Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC004 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Unit 3 Interpersonal Attraction
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Block 2 Unit 3 Interpersonal Attraction
1. Define the term interpersonal attraction and discuss its significance in our life.
Interpersonal attraction is the force that draws people together and makes them want to resist separation. It's significant as it leads to friendships and romantic relationships and is fundamental to one's social existence.
2. Describe the salient factors that contribute in the development of interpersonal attraction
Factors contributing to interpersonal attraction include:
- Physical attractiveness.
- Proximity and opportunities for interaction.
- Similarity of opinions, beliefs, and backgrounds.
- Unit formation due to intimate interactions.
- The psychological principle of reinforcement: liking those who reward and disliking those who punish.
3. Why do people attracted towards others as they do, critically evaluate.
People are attracted to others due to a combination of factors including perceived good qualities, shared experiences, and rewards. The sources also suggest that the presence of others is rewarding when individuals are anxious or stressed. The sources do not provide a critical evaluation of why people are attracted to others.
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