Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT004 Exam with MainPoints for Answer - Unit 5 Creating a Therapeutic Climate

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Unit 5 Creating a Therapeutic Climate

1. List any four values emphasized in your culture.

Patriotism, respect for elders, respect to family members by not retorting to them, education, etc. 

2. Explain briefly the use of relaxation technique.

The breathing exercise which is used to reduce anxiety in the client. It is used in multiple approaches to make positive intervention. 

3. Explain any three techniques in detail which can be used during family therapy session. 

  1. Transition from Insight to Action 
  2. Modelling, Rehearsal and Reinforcement 
  3. Effective Homework Tasks 
  4. Telephone Counselling 
  5. Dealing with Client Resistance 
  6. The Miracle Question 
  7. Setting Goals with Clients 
  8. Desensitization and Relaxation Technique 
  9. Graded Exposure 
  10. Response Delay or Prevention 
  11. Diary Keeping 
  12. Relaxation Technique 
  13. Cathartic Work 
  14. Role Play 
  15. Psychodrama 
  16. Sociodrama 
  17. Play Therapy 
  18. Using Empty Chair Technique 
  19. Using Imaginations 
  20. Using Dreams 
  21. Using Reflections 

4. Describe how will you arrange therapy room for both individual session and family therapy session. 

  • Individual Therapy: For individual therapy, the room should have soft lighting, comfortable seating and be free from clutter. A desk may be used, although some counsellors prefer to remove the desk to avoid creating a barrier between themselves and the client. The seating arrangement should facilitate a feeling of comfort and privacy for the client.
  • Family Therapy: A larger room is needed for family therapy, to accommodate 5-7 chairs in a semi-circle or in rows. A semi-circular arrangement is preferable as it facilitates eye contact and allows the therapist to observe the body language of each family member. The room should also be airy, well-lit, and have a cheerful atmosphere.

It's important that both individual and family therapy rooms provide a safe and trusting environment where clients feel comfortable sharing personal information. In both settings, the therapist should be mindful of non-verbal communication, including seating arrangements and body language, to facilitate a positive therapeutic relationship.

5. Write briefly importance of record keeping in therapy.

Accurate record keeping is vital for several reasons:

  • Legal Purposes: Records can be used in legal proceedings, such as divorce, alimony, or child custody cases, ensuring accurate reporting of the therapeutic process.
  • Professional Accountability: Detailed records provide evidence of the work undertaken, support accountability, and contribute to transparent service provision.
  • Continuity of Care: If a client is transferred to another therapist, the records ensure seamless continuation of care by providing a comprehensive understanding of the client’s history and progress.
  • Ethical Considerations: Accurate record keeping is an ethical obligation, demonstrating professionalism and adherence to standards of practice.

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