Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT003 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 8 Group Counselling and Other Counselling Approaches

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Unit 8 Group Counselling and Other Counselling Approaches

1. Write the meaning of psychological group according to Le Bon in your own words.

According to Le Bon, psychological group is a coalition of heterogeneous individuals which are combined for a cause or purpose to work as a whole unified unit for a given reason or cause. 

2. Who described a group as 'crowd' a that fulfills certain conditions?

McDougall described a group as a 'crowd' that fulfills certain conditions. 

3. List down the groups you are aware of in your locality. Don't mention the one's listed above. 

Some of groups usually found are:
• Mahila mandal group, 
• Panchayati group, 
• IIT Training group, 
• Residents welfare association, 
• Self help groups, and 
• Anonymous group. 

4. What do you understand by the term multi-cultural context?

Multi-cultural context means when group members belong to different races, cultures, ethnicity or religions. 

5. List down the characteristics of a good group leader. 

i) Emotional presence, 
ii) Personal power, 
iii) Courage, 
iv) Willingness to confront oneself, 
v) Sincerity and authenticity, 
vi) Sense of identity, 
vii) Belief in group process and enthusiasm, and 
viii) Inventiveness and creativity

6. Short Note on Modeling.

Modeling is a skill of the group leader. Through modeling or being a role model to the group, the group leader can foster those qualities in the group members which she or he wants the group to imbibe. 

7. Short Note on Evaluating.

The group leader needs to evaluate the group as a whole, the individual members of the group and the group process. It is also a skill of a group leader. 

8. Short Note on Interpreting.

Interpreting is a skill of a good group leader. It means to interpret group members' behaviour, feelings, thoughts, emotions or experiences. 

9. What are the four stages of group formation?

Following are the four stages of group formation: 
i) Initial stage - Orientation and exploration 
ii) Transition stage - Dealing with resistance 
iii) Working stage - Cohesion and productivity 
iv) Final stage: Consolidation and termination 

10. Give diagrammatic presentation of the personality structure according to Berne.

According to Berne, diagrammatic presentation of the personality structure is: 
Parent Ego state P 
Adult Ego state A
Child Ego state C

11. What do you understand by the term 'strokes'?

Strokes can be both positive or negative. They are the verbal and non-verbal communication received from primarily the parents and also others in the group. Positive strokes have a positive impact on the individual while negative strokes have a negative impact. 

12. What is the difference between Gouldings' and Berne's perspective in transactional analysis? 

The Gouldings and Berne differ in decisions and redecisions approach in transactional analysis. The Gouldings believe that the child takes the decisions based on their perception, fantasy and understanding of what parents say and this understanding during adulthood leads to redecisions at an adult level. On the other hand, Berne believed that the child as young was not taking decisions but receiving the same from their parents. 

13. List the key concepts of existential counselling approach.

The key concepts of existential counseling approach are given below: 
i) Self-awareness, 
ii) Self-determination and personal responsibility, 
iii) Existential anxiety, 
iv) Death and non-being, 
v) The search for meaning, 
vi) The search for authenticity, and 
vii) Aloneness and relatedness. 

14. What do you mean by eclectric approach to counselling?

The eclectic approach to counselling means to use more than one approach while dealing with a client. It is the integration of various counselling approaches as per the need. The goals of therapy have to be clear and hypothesization done before starting the therapy. 

15. What are the skills you should develop as a group counsellor? Support your answer with examples. 

  1. Active listening
  2. Restating
  3. Clarifying
  4. Summarizing
  5. Questioning
  6. Interpreting
  7. Confronting
  8. Reflecting feelings
  9. Supporting
  10. Empathizing
  11. Facilitating
  12. Initiating
  13. Goal setting
  14. Evaluating
  15. Giving feedback
  16. Suggesting
  17. Protecting
  18. Disclosing oneself
  19. Modeling
  20. Linking
  21. Blocking
  22. Terminating

16. 'I am OK - You are not OK' . What do you understand by this statement. Discuss your answer from theoretical perspectives. 

  • 'I' and 'You' (others) and 'OK' and not 'OK' are two polars in these statements. 'I' may at times be 'We' and 'You' be 'They'. 'OK' may be good traits and 'not OK' any bad traits in others or groups. 
  • I am OK - You are OK : It is characterized by trust, openness, acceptance of others as they are. It is game free. 
  • It is the ideal life position according to transactional analysis.

17. 'Anita has been admitted to a women's home. She has no home to go and most of the time she is crying. She has not been able to cope up with sewing classes in which she was sent. She does not talk to the other group members. She remains alone and within herself'. In the above situation, what approach to counselling you would use? Give reasons to support your answer. Also describe the procedure you would follow in the psycho-therapeutic process.

  • Anita's withdrawal and inability to cope suggest that she may be stuck in a negative Child ego state. This could be characterized by feelings of sadness, helplessness, or fear. TA can help Anita understand and manage these feelings.
  • Anita's lack of interaction with other group members may stem from dysfunctional patterns of communication. TA can help her identify and modify these patterns, leading to healthier interactions.
  • The procedure for using TA with Anita would involve the following steps:
    • Structural Analysis:
      • The counsellor would help Anita understand the three ego states and identify which ego state she is operating from in different situations. This can be done through observation, questioning, and role-playing.
      • For example, the counsellor might ask Anita, "When you are feeling sad and alone, what do you say to yourself? What do you feel in your body? How do you act?"
      • Based on Anita's responses, the counsellor can help her identify whether she is in her Parent, Adult, or Child ego state.
    • Analysis of Transactions:
      • The counsellor would help Anita analyse her interactions with others in terms of the ego states involved. This can help her identify unhealthy communication patterns and understand how they contribute to her problems.
      • For example, if Anita says, "I don't talk to the other women because they're all mean," the counsellor might ask, "What makes you think they are mean? Have you tried talking to them? What happened when you did?"
      • This exploration can help Anita understand the dynamics of her interactions and identify any negative assumptions or beliefs that are contributing to her withdrawal.
    • Identifying Scripts and Games:
      • The counsellor would help Anita identify any negative scripts or games that she may be playing out. Scripts are unconscious life plans that we develop in childhood, based on our early experiences. Games are repetitive patterns of behaviour that lead to negative payoffs.
      • For example, Anita may have a script that says, "I am unlovable and unworthy." This script could be contributing to her withdrawal and isolation.
    • Redecision and Change:
      • Once Anita has gained insight into her ego states, transactions, scripts, and games, the counsellor would help her make redecisions. Redecisions involve replacing negative scripts and games with healthier ones.
      • This can be done through a variety of techniques, such as role-playing, imagery, and affirmations. For example, Anita could practice saying affirmations such as, "I am worthy of love and connection."
    • Developing New Skills:
      • The counsellor would help Anita develop new skills to support her redecisions. These skills might include assertive communication, problem-solving, and stress management.
      • The counsellor can use role-playing to help Anita practice these skills in a safe environment.
  • By following these steps, the counsellor can help Anita understand her patterns of behaviour and communication, and develop new, healthier ways of interacting with the world.
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