Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT005 Exam with MainPoints for Answer - Unit 10 Mixed Methods

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Unit 10 Mixed Methods

1. Define observation method. Enumerate its purpose.

Observation is defined as planned, systematic viewing of a phenomenon or event to record its occurrence in a scientific and unbiased manner. Its purpose is to collect valid data to analyze and draw inference regarding a situation to finally propose a theory.

2. Discuss the points you would keep in mind while planning an observation.

While planning an observation, one should keep in mind the following: 

• What should be observed; 

• How the observation should be recorded; 

• What type of tools and techniques need to be used; 

• How to ensure accuracy of observation; and 

• What type of relationship should be there between the observers and observed; and how the desired relationship should be established. 

3. What is the role of investigator in participant observation? 

In participant observation, the investigator becomes a part of the setting or phenomenon. Then the investigator become participant or member of the group and also investigates or observes the situation. She or he participates in all the activities and functions of the group and simultaneously observes the behaviour of the group. The investigator has to play twin roles; namely observer and participant.

4. Differentiate between structured and unstructured observation.

Structured observation is planned and carried out accordingly. The conditions are known in advance and under control. Unstructured observation is not so, as the conditions are not under control. It is participant observation where the observer is part of the group to be observed. 

5. Explain the role of interview in research.

Interview method is a very common tool of data collection in research. One author has equated this tool with the surgical instrument in medicine. Through this method qualitative data can be collected which will supplement the research findings. Interview method is also used in quantitative studies. 

6. What do you understand by clinical interview?

Clinical interview is one of the types of unstructured interviews. This type is being used in social work, counselling and prison setting. This is also called personal history interview. This interview is used to get data on the personal feelings and life experiences of the respondents.

7. What are the infrastructure requirements for CATI system?

For CATI system one requires PC which is linked through network to server, telephone line connection, head phones set of questions, list of respondents to be interviewed.

8. What are the different stages of interview method?

Stages of interview method are:

  • planning the interview process, 
  • construction of interview schedule, 
  • pre testing the schedule, 
  • recording the answers, 
  • preparing the transcripts, 
  • data analysis and 
  • finally the report writing

9. What do you understand by interview method? 

  • Krishan Kumar (19.92) defines, "interviewing as a process of personal interaction between a researcher and a respondent". 
  • Ranjit Kumar in his book Research Methodology (1999), opined that "any person-to-person interaction between two or more individuals with a specific purpose in mind is called interview". 
  • O'Leary (2004) was of the view that "Interviewing is a method of data collection which involves researchers asking respondents basically open-ended questions". 

10. Explain different types of interview method. 

  • Structured Interview 
  • Unstructured Interview 
  • Focused Interview 
  • Non-directive Interview 
  • Clinical Interview 
  • Telephonic Interview 
  • Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI) System 

11. Explain the types of observation method. 

  • Participant - Non Participant 
  • Systematic - Non Systematic 
  • Structured - Unstructured 
  • Natural - Laboratory 
  • Open - Hidden 
  • Direct - Indirect 
  • Covert - Overt 

12. List the advantages and limitations of interview method. 


• Through questioning, m depth information can be obtained from the respondent. 

• In personal interaction clarifications and explanations can be made. 

• This is a very flexible method. Questions can be restructured to eliminate ambiguity. 

• Through personal interactions, complete responses can be obtained from the respondents. 

• Personal information as well as complex and sensitive information can be generated. 

• Non-response percentage is very less. As compared to questionnaire method here participantion rate is high. 

• The interviewer may come across information, which is most spontaneous. 

• Interviewer can remould the questions, change the language according to knowledge and educational background of the respondent. 

• Many people do not want to answer questionnaires due to time constraints but at the same time they may very willingly face the interview session. It takes less effort and time of the respondent. 

• Through personal interaction the interviewer can ohserve the respondent's reactions, body language, facial expressions vis-a-vis a particular question. These expressions help the researcher/interviewer to review or remould the questions spontaneously. Some of these reactions, if observed carefully, may prove useful at the time of analysis. 

• Face-to-face or group interaction gives the respondents the feeling of direct participation in the research process.

• Conducting interview is an art. A well trained interviewer can make the respondent answer even sensitive, emotional and sometimes complex questions with ease. Information gathered from this method can supplement other data collected in the research study. 


No method is fool proof. There are some inherent weaknesses and limitations associated with this method. Some of them are mentioned below: 

• It is a very time consuming as well as very expensive method especially when the target population is big in number and widely spread over a geographical are . 

• There is a possibility of biased analysis or interpretations from the side of the researcher or interviewer. Biased reactions can also be received from the interv ewee. Age, class, race, gender, social status, etc. can play crucial role in generating biased opinions from both the sides. Biased reactions, analysis and interpretation can hamper accurate research results. 

• If the interviewer or researcher is not skilled or trained in the art, she or he may not be able to conduct successful interview session with proper control. 

• Proper training, selection and supervision of the interviewer are very essential to this method. 

• Getting free, frank responses from the target population is not an easy task. Establishing proper rapport with the target group is a very difficult requirement. 

• Information received from this method is difficult to analyse. Same set of questions may receive diverse responses. 

• Interview method may call for some errors, which are difficult to eliminate. 

• The use of computers in data collection has its own set of limitations. Infrastructures, connectivity, knowledge to operate such system are some of the essential requirements. Without them the system may not run. 

Interviews vary in form and purpose. Each type has its own advantages and limitations. However in any given situation one type of interview may yield excellent results and it may not prove fruitful in some other situation. 

13. Explain the role of documents in research.

  • Documents are records which normally come to the researcher 'ready-made'. 
  • They may describe a process of personal or group development, or the occurrence of an event in accordance with legal or administrative regulations attached to that event. 
  • These data are reviewed in terms of the research problem before they are actually used by the researcher. 
  • Since the data comes ready-made as the content of the document, they do not depend on a specific investigator or research team's accessibility to the field. 
  • The data obtained through observation, tests and questionnaires, and interviews are gathered for a specific purpose and are only drawn from universes in space and time where researchers are sent by the formulators of that design. 

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