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Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Foundations of Positive Psychology Unit 1 Introduction to Positive Psychology
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Block 1 Foundations of Positive Psychology
Unit 1 Introduction to Positive Psychology
1. Compare and contrast the aims, objectives and scope of PP 1 and PP 2:
- PP1 (Positive Psychology 1 - Seligman's version): Focuses on positive experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions. It aims to build positive emotions, strengths, and virtues to enable individuals to thrive. It emphasizes the scientific study of optimal human functioning and is based on the positivist paradigm. It's more individualistic and based on empirical findings from psychological laboratories.
- PP2 (Positive Psychology 2 - Wong's version): Focuses on the "dark side" of human existence and how suffering can lead to flourishing. It takes a holistic and person-centered approach, considering the whole person, and is informed by humanistic-existential psychology. It is dialectical and interactive, drawing from both psychological and real-life "laboratories". It incorporates both individualist and collectivist cultures. PP2 is closer to Indian perspectives on life and well-being.
2. Define the concept of well-being. Delineate the goals of applied positive psychology:
- Well-being is a multi-dimensional construct that includes both subjective and psychological aspects. It encompasses happiness, life satisfaction, and a sense of meaning and purpose.
- Applied positive psychology aims to use the principles and constructs of positive psychology in practical settings to enhance individual and community well-being. Its goal is to help people get the most out of their lives and feel they have lived a worthy life. It seeks to build enduring personal resources, including physical, intellectual, social, and psychological resources.
3. Throw light on the historical context of the development of the field of positive psychology:
- Positive psychology emerged as a response to the field's previous focus on pathology and dysfunction.
- Before World War II, psychology had three missions: curing mental illness, making lives better and more fulfilling, and identifying and nurturing high talent.
- There was a shift towards focusing on pathology, which led to the neglect of positive aspects.
- Martin Seligman's call for a shift in focus, highlighted by his APA presidential theme, marked the start of the field.
- There was an awareness of the limitations of a purely Western, individualistic perspective, leading to exploration of Eastern/Indian perspectives.
4. Explain the interrelation between clinical psychology and positive psychology:
- Clinical psychology traditionally focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of mental disorders.
- Positive psychology complements clinical psychology by focusing on the strengths and positive aspects of human functioning.
- Positive psychology can inform clinical practice by providing interventions that enhance well-being and promote recovery.
- For example, positive psychology incorporates cognitive therapy, which is used in clinical practice.
5. How positive psychology is related to the field of developmental psychology?
- Developmental psychology studies human growth and development across the lifespan.
- Positive psychology can inform developmental psychology by focusing on positive trajectories of development, factors that contribute to resilience, and the promotion of well-being at different life stages.
- It can also focus on the development of virtues like honesty, forgiveness, compassion, gratitude, and wisdom.
- Positive psychology helps people build enduring resources, moving from physical and intellectual resources to social and psychological ones.
Important Points
- Martin Seligman chose Positive Psychology as the presidential theme for his tenure as President in the American Psychological Association.
- ‘Akumal Manifesto’ is also known as the ‘Positive Psychology Manifesto’ which was drafted at Akumal, Mexico in two meetings held in January 1999 and in January 2000. Authored by Kenneth Sheldon, Barbara Fredrickson, Kevin Rathunde, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi and Jonathan Haidt, it highlighted the focus on positive psychology.
- The concept of Psychological well-being (PWB) was proposed by Carol Ryff.
- Wong’s vision of positive psychology is known as Existential Positive Psychology.
- Positive Psychology is the scientific study of optimal human functioning.
- The three central concerns of positive psychology are positive experiences, positive individual traits, and positive institutions.
- Paul T. Wong has talked about ‘flourishing through suffering’.
- Viktor Frankl is associated with logotherapy.
- The second wave of PP emphasizes that suffering is as much required for flourishing and growth as the experience of positive emotions.
- The two elements associated with the concept of Subjective Well-Being (SWB) are positive and negative affect; and life satisfaction.
- There are six dimensions in Ryff’s concept of Psychological Well-being (PWB).
- PERMA consists of Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.
- Well-being is more related to Aristotle’s idea of eudaimonia.
- External history of a discipline refers to the social and cultural events and the context in which a particular discipline emerged.
- Phenomenological approach focuses on studying the subjective experiences in understanding an individual.
- Csikszentmihalyi is associated with the concept of flow.
- Bhutan is a country that has focused on Gross National Happiness.
- Psychoneuroimmunology refers to the study of the complex interaction between our negative emotional states, and our brain, nervous system, endocrine system and the immune system, leading to a negative impact on our health.
- Posttraumatic growth refers to the positive growth that can occur as a result of traumatic experiences like serious illness, loss of a loved one, or a major accident or disability.
- Cognitive therapy views symptoms of many mental disorders as manifestations of dysfunctional cognitions.
- The five dimensions of social well-being are social integration, social contribution, social coherence, social actualization and social acceptance.
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