Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE033 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Assumption, Beliefs and Values in Organisational Development Unit 3 Parallel Learning Structures

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Block 2 Assumption, Beliefs and Values in Organisational Development

Unit 3 Parallel Learning Structures

1. Describe the concept of organisational learning.

  1. Organisational learning occurs when an organisation gains insights from its experiences, experiments, observations, and analyses. This allows it to become more efficient and effective.
  2. Organisations may adopt three learning styles: single-loop, double-loop, and deuteron learning.
    • Single-loop learning focuses on rectifying errors and improving existing rules and policies.
    • Double-loop learning involves a deeper analysis of errors and focuses on the root causes of the problem, which can impact an organisations values and beliefs.
    • Deuteron learning evaluates and analyses the entire learning process in addition to an in-depth analysis of errors, which can enhance the learning practice in an organisation.
  3. Organisational learning is important for adapting to changes in the environment and maintaining competitiveness.

2. Discuss action learning and work-outs as strategies of organisational learning.

  • Action learning can be inferred as a strategy that promotes learning through practical experience and reflection, which is part of the learning process.
  • Work-outs can be inferred as problem-solving sessions to generate new ideas and solutions.

3. Define and describe parallel learning structures.

  • Parallel learning structures are informal networks that exist within an organisation, often referred to as communities of practice. They facilitate the sharing of knowledge and expertise.
  • These structures promote innovation and change in large bureaucratic organisations, while retaining the advantages of bureaucratic design.
  • They consist of a steering committee and a number of working groups.
  • They are often spontaneous and voluntary, formed by employees with a common interest or goal.

4. Discuss various elements of parallel learning structures.

  • Shared Area of Interest: Members of the group have a shared area of interest, such as a problem or issue requiring a decision. They are committed to this interest and learn from each other in the process.
  • Community: Members engage in activities and share knowledge, information and ideas. There is interpersonal relationship between members.
  • Practice: The members develop a shared collection of resources, experiences, tools, and stories, which allows them to deal with problems that arise.

5. Explain any three features of parallel learning structures.

  • Sharing of Knowledge: Knowledge and information is shared amongst the members through discussions, interactions and participation.
  • Spontaneous: These structures often emerge spontaneously without any effort from the organisation, as members come together voluntarily.
  • Common Objective: These structures emerge from a common interest or shared vision.

6. How do you encourage development of parallel learning structures?

  • Recognise and Support: Organisations should recognise the existence of informal structures and provide guidance, direction, and a suitable environment.
  • Avoid Interference: There should be no interference on behalf of the organisation in the overall functioning of these structures.
  • Promote Technology: Organisations can encourage technological advancements to support the functioning of these structures.
  • Offer Incentives: Rewards and incentives should be offered for the contributions made by the parallel learning structures.

7. Explain the concept of organisational learning and its core areas.

  1. Organisational learning is how an organisation gains insight from its experiences to become more effective.
    • It involves learning at individual, team, and organisational levels.
  2. Core areas include:
    • System Thinking: This is not explicitly mentioned in unit 3, but can be inferred as the ability to see the big picture and understand how different parts of an organisation are interrelated.
    • Team Learning: Occurs when team members work collectively and develop cohesiveness and collectively experience productivity.
    • Shared Vision: Members of the organisation share a vision for the future.
    • Mental Models: This is not explicitly defined, but can be inferred as deeply ingrained assumptions and generalisations that influence how people understand the world.
    • Personal Mastery: Employees are committed to their own professional development and learning.

8. Describe various strategies of organisational learning.

  • The sources mention that varied strategies are used to promote organisational learning. Some of the strategies mentioned are:
    • Action learning
    • Work outs
  • These strategies vary in their processes and practices but are similar in that they promote organisational learning.

9. Describe parallel learning structures and highlight its features.

Parallel learning structures are informal networks that promote innovation and change while retaining the benefits of a bureaucratic design.

  • Sharing of Knowledge: Members share information through discussions, interactions and participation.
  • Spontaneous: They emerge spontaneously, as members come together voluntarily.
  • Common Objective: They emerge from a common interest or shared vision.
  • Community: An interpersonal relationship develops, allowing for exchange of ideas.
  • Practice: Members share resources, experiences, tools, and stories.

10. Discuss how the development of parallel learning structures can be encouraged in an organisation.

  • Recognition: The organisation needs to acknowledge the informal structures.
  • Guidance: They need to be provided with guidance, direction and a suitable environment.
  • Non-Interference: The organisation should not interfere with the overall functioning.
  • Technology: Promote technological advancements to enhance the functioning of these structures.
  • Incentives: The organisation may offer incentives for contributions made by the structures.

11. Explain the any two core areas of organisational learning.

  • Team Learning: This occurs when team members develop a sense of cohesiveness and experience collective productivity while working on a particular task.

    • It involves sharing knowledge and applying this knowledge in a collaborative thinking environment.
    • For team learning to be successful, it is essential that team members engage in effective team behaviour and teamwork.
    • Effective interaction between team members is crucial for learning and for overcoming barriers that interfere with learning.
    • Teams are considered fundamental learning units within an organisation.
  • Personal Mastery: This occurs when an employee is committed to self and professional development and involved in enhancing their learning skills and competencies.

    • An organisation should encourage the development of personal mastery amongst its employees.
    • Every employee should aim to develop personal mastery to enhance organisational learning.
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