Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Unit 3 Identity, Self Concept, Self Esteem, Peer Group Relationship

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Block 3 Unit 3 Identity, Self Concept, Self Esteem, Peer Group Relationship

1. Define the following:

  1. Identity: Identity is a cohesive and integrative sense of self, which is formed through self-analysis and self-evaluation during adolescence. It includes an understanding of one's individuality and continuity with significant others.
  2. Identity crisis: An identity crisis is a period of uncertainty and exploration, where individuals question their role in life and struggle to find their 'real self'. It is a crucial part of identity development.
  3. Identity statuses refer to the four categories defined by James Marcia to describe the different ways adolescents approach the task of forming an identity, based on the presence or absence of exploration (crisis) and commitment in areas such as occupation, religion, and politics. These statuses are: diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement.
  4. Role confusion, according to Erik Erikson, is the state that adolescents experience when they are unable to form a clear sense of self. This can manifest as uncertainty about their place in society and a lack of understanding of their own goals and values. It is the opposite of achieving a coherent identity.
  5. Self-concept: Self-concept is the sum of an individual's knowledge and understanding of their self, including their beliefs about their traits, characteristics, abilities, values and roles. It’s how a person perceives themselves.
  6. Self-esteem: Self-esteem is a person's overall sense of self-worth and value. It is a direct function of the difference between what they would like to be and what they think they are.
  7. Adolescent egocentrism is a belief system where adolescents view themselves as special and unique, often accompanied by an increased self-consciousness and a sense of being constantly observed by an "imaginary audience," particularly their peers. It involves a heightened sense of self-awareness where teenagers believe that others are as focused on them as they are on themselves. This can manifest in an intense concern about their appearance and behaviour, and a belief that their experiences are unique and not understood by others.
  8. A negative self-concept is characterised by an individual having a poor evaluation of their own attributes, leading to feelings of inadequacy and a lack of self-worth. Negative self-concept can be seen when adolescents evaluate themselves poorly in areas they deem important. It can manifest in several ways, including:
    1. Poor academic performance.
    2. Having few friends.
    3. Putting down themselves and others.
    4. Rejecting compliments.
    5. Displaying excessive anger or jealousy.
    6. Hesitation to try new things.

2. Define identity, self-concept, and self-esteem.

  • Identity: Identity is a sense of self that develops during adolescence, through exploration and testing of different beliefs and behaviours. It involves a sense of individuality and continuity with significant others.
  • Self-concept: Self-concept is the accumulation of knowledge about the self, including beliefs about one's personality traits, physical characteristics, abilities, values, goals, and roles. It is how one perceives oneself.
  • Self-esteem: Self-esteem is the overall evaluation of one’s own worth and value. It's how an individual feels about themselves, based on their perceptions of their capabilities and characteristics.

3. In what ways does peer group relationship contribute to the development of self-esteem, self-concept, and identity?

  • Peer relationships play a significant role in shaping an adolescent's sense of self. The peer group provides a social context for exploration and experimentation with different identities.
  • Peers can offer validation and support, influencing self-esteem positively or negatively depending on acceptance and social standing.
  • Through interactions with peers, adolescents learn about themselves and how others see them, contributing to their self-concept.
  • Social comparison with peers can impact both self-esteem and self-concept.
  • Peer groups can serve as a reference for identity formation by providing role models and social norms.

4. What is Marcia's concept of self?

Marcia operationalised Erikson's theory of identity development by identifying four identity statuses: diffusion, foreclosure, moratorium, and achievement. These statuses are based on the presence or absence of crisis (exploration) and commitment in areas like occupation, religion, and politics.

  • Diffusion: This is when an individual has neither explored different options nor made any commitments. They appear to have given up on attempting to form a clear sense of identity.

  • Foreclosure: Individuals in this status have made commitments about their future but have not explored different options. They tend to conform to others' expectations.

  • Moratorium: These individuals are actively exploring different options and commitments, but have not yet made a decision. They are experiencing an identity crisis but are moving towards identity formation.

  • Achievement: This status is achieved when an individual has explored different options and has made the necessary commitments to form a clear sense of identity.

Marcia's concept emphasizes that identity is determined by the choices and commitments made regarding certain personal and social traits.

5. What is social identity?

Social identity is broadly how individuals define themselves in relation to the groups they belong to, and how they are seen by others.

6. How is an identity crisis resolved?

An identity crisis is resolved through exploration and commitment.
  • Exploration involves actively considering alternative ideas, beliefs, and behaviours.
  • Commitment is the process of making choices about one's occupation, religion, values and ideals.
  • According to Erikson, a successful resolution involves developing a sense of individuality (self-sameness) and continuity with significant others.
  • Marcia’s framework suggests that individuals move towards ‘achievement’ status through exploration and commitment, implying a successful resolution.
  • An individual's understanding of their identity can change throughout life, not just during adolescence. Identity achievement serves as a basis for our adult expectations and goals. As individuals enter early adulthood, they use their current understanding of whom they are to develop a lifespan construct.
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