Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 3 Development During Infancy - Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic

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Block 1 Unit 3 Development During Infancy - Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic

1. Define infancy period.

The infancy period is defined as a state or period of being an infant; the first part of life; early childhood. This period starts from birth to 2 years of age. It is considered the beginning period for a child and the fastest period of development. Infancy is a sensitive period for a child. It is also the shortest period of the whole life-span development.

2. What are the characteristics of the infancy period?

The characteristics of the infancy period are as follows:

  • It is the shortest period of the whole life-span development, from birth to two years.
  • It is a time of adjustment to the outer surroundings. Most infants complete their adjustment within two weeks, while some, particularly those with difficult or premature births, require more time.
  • It is a plateau in development. The rapid growth of the prenatal period suddenly stops, and the infant may lose weight and be less healthy at birth compared to prenatal life. The infant starts gaining weight again at the end of this period.
  • It is a period of future prediction, where early activities can show what may develop later.
  • It is considered a period full of hazards, in terms of physical and psychological adjustment.

3. Explain physical hazards during the infancy period.

Physical hazards during infancy, though sometimes of low significance, can affect the entire lifespan. These include:

  • Complications at the time of birth: If the mother experiences complications during delivery, there is a higher chance of the child getting physically injured. A caesarean birth may lead to anoxia, a temporary loss of oxygen to the brain, which can cause brain damage if severe.
  • Helplessness: The newborn is helpless and dependent on others, which can be a psychological hazard, especially for first-born children.
  • Attitude of parents: Parental attitudes can change at the time of birth due to various reasons such as gender preference, excessive crying, difficulty in nourishment or complications during birth.

4. Explain psychological hazards during the infancy period.

Psychological hazards during infancy include:

  • Helplessness: The infant’s dependence on others can lead to psychological stress.
  • Attitudes of parents: Negative attitudes of parents, including gender preferences or difficulties in care, can create difficult situations for the infant.

5. Elucidate the role of growth and maturity in physical development.

Physical growth is rapid during the first year, with a normal baby doubling its birth weight in six months and tripling it in a year. Maturation refers to a universal sequence of biological events in the central nervous system that allows a psychological function to appear, assuming a healthy child and environment. Maturation sets limits on when a psychological function can appear and is influenced by the environment.

6. Define Erikson's theory of psychosocial development during the infancy period.

Erikson's theory of psychosocial development proposes that individuals experience a conflict at each stage, serving as a turning point. During infancy (birth to 1 year), the conflict is Trust vs. Mistrust. Infants are dependent on their caregivers and develop either a sense of trust or mistrust based on their care experiences. This stage is considered the most fundamental in life.

7. Explain the six sub-stages of the sensory-motor stage.

Piaget's sensory-motor stage (birth to 2 years) has six sub-stages:

  • Reflexes (birth - 1 month): The child understands the environment purely through inborn reflexes.
  • Primary Circular Reactions (1-4 months): The child repeats an action of his own, which serves as a stimulus to which it responds with the same action.
  • Secondary Circular Reactions (4-8 months): The child repeats actions to trigger a response in the environment.
  • Coordination of Secondary Reactions (8-12 months): The child focuses on demand objects. Responses become more coordinated and complex.
  • Tertiary Circular Reactions (12-24 months): Children begin trial-and-error experimentation.
  • Early Representational Thought: Children develop symbols to represent events or objects.

8. Elucidate the four components of language development.

The sources do not provide four specific components of language development, but instead discusses the development of language in infancy. Language development is a process where children acquire language by learning and imitation. It begins in the womb where the foetus can recognise the sounds and speech patterns of the mother's voice.

  • Infants start without language but can discriminate speech sounds by four months.
  • Babbling is the first form of language.
  • Speech replaces gestures as the child starts communicating their desires at around 6 months.
  • The child starts using their name and personal pronouns, showing self-awareness.
  • Babies can engage in joint attention and turn-taking activities.

Important Points

    1. The period of infancy is birth to 2 years.
    2. Infancy period is called the fastest period of life.
    3. A caesarean birth is likely to result in anoxia.
    4. If the foetus is large at the time of birth, the use of any instruments becomes hazardous to the infant.
    5. Maturation refers to a universal sequence of biological events in the central nervous system.
    6. Ego identity refers to the conscious sense of self.
    7. The Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development occurs between birth to one year of age.
    8. Cognition involved in the acquisition, processing, organisation and use of knowledge.
    9. The sensory motor stage is divided into six sub stages of development.
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