Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Foundations of Positive Psychology Unit 4 Character Strengths and Virtues: Interpersonal Strengths and Well-being

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Block 1 Foundations of Positive Psychology

Unit 4 Character Strengths and Virtues: Interpersonal Strengths and Well-being

1. Define strengths? What led psychologists to study character strengths?

  1. Strengths are naturally occurring patterns of thinking, feeling, and behaving that help us to maximise performance and achieve our full potential.
  2. Psychologists began to study character strengths to shift the focus from the negative aspects of human experience to the factors that contribute to human flourishing.

2. Describe the relevance of developmental assets.

Developmental assets are internal and external variables that contribute to positive youth development. They foster the development of young people into healthy, caring, and responsible adults.

These are assessed using the Search Institute Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviours.

3. What do you understand by interpersonal strengths? Why are they beneficial

Interpersonal strengths are character strengths that enhance social connectedness, build social resources, and enrich interpersonal relationships.

They are beneficial as they promote prosocial behaviour and enhance psychological wellbeing.

4. Can interpersonal strengths be cultivated? Give reasons to support your answer.

Yes, interpersonal strengths can be cultivated. The sources mention that strengths can be nurtured and developed through practice.

For example, gratitude can be cultivated through conscious effort. Kindness can be increased by counting acts of kindness.

5. What features help us to recognize our signature strengths?

Three key features help us recognise signature strengths:

  1. Essential: They feel like an integral part of who we are.
  2. Energising: Using them makes us feel alive and energised.
  3. Effortless: They feel natural and come easily to us.

6. How are the three approaches towards strengths measurement discussed in this section different from each other?

VIA Classification of Strengths and Virtues: Identifies universal strengths that are applicable across life domains. It categorises 24 character strengths under six virtues.

CliftonStrengths®: Focuses on strengths that are especially useful in the work domain. It identifies 34 talent themes.

The Search Institute's 40 Developmental Assets: Comprises internal and external resources that facilitate positive youth development. It is assessed using a 156-item survey.

7. Why is forgiveness called a 'social strength'? How forgiveness can be cultivated

Forgiveness is called a 'social strength' because it helps in repairing relationships and fostering social harmony.. It helps in letting go of resentment and negativity thus improving social interactions.

Forgiveness can be cultivated by understanding the process of forgiveness, which involves recognizing hurt, making a conscious decision to forgive, and working through the negative emotions.

8. Discuss kindness as an interpersonal strength and its implications for the well-being of the individual.

Kindness is an interpersonal strength that involves performing acts of generosity, compassion, and empathy towards others.

Implications for well-being: Acts of kindness enhance subjective well-being. It also promotes a sense of mastery, boosts self-esteem, and adds meaning and purpose to our lives. Compassion is also linked to marital satisfaction.

9. How is empathy different from sympathy?

Empathy refers to understanding situations and experiences from another's perspective. Sympathy is feeling sad for a person, while empathy is feeling sad with a person.

10. What is the disadvantage of being empathetic?

When empathetic individuals do not maintain healthy boundaries to avoid getting overwhelmed with other people's emotions.

Important Points

  1. Strengths allow us to function at our maximum potential.
  2. We should focus more on our strengths than our weaknesses.
  3. We should develop our strengths and learn to manage our weaknesses.
  4. Strengths are values in action. When our values are translated into behaviour, we are displaying our character strengths.
  5. A naturally occurring pattern of thought, feeling or behaviour is called Talent.
  6. The ability to provide consistent, near-perfect performance in a given activity - Strength.
  7. Strengths are mutually exclusive.
  8. Signature strengths are character strengths that an individual possesses, recognises, and uses frequently in various aspects of their life.
  9. Forgiveness belongs to the virtue category of  Temperance.
  10. Forgiveness is a process not just pardoning.
  11. Negative feelings persist in decisional forgiveness.
  12. Transpersonal gratitude refers to thankfulness that one feels and expresses towards a higher power, God, or life.
  13. State gratitude refers to the momentary feelings of gratitude that an individual experiences in response to specific situations.
  14. Gratitude visit refers to writing and delivering a letter to someone who had helped them significantly at some point in their lives.
  15. The acts of true kindness are not performed with an expectation of a favour being returned. 
  16. In the Buddhist tradition, compassion is called as Karuna.
  17. The three personality traits of altruistic people are Empathy, moral reasoning, and social responsibility.

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