Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Unit 4 Two Way Analysis of Variance

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Block 3 Unit 4 Two Way Analysis of Variance

For Numericals, check the questions and examples in your study material.

1) What do you mean by Two-way Analysis of Variance?

Two-way Analysis of Variance (Two-way ANOVA) is a statistical test used to examine the effects of two independent variables on a single dependent variable. It analyzes:
  • The main effect of each independent variable separately.
  • The interaction effect, meaning the combined effect of both independent variables together.

2) What is the difference between one way and two way ANOVA?

  • Number of independent variables: One-way ANOVA examines one independent variable, while two-way ANOVA examines two.
  • Types of effects analyzed: One-way ANOVA analyzes only main effects. Two-way ANOVA analyzes both main effects and the interaction effect.
  • Complexity: Two-way ANOVA is more complex than one-way ANOVA due to the additional analysis of the interaction term.

3) Indicate the graphical presentation of interaction effects?

Interaction effects are often visualized using line graphs.

  • Parallel lines suggest no interaction.
  • Non-parallel lines (crossing or diverging) suggest an interaction. The nature of the interaction (e.g., how the effect of one variable depends on the level of the other variable) can be interpreted from the pattern of the lines.

4) Highlight the advantages and limitations of two way analysis of variance.


  • Can analyze multiple factors and their interactions.
  • More efficient than conducting separate one-way ANOVAs.
  • Provides a more comprehensive understanding of the data by considering the interplay of variables.


  • Assumptions: Like one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA requires the assumptions of normality, homogeneity of variance, and independence of observations.
  • Complexity: Analysis and interpretation can become more challenging with an increasing number of factors and levels.
  • Requires larger sample sizes than one-way ANOVA for adequate statistical power.

5) When we use two way analysis of variance?

Use two-way ANOVA when you have:

  • A single dependent variable measured on a continuous scale.
  • Two or more independent variables with two or more levels (categorical).
  • A research question that explores the main effects of each independent variable and their potential interaction effect.

6) In two way analysis of variance how many effects are tested.

Two-way ANOVA tests three effects:
  • The main effect of the first independent variable.
  • The main effect of the second independent variable.
  • The interaction effect of the two independent variables together.

7) What is meant by df1 and df2?

df1 and df2 refer to degrees of freedom in the F-test:
  • df1 is the greater degree of freedom (between groups): It is calculated as k - 1, where k is the number of groups or treatment levels being compared.
  • df2 is the smaller degree of freedom (within groups): It is calculated as N - k, where N is the total sample size.

8) In what way we decide the significance of F ratio obtained in relation to various effects?

Determining significance of F ratio: The significance of the obtained F ratio for each effect (main effects and interaction) is determined by:

  1. Consulting the F distribution table: Find the critical F value corresponding to the chosen alpha level (e.g., 0.05 or 0.01) and the specific df1 and df2 for that effect.
  2. Comparing the calculated F to the critical F:
    • If the calculated F is greater than or equal to the critical F, the effect is considered statistically significant. This means the observed differences between group means (or the interaction effect) are unlikely due to chance.
    • If the calculated F is less than the critical F, the effect is not statistically significant. The observed differences could likely be attributed to random variation.

9) Level design notation

This notation indicates the number of independent variables and their levels in a factorial design:

  • 2 x 2 level design: Two independent variables, each with two levels.
  • 3 x 3 level design: Two independent variables, each with three levels.
  • 2 x 4 level design: Two independent variables, one with two levels and the other with four levels.
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