Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Socio-Developmental Perspectives Unit 4 Assessment of Child/Adolescent Psychopathology

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Block 1 Socio-Developmental Perspectives

Unit 4 Assessment of Child/Adolescent Psychopathology

1) What is psychological assessment?

Psychological assessment involves observing a sample of an individual's behaviour or evaluating their capacities across various domains using standardised techniques. It's a crucial part of a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation, providing quantitative and/or qualitative descriptions of behaviour or mental function.

2) Why do we need psychological assessment for children and how is it different from that for adults?

Psychological assessment is needed for children to address clinical questions about developmental level, intellectual ability, diagnosis, and treatment planning. It differs from adult assessment because children may not be articulate enough to express their problems verbally, requiring alternative assessment methods.

3) What are various verbal and performance tests for children?

Various verbal and performance tests for children include:
  • Verbal: Information, comprehension, arithmetic, similarities, vocabulary, and digit span (Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children); Stanford-Binet Test; WISC-R.
  • Performance: Picture completion, block design, object assembly, codes, and mazes (Malin’s Intelligence Scale for Indian Children); Bhatia’s Battery of Performance Tests of Intelligence; Senguin Form Board Test; Draw a Man Test; Coloured Progressive Matrices; Bender Gestalt Test; Benton Visual Retention Test.

4) Which tests can be used to assess memory functions in Indian children?

Currently there are no published tests specifically and comprehensively measuring memory functions in children but work is underway to develop and standardise batteries of tests. 

However, memory is sometimes assessed using subtests within existing intelligence tests like Bhatia’s Battery for Performance Test, and the tests for Indian children.

5) What is the rationale for using screening instruments during the assessment of psychopathology in children?

Screening instruments like Rutter’s A and B Scales and the Child Behaviour Checklist (CBCL) are used to efficiently identify children with psychopathology. This helps differentiate between those with disorders and normal children, quantify severity, and determine the type of disorder. This initial screening guides further, more in-depth assessments.

6) Do you think it is important to adapt and standardize a foreign test to Indian norms and setting? If yes, why?

Adapting and standardising foreign tests to Indian norms is crucial because cultural differences can significantly affect test validity and reliability. A test accurate in one culture may not be in another.

7) What are the various projective tests available for children?

Projective tests for children include:
  • Rorschach Inkblot Test
  • Children Apperception Test (Indian adaptation by Uma Chaudhary)
  • Draw a Person Test
  • Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study (Child Form)
  • House-Tree-Person Test
  • Play Observation

8) If a child is shy or resistant, which test will you begin with to break the ice and also gather some information and why?

For shy or resistant children, starting with non-threatening, playful activities like the Draw-a-Person Test or play observation might help build rapport and gather initial information before progressing to more structured assessments.

9) Why is formal training is important before administering psychodiagnostics?

Formal training is essential for administering psychodiagnostics due to the complexity of test administration and the risk of misinterpreting results. Misinterpretations can lead to inaccurate diagnoses and inappropriate treatment.

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