Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 4 Early Childhood - Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic
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Block 1 Unit 4 Early Childhood - Physical, Psychosocial, Cognitive and Linguistic
1. What do you mean by the early childhood period?
The early childhood period is generally defined as the period from 2 to 6 years of age. It is considered the conclusion of the infancy period. This period is also referred to as the "play age". It is a time of remarkable brain development, laying the foundation for subsequent learning. During this period, children enter preschool and begin forming individual personalities.
2. What are the major characteristics of the early childhood period?
The early childhood period has several characteristics:
- It is a period of remarkable brain development.
- Children learn primarily through play.
- It is a time when children begin forming individual personalities.
- Children develop a sense of self as "little individuals".
- Physical changes are accompanied by rapid changes in cognitive and language development.
- Children become more self-aware, communicate more effectively, and understand the thoughts and feelings of others.
- Social skills increase as children learn to modify and express emotions to fit social situations.
- Egocentric thinking predominates.
3. Explain physical hazards during the early childhood period.
Physical hazards during early childhood include:
- Illness: Children are highly susceptible to illnesses, particularly respiratory illnesses and infectious diseases. Extended illness can hinder the learning of skills needed for play and other activities.
- Accidents: Children are prone to accidents due to their active nature and curiosity.
- Obesity: Children's weight can be impacted by diet and lack of exercise.
- Play hazards: Children who are isolated or lack playmates may be rejected by other children, hindering the development of motor and social skills.
4. Explain psychological hazards in the early childhood period.
- Psychological hazards in early childhood include:
- Speech hazards: Speech problems can create communication barriers with others, affecting how others perceive the child.
- Social hazards: Children who lack playmates or face social isolation may be rejected by peers, leading to feelings of inferiority.
- Play hazards: Isolation and lack of engagement in play, especially group play, can limit social development.
- Moral hazards: Inconsistent discipline can confuse children about social expectations and slow down the process of learning to conform.
5. Elucidate the role of growth and development.
- Growth refers to bodily changes in a quantitative way, such as height and weight.
- Development refers to changes in both qualitative and quantitative ways, such as intelligence, creativity, and language acquisition.
- Growth and development are complementary processes. Development is a progressive series of orderly coherent changes. Various types of developmental changes follow certain principles.
6. Define the concept of Erikson's theory of psychosocial development in early childhood.
- Erikson's theory of psychosocial development proposes that individuals experience a conflict at each stage. In early childhood, the stage is Autonomy vs. Shame and Doubt.
- Children start to evaluate themselves.
- Children who feel autonomous see themselves as good and valuable, while those who feel ashamed may feel worthless.
- Children's social skills increase as they become more self-aware, communicate better, and understand the feelings of others.
7. Explain the process of assimilation and accommodation in Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.
The sources do not explicitly discuss assimilation and accommodation, but they do describe the pre-operational stage (2-7 years) which is central to understanding these concepts.- At the pre-operational stage, intelligence is demonstrated through the use of symbols, and language use matures.
- Memory and imagination develop, but thinking is non-logical and non-reversible.
- Egocentric thinking predominates.
- Children develop symbolic reasoning (the ability to picture an object that is not present).
- Children develop intuitive thought (the use of primitive reasoning skills and wondering “why”) between 4 and 7 years.
8. Elucidate the role of language development in the early childhood period.
- Language development is a main concern in early childhood.
- Language is a powerful tool for enhancing cognitive development.
- Good language skills allow children to communicate and interact with others and solve problems.
- By the end of age seven, children can demonstrate some basic understanding of less concrete concepts, including time and money. However, they still reason in concrete ways and have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
Important Points
- Childhood period is divided into two age groups (i) early childhood, 2-6 years (ii) late childhood, 6 to sexual maturity.
- Early childhood period is called a conclusion of the infancy period.
- Physical hazards are illness, accidents, obesity, and play hazards.
- Psychological hazards are speech, social, play and moral hazards.
- Growth indicates the bodily changes in a qualitative way.
- Early childhood is a more developing period.
- Boys' muscles get stronger during the early age.
- Children start to evaluate themselves at the early stage.
- Egocentrism starts at the preoperational stage.
- Clear communication is important for the child.
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