. A leptokurtic distribution might indicate a group with similar abilities, while a platykurtic distribution could suggest a more diverse range of abilities.

19) How to analyse and calculate Skewness:

To instantly study the skewness in a distribution, visually examine the frequency polygon or histogram of the data. If the tail of the distribution is longer on the right side, it indicates positive skewness. If the tail is longer on the left side, it suggests negative skewness.

There are two formulas to measure skewness in a distribution:

  • SK = 3(Mean - Median) / σ
  • SK = (P90 + P10 - 2P50) / 2


  • SK = Skewness
  • Mean = Mean of the distribution
  • Median = Median of the distribution
  • σ = Standard Deviation
  • P90 = 90th percentile
  • P10 = 10th percentile
  • P50 = 50th percentile (which is also the median)

20) How to Analyse and Calculate Kurtosis:

The peakedness of a distribution's frequency polygon or histogram indicates its kurtosis. A tall and narrow peak suggests leptokurtosis, while a broad and flat peak points to platykurtosis.

The formula to calculate kurtosis is: KU = (P90 - P10) / 2Q


  • KU = Kurtosis
  • P90 = 90th percentile
  • P10 = 10th percentile
  • Q = Quartile Deviation
To determine whether a distribution is leptokurtic or platykurtic, compare the calculated kurtosis value (KU) to the kurtosis of a normal distribution (0.263):

  • If KU < 0.263, the distribution is leptokurtic.
  • If KU > 0.263, the distribution is platykurtic.

Important Points

i) The formula to convert a raw score (X) into a standard score (z-score) is:

z = (X - M) / σ


  • z = Standard Score
  • X = Raw Score
  • M = Mean
  • σ = Standard Deviation

ii) The mean is the reference point on the normal probability curve.

iii) The mean value of z-scores is 0.

iv) The value of the standard deviation of z-scores is 1.

v) The total area under the Normal Probability Curve (NPC) is always 1, representing 100% probability.

vi) A negative z-score indicates that the raw score lies below the mean.

vii) A positive z-score indicates that the raw score lies above the mean.

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