Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT004 Exam with MainPoints for Answer - Unit 7 Mediation in Counselling and Family Therapy

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Unit 7 Mediation in Counselling and Family Therapy

1. What is Mediation?

Mediation is a process of using assisted interaction in a direct talk between the disputants with the aim to finding solution to their problems. 

2. Who is Mediator?

Mediator is a person not directly related to either of the disputed party and is not a stakeholder in the dispute. The mediator is neither an adviser nor an adjudicator and certainly not an administrator. She or he is simply a provider of communication channels between the disputing parties. 

3. List any five contexts for family mediation.

Five contexts for family mediation may be as follows: 

• Divorce mediation, 

• Parenting responsibilities, 

• Child maintenance, 

• Spousal maintenance and alimony, and 

• Amicable division of material possessions. 

4. What are the types of conflicts?

  • Relationship conflicts: As the name suggest, a relationship conflict is between two persons or two groups, whose natural bonding is under stress and strain due  to various reasons, ranging from negative emotions, misconceptions,  misunderstanding, stereotyping, non/poor/miscommunications, etc. Relationship problem often leads to dispute and may spiral into full blown crisis. Early recognition  and intervention has definite advantages. Spousal disharmony is an example of a relationship conflict. 
  • Data or Details conflicts: These arise from lack of information available for making choices or taking decisions. This may be due to misinformation, disagreements on the details, questioning relevance, faulty interpretations, etc. These differences in quantity or quality of the data may be the seed for conflict. For example, inheritance conflicts may result due to disagreements on the details and data of the will and last testimony of the deceased. 
  • Interest conflicts: Interest, needs, requirements may be physical or psychological, which may be different in the two sides of the divide leading to conflicts. At times it is 'rivalry' conflict or at times it may be 'non achievement of goals' conflict. There are enough stories in famous dynasties in the pages of history and even in the household industrial magnets that exemplify the existence of interest conflicts.
  • Structural conflicts: These conflicts are caused by forces or stimuli outside the relationship. It could be an environmental stimulus, geographical distances, temporal differences, workplace related, etc. The relatively modem phenomenon of conflicts in the long distance marriages may be viewed as a structural conflict. 
  • Values conflicts: Value conflict is caused by divergent and non-compatible belief systems. The beliefs or values are psychological growths, influenced by upbringing and environment. Usually people from different backgrounds, social, economic, racial, religion, cast and creed, may have different values, which may be nonconvergent and lead to clash point and conflicts. 

5. Enumerate the functions of a mediator. 

Functions of a mediator are given below: 

• Convener 

• Educator 

• Facilitator 

• Translator 

• Questioner and clarifier 

• Process adviser 

• Reality checker 

• Catalyst 

• Record keeper 

6. List the benefits of the process of mediation.

Benefits of the process of mediation are as follows: 

• Financial 

• Speedy 

• Mutually satisfactory · 

• Tailor made solution 

• Better compliance 

• Better control 

• Sense of empowerment 

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