Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE012 Exam with Main Points forAnswer - Block 3 Unit 3 Measurement of Memory and Creativity

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Block 3 Unit 3 Measurement of Memory and Creativity

1) Define Memory.

Memory is defined as the capability to acquire, retain, and make use of knowledge and skills. It is not viewed as a single entity, but as comprising different components or systems.


2) Differentiate between explicit and implicit memory. 

  • Explicit memory is revealed by the intentional or conscious recollection of specific previous information, as expressed on traditional tests of free recall, cued recall, and recognition. 
  • Implicit memory is revealed by a facilitation or change of performance on tests that do not require intentional or conscious recollection, such as perceptual identification, word stem completion, and lexical decision.

3) How would you assess memory? Describe in detail the different tests for assessment of memory? 

Memory can be assessed using tests of both explicit and implicit memory.

  • Tests of explicit memory include free recall, cued recall and recognition tasks. In free recall tasks, subjects are shown a list of items and asked to recall them in any order. In cued recall, subjects are given explicit retrieval cues to guide their memory search. In recognition tasks, subjects are presented with old items mixed with new items and are required to identify the old ones.
  • Tests of implicit memory include perceptual tests (e.g., perceptual identification, word stem completion), conceptual tests (e.g., word association, category instance generation), and procedural tests (e.g., reading mirror-inverted text, motor tracking).
  • It is also important to assess different memory systems, such as procedural memory, perceptual representation system, semantic memory, and working memory, using appropriate tests.

4) What are the various tests of explicit memory? 

The various tests of explicit memory include:
  • Adult Memory and Information Processing Battery (AMIPB).
  • The Autobiographical Cueing Technique or The Crovitz-Schiffman Technique.
  • The Autobiographical Memory Interview (AMI).
  • The Boston Remote Memory Battery (BRMB).
  • The 'Dead-or-Alive' test.
  • The Famous Faces Test.
  • The Famous Personalities Test.
  • The Price Estimation Test.
  • Free recall, cued recall, and recognition memory tasks.
  • Memory judgment tasks such as judgements of presentation frequency, judgements of temporal order or recency, judgements of input modality, judgements of source/reality monitoring, and feeling-of-knowing judgements.

5) Elucidate the tests of implicit memory. 

The tests of implicit memory include:

  • Perceptual tests such as perceptual identification, word stem completion, degraded word naming, and object/non-object decision.
  • Conceptual tests such as word association, category instance generation, object categorization, and person/trait attributions.
  • Procedural tests such as reading mirror inverted text, probability judgements, mirror drawing, and motor tracking.

6) Describe the assessment of different memory systems. 

Different memory systems can be assessed as follows:

  • Procedural memory is assessed using tests of implicit memory, such as the pursuit rotor task, maze learning, mirror reading, and artificial grammar learning.
  • The perceptual representation system (PRS) is assessed with implicit memory tests, such as perceptual identification, word stem completion, and picture fragment completion.
  • Semantic memory can be assessed using tests such as word fluency, vocabulary, naming tasks, recognition of famous faces, and category verification.
  • Working memory (WM) is measured by explicit memory tests such as the Brown-Peterson task, various memory span tests, and mental arithmetic.

7) What are the future perspectives and conclusions in regard to memory? 

The future perspectives and conclusions regarding memory include:

  • The complexity of memory far exceeds anyone’s imagination.
  • "Memory impairment" is a term that needs clarification about the kind of memory, task, process, or system being discussed.
  • Memory is not a monolithic entity but a collection of different systems with multiple processes.
  • Implicit memory tests should be included in explorations of special populations such as brain-damaged individuals and patients with Alzheimer's disease.
  • A convergence between psychologists and neuropsychologists will likely result in changes in how human memory is assessed.

8) Define creativity. 

Creativity is defined as the capacity to generate ideas that are jointly original and adaptive. Original ideas have a low statistical likelihood of occurring in the population, while adaptive ideas satisfy certain criteria.

9) How would you assess creativity? Discuss the various ways of assessing creativity?

Creativity can be assessed through:
  • Product measures, which assess the quantity or quality of creative output. An example is the Consensual Assessment Technique, where experts evaluate a participant's creative product.
  • Process measures, which examine the thought processes underlying creative products. Examples include the Remote Associates Test (RAT) and the Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT).
  • Person measures, which assess personality characteristics correlated with creative behaviour. This can involve established scales of standard personality tests, biographical inventories, and specific personality questionnaires.

10) What are product measures of creativity? 

Product measures of creativity assess the quantity or quality of a concrete creative output. Examples include the Consensual Assessment Technique, Lifetime Creativity Scales, and Creative Achievement Scale.

11) What are process measures of creativity? 

Process measures of creativity assess the thought processes underlying creative products. Examples include the Remote Associates Test (RAT), Unusual Uses Test, and Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT).

12) What are person measures of creativity? 

Person measures of creativity assess the personality characteristics correlated with creative behaviour. Examples include the Creative Personality Scale of the Adjective Check List, How Do You Think Inventories, and Biographical Inventory-Creativity.

13) Which of the three measures is more applicable to measuring creativity? 

The choice of which type of measure to use depends on the specific assessment goals and the manifestation of creativity that is targeted.

14) What are the future perspectives and conclusion in regard to creativity? 

  • Ideally, scores on diverse creativity measures should intercorrelate highly.
  • Many empirical studies have found that alternative instruments often fail to converge on a single dimension and may lack divergent validity.
  • Some instruments show high correlations with intelligence tests, raising questions about whether creativity can be separated from general intelligence.
  • The choice of instrument depends on the age of the target population, the domain of creativity, and the magnitude of creativity.

15) What are SOI assessments? Elucidate.

SOI Assessments (Structure of Intellect Assessments). The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking are based upon many aspects of the SOI battery. The Structure of Intellect model looks at both the types of content and the types of product in divergent thinking.

16) What is the Torrance Test of Creativity?

Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking (TTCT) are a commonly used test of divergent thinking. The battery includes Verbal and Figural tests that each include a Form A and Form B. The Figural forms have subtests including Picture Construction, Picture Completion, and Lines/Circles. The Verbal form has seven subtests.

Important Points

  1. The "Four P" model of creativity includes Process, Product, Person, and Press (environment). 

  2. Intrinsic motivation is most commonly associated with creativity. 

  3. The Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking assess divergent thinking. Divergent thinking involves the capacity to generate a variety of responses to a given set of stimuli.

  4. "Flow" refers to the experience of being intensely engaged in an activity. 

  5. The Structure of Intellect model looks at both the types of content and the types of product in divergent thinking.

  6. Serial recall is also used in the well-known short-term memory task called digit span. Serial recall requires the subject to recall items in the order of presentation. Digit span is a short-term memory task that is often included in tests of general intelligence.

  7. Implicit memory is revealed by a change in performance that does not require intentional recollection. Explicit memory is revealed by intentional or conscious recollection of previous information.

  8. Prospective memory is defined as the timely remembering of a planned action.

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