Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE023 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Psychological Interventions: Major Modalities Unit 3 Interpersonal Counseling

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Block 1 Psychological Interventions: Major Modalities

Unit 3 Interpersonal Counseling

1) What is interpersonal relationship and how counseling is important to develop this relationship?

An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people, ranging from fleeting to enduring. It's a connection between individuals, like romantic relationships or parent-child relationships, or between groups or even nations. Counselling is important for developing these relationships because humans are social beings, and much of what we are is a product of our relationships with others. Psychological problems are increasingly viewed as interpersonal in nature, and therapy can help repair disturbed relationships. Also, exceptional interpersonal relationship skills are necessary for both personal and professional success.

2) Explain interpersonal counseling (IPC).

Interpersonal Counselling (IPC) is a brief therapy derived from Interpersonal Therapy (IPT), designed for patients who are distressed and have symptoms due to current life stressors. It is not for those with serious psychiatric or medical conditions that would be better treated with medication or other psychosocial treatments. IPC is briefer in the number and duration of sessions compared to IPT. It typically consists of six sessions that are not more than half an hour.

3) Explain interpersonal therapy (IPT).

Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) is a time-limited therapy that focuses on the interpersonal context and on building interpersonal skills. It is based on the belief that interpersonal factors may contribute heavily to psychological problems. IPT emphasises interpersonal processes rather than intrapsychic processes. It usually consists of 12 to 16 sessions, 50-60 minutes per session and has been suggested for the treatment of conditions like depression and personality disorder.

4) Differentiate between interpersonal counseling& interpersonal therapy.

The main difference between IPC and IPT is that IPC is a briefer version of IPT, with fewer and shorter sessions. IPT is usually 12 to 16 sessions whereas IPC is usually 6 sessionsBoth focus on the link between interpersonal issues and psychological symptoms, but IPT is more in-depth. IPT is a short-term supportive psychotherapy that focuses on the connection between interactions between people and the development of a person’s psychiatric symptoms.

5) What is the structure of (IPC) Inter personal counseling.

The structure of IPC involves a brief treatment of six sessions, each with a specific focus:

  • Assessment
  • Education about the interaction between interpersonal relationships and psychological symptoms
  • Identifying current stress areas and helping the patient deal with these more positively
  • Termination of the IPC relationship

6) Adler Erikson Gerald Klerman Sullivan are the key person in the inter personal counseling/therapy explain.

Here's how Adler, Erikson, Gerald Klerman, and Sullivan relate to interpersonal counselling/therapy:

  • Adler believed that people are inherently social beings, motivated by the desire to belong to a group.
  • Erikson also extended the interpersonal aspect of human development.
  • Gerald Klerman is associated with the development of IPT. He is a key figure in translating Sullivan's theories into a practical therapeutic approach, along with Myrna Weissman.
  • Sullivan offered a comprehensive and systematic theory of personality that was explicitly interpersonal.

7) Describe role disputes.

Role disputes occur when a client and at least one other significant person have different expectations of their relationship. The therapist helps the client identify the nature of the dispute, decide on a plan of action, and modify unsatisfying patterns or reassess expectations. The therapist does not direct the client to a specific resolution and does not attempt to preserve unworkable relationships.

8) Explain role transitions.

Role transitions involve difficulties adapting to changes in relationships or life circumstances. This includes changes such as going to college, marriage, having children, or job loss. Therapy helps clients develop more adaptive methods for dealing with these transitions.

9) How is unresolved grief can be resolved?

Unresolved grief can be resolved through therapy by helping the client to process the loss, acknowledge their feelings, and develop healthy coping mechanisms to integrate their loss into their life.

10) Importance of interpersonal deficits.

Interpersonal deficits are important because they occur when a client has a history of inadequate or unsupportive relationships. Treatment focuses on reducing the client’s social isolation, and exploring past relationships, the relationship with the therapist, and how to form new relationships.

11) Acquaintance Buildup, Continuation, Deterioration Termination.

The stages of relationship development according to George Levinger are:

  • Acquaintance: Becoming acquainted depends on previous relationships, physical proximity, first impressions, and other factors.
  • Buildup: If two people like each other, continued interaction may lead to the next stage.
  • Continuation: A relationship that continues indefinitely.
  • Deterioration: When relationships become less satisfying.
  • Termination: When the relationship ends

12) What are the Three Parts of Effective Counseling?

The three parts of effective counselling are:

  • Establishing a comfortable and positive relationship,
  • Facilitating communications,
  • Identifying and verifying client concerns.
  • and planning with the client, to obtain assessment data needed to proceed with the counselling process.

13) What is the Practical application.

The practical application of interpersonal counseling is that it helps the patient master their context, using the link between the onset of symptoms and current interpersonal problems as a treatment focus. It focuses on present relationships and not past ones, and is interpersonal rather than intrapsychic or cognitive/behavioural. It's a practical, common-sense approach for treating common mental health problems.

14) Describe the Counseling Techniques used for IPC.

Counselling techniques used in IPC include:
  • Establishing rapport
  • Ruling out physical illness
  • Determining any psychiatric diagnoses
  • Exploring the patient's current interpersonal and social situation (interpersonal diagnosis)
  • Helping the patient deal with specific stress areas
  • Using homework assignments
  • Termination of the IPC relationship
  • Supportive listening
  • Psychoeducation

15) What are the Subtypes of Interpersonal therapy IPT.

Subtypes of Interpersonal Therapy (IPT) include:
  • IPT for adolescents, which addresses issues such as separation from parents, romantic relationships, and death of loved ones.
  • IPT for people with HIV, which addresses stressors such as stigma, being gay, and medical consequences of the disease.
  • IPT for clients with eating disorders, which focuses on identifying problem areas that have contributed to the emergence of the disorder.
  • IPT for people suffering from substance abuse, bulimia, depressed pregnant women and protracted bereavement.

16) Explain the area Applications of IPC and IPT.

Applications of IPC and IPT include:
  • Reducing psychological symptoms, restoring morale and improving self-esteem.
  • Improving the quality of social adjustment and interpersonal relations.
  • Treatment of depression in adults, adolescents, the elderly, and people with HIV.
  • Treatment of substance abuse, bulimia, depression in pregnant women and protracted bereavement.

17) Explain Interpersonal therapy as a maintenance approach (IPT-M).

IPT is sometimes used as a maintenance therapy to help prevent relapse of symptoms. It can help people who have responded well to initial IPT to maintain their gains

18) What are Interpersonal Relationship Skills?

Interpersonal relationship skills include:

  • Communication skills (listening and speaking)
  • Assertiveness skills (expressing oneself without violating others' rights)
  • Conflict resolution skills
  • Anger management (recognising and expressing anger appropriately)
  • Understanding the purpose of communication
  • Speaking graciously
  • Giving others the benefit of the doubt

19) Give the treatment plan of IPC and IPT.

The treatment plan of IPC involves:

  • Assessment,
  • Education about the interaction between interpersonal relationships and psychological symptoms,
  • Identifying current stress areas,
  • Helping the patient deal with these more positively,
  • And termination of the IPC relationship.

The treatment plan of IPT typically proceeds in several stages:

  • Diagnosis,
  • Completing inventories,
  • Identifying major problem areas,
  • Creating a treatment contract,
  • Working with clients over issues like depression in the context of the way symptoms have formed, and the way they affect social functioning.
  • Evaluating how social functioning is affected by arguments, transitions, grief, and poor relationships.
  • The therapist helps the client link changes in mood to events in their relationships.
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