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Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE003 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Therapeutic Interventions Unit 4 Principles of Treatment of Substance Use
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Block 2 Therapeutic Interventions
Unit 4 Principles of Treatment of Substance Use
1. Enumerate the immediate, short-term, and long-term goals in treating a substance use disorder.
Goals of Treatment for Substance Use Disorder:
- Immediate Goals: These focus on the initial phase of treatment, and may include:
- Detoxification: Managing withdrawal symptoms safely.
- Assessment: To identify the issues and formulate a plan
- Intervention of psychosocial and medical crisis: Managing any medical or psychological crisis.
- Short-Term Goals: These goals build on the immediate goals, and may include:
- Management of medical and psychiatric comorbidity: Addressing any co-existing medical or mental health issues.
- Reintegration with family: Working towards family reunification and support.
- Long-Term Goals: These focus on sustained recovery and improving overall functioning, and may include:
- Prevention of relapse: Developing strategies to maintain abstinence.
- Reintegration into the society: Facilitating a return to normal social activities.
- Occupational rehabilitation: Helping with employment and financial stability.
- Improvement in overall quality of life: Enhancing physical, psychological and social wellbeing.
2. What are the common parameters used in making a comprehensive assessment of a patient with a substance use disorder?
Common Parameters for Comprehensive Assessment:
- Substance Abuse History: A detailed account of the patient's substance use:
- Age at first use.
- Frequency and amount of substance use.
- Route of administration.
- Consequences of substance use.
- Previous treatment and periods of abstinence and relapse.
- Psychiatric and Medical History: Assessment of co-existing psychiatric conditions and physical health problems.
- Family History: Exploring any family history of substance use disorders.
- Psychosocial Factors: Evaluating social and developmental factors that may have contributed to the substance use.
- Physical and Mental Status Examination: Complete physical and mental health evaluation.
- Laboratory Tests: Confirmation of drug use, screening for related illnesses and investigation of abnormalities.
- Motivation: Understanding the individual’s motivation for treatment and their preferences for therapy.
3. Write short notes on the following:
- Relapse Prevention:
- Relapse prevention therapy (RPT) is a cognitive-behavioural approach that addresses the process of relapse.
- It aims to help clients identify their high-risk situations and develop coping strategies for managing them.
- It involves understanding triggers, cravings, and social pressures.
- It helps individuals develop a balanced lifestyle to avoid high-risk situations.
- RPT also focuses on helping clients deal with negative emotions and cognitive distortions.
- Lapse refers to initial substance use following a period of abstinence, whereas relapse is a failure to maintain behaviour change over time.
- Treatment Resistance:
- This refers to barriers to treatment that patients may exhibit.
- It can occur in the initial phase of treatment, when patients minimise their drug use or its consequences.
- Patients with additional psychiatric illnesses, such as personality disorders, may be more resistant to treatment.
- Individuals with minimal socio-occupational dysfunction may also be resistant to treatment.
- It is a challenge that needs to be addressed in treatment.
- Motivational interviewing can help address treatment resistance by helping clients resolve their ambivalence to change.
Important Points
1. Immediate goals in the management of substance use treatment:
- Assessment
- Detoxification
- Management of medical comorbidity
2. Harm minimisation:
- Educating about harms of substance use
- Improving physical health
- Minimize hazardous drug taking
3. Factors to be assessed in a patient reporting for treatment of alcohol dependence:
- Duration of alcohol use
- Amount of alcohol used daily
- Physical examination
- Family history
4. Goals of assessment:
- Diagnosis
- To identify complications of substance use
- To formulate a management plan
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