Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Unit 1 Physical Changes

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Block 3 Unit 1 Physical Changes

1. Define and discuss the characteristics of each in brief:

  • a) Early Adolescence
    • This is the initial stage of adolescence, typically spanning ages 12-14 years. It is marked by the onset of puberty and significant physical changes. Teenagers in this phase begin to experience rapid growth, development of secondary sexual characteristics, and shifts in their emotional and social lives.
  • b) Late Adolescence
    • Late adolescence generally covers the period from 17 to 19 years. In this stage, physical changes are mostly complete, and the focus shifts towards social and emotional maturation and preparation for adulthood.
  • c) Middle Adolescence
    • Middle adolescence typically falls between 14 and 17 years. This phase involves ongoing physical changes and an increased focus on peer relationships, identity formation, and the development of more complex thinking.

2. Describe the physical changes that occur during adolescence, in both males and females separately.

  • Males:
    • Changes start between the ages of 12 and 14 years, though there is individual variation in timing.
    • Growth spurt: Rapid increase in height and weight.
    • Voice change: Deepening of the voice due to the enlargement of the larynx.
    • Muscle growth: Increase in muscle mass and strength.
    • Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics: This includes enlargement of the testes and penis, the appearance of facial, body and pubic hair.
    • Nocturnal emissions may occur.
  • Females:
    • Typically enter puberty about a year earlier than boys.
    • Growth spurt: Rapid increase in height and weight, often earlier than in males.
    • Breast development: The development of breast tissue.
    • Menstruation: The start of monthly menstrual periods.
    • Widening of hips: Changes in body shape due to the deposit of fat around the hips and thighs.
    • Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics: This includes development of the ovaries, the uterus, and the appearance of pubic and underarm hair.
    • Sexual feelings: Development of sexual feelings and thoughts.

3. Define and discuss puberty.

Puberty is the stage of life during which a person becomes biologically and sexually mature. It is a one- to three-year process of hormonal and physical change leading to reproductive capacity. It is characterised by hormonal changes and physical growth including the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics. Puberty is the start of adolescence and includes changes in the body, emotions, attitude, values, intellect and relationships.

4. What are visible and invisible changes occurring during adolescence? Explain.

During adolescence, both visible and invisible changes occur as individuals transition from childhood to adulthood. These changes are primarily driven by hormonal shifts and contribute to physical and sexual maturation.

Visible Changes:

  • Growth Spurt: There is a rapid increase in height and weight. This can result in changes in overall body size and proportions.
    • For girls, the greatest increase in height typically occurs around 10 to 11 years of age, with growth usually stopping between 16 and 18 years.
    • Boys tend to mature physically a little later than girls, with growth occurring a few years later.
  • Development of secondary sexual characteristics:
    • Breast development: Girls' breasts will start to develop and become larger and fuller.
    • Hair Growth: Hair appears on the arms, underarms, legs, and upper lips. Pubic hair, which is thicker and coarser, grows in a V-shape above the vagina. In boys, facial hair, body hair, and pubic hair develop.
  • Changes in Body Shape: Girls experience widening of hips and changes in pelvic bones. The disproportion of a large head decreases, and the lower part of the face increases in size. The trunk elongates and becomes slimmer, the chest broadens and flattens, and the neck becomes longer.
  • Skin Changes: The skin may become more prone to pimples due to increased oil production by the sebaceous glands.
  • Body Odour: Sweat glands become more active, which can lead to body odour when sweat comes into contact with bacteria on the skin.

Invisible Changes:

  • Hormonal Changes:
    • The pituitary gland increases secretion of follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH).
    • In girls, FSH activates the ovaries to start producing oestrogen.
    • In boys, FSH causes sperm to develop.
  • Changes in reproductive organs:
    • In girls, there are changes in the ovaries, uterus, and vagina. The ovaries, about an inch long, contain tiny egg cells, and at puberty, each ovary releases an egg every month.
    • The external genitals consist of the urinary opening, vaginal opening, and clitoris.
  • Internal Physical Maturation: These are not visible to the eye, and the changes are internal, taking place in reproductive organs.
  • Sexual Feelings: An individual may begin to feel sexually aroused. This is accompanied by thoughts and fantasies about love and sex, as the body undergoes hormonal changes.

These visible and invisible changes during adolescence are all part of the complex transition into adulthood. The changes are interconnected and proceed smoothly.

5. Discuss the following terms:

  1. Growth spurt: This is a period of rapid increase in height and weight during puberty. It happens at different rates for boys and girls, generally earlier for girls.
  2. Pimples: These are skin eruptions or spots that commonly appear during adolescence due to hormonal changes that increase oil production on the skin.
  3. Sexual feelings: These are feelings of sexual arousal and attraction that emerge during adolescence due to the hormonal changes in the body.
  4. Body odour: This is a natural bodily smell that develops during puberty due to hormonal changes and increased activity of sweat glands.

6. Define and describe the period of adolescence.

Adolescence is the transitional period from childhood to adulthood, typically spanning from 12 to 19 years of age. It is characterised by significant physical, psychological, and social changes. It involves the transition from the world of the child to the world of the adult. It is marked by the onset of puberty and ends with the assumption of adult roles and responsibilities.

7. What are the characteristic changes that take place during this period?

  • Physical changes:
    • Puberty: Development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics.
    • Growth spurt: Rapid increase in height and weight.
    • Changes in body composition.
  • Psychological changes:
    • Increased self-consciousness and introspection.
    • Development of abstract thinking and reasoning.
    • Formation of identity and self-concept.
  • Social changes:
    • Increased importance of peer relationships.
    • Changes in family relationships.
    • Exploration of social roles and values.
  • Emotional changes:
    • Increased intensity and variability of emotions.
    • Development of sexual feelings and thoughts.
    • Increased awareness of others’ opinions.

8. What are the changes that occur in the males during this period?

  • Hormonal Changes: Increase in testosterone production.
  • Growth Spurt: Rapid increase in height and weight.
  • Voice Changes: Deepening of the voice.
  • Muscle Growth: Increase in muscle mass and strength.
  • Development of Primary and Secondary Sexual Characteristics: This includes enlargement of the testes and penis, and appearance of facial, body and pubic hair.
  • Nocturnal Emissions: May experience involuntary ejaculation during sleep.

Important Points

  1. Adolescence is the phase of transition from being a child to an adult.
  2. They may lead to few health problems such as eating disorders or hormonal imbalances during this stage.
  3. There is lot of confusion in this stage because the body is undergoing many changes and the individual is experiencing new emotions and social pressures.
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