Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC004 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 4 Unit 4 Cooperation, Competition and Conflicts
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Block 4 Unit 4 Cooperation, Competition and Conflicts
1. What are the types of cooperation? Give name only.
The types of cooperation are: direct, indirect, primary, secondary, and tertiary.
2. Define direct and indirect cooperation.
Direct cooperation involves individuals directly working together for a common goal, while indirect cooperation involves individuals working separately towards similar objectives that contribute to a mutual benefit.
3. Explain tertiary cooperation in your own words.
Tertiary cooperation involves two or more groups working together through a common third party to achieve common goals.
4. Explain competition in our own words.
Competition is a social process in which individuals or groups strive for limited resources, recognition, or social status, aiming to outperform others. The source does not explain the social norms of competition in detail. Competition exists where there is a desire to outdo others, often for goals or recognition, unlike cooperation which prioritises shared goals.
5. Write three characteristics of competition.
Three characteristics of competition are: individuals or groups strive to outperform others, there are limited resources, and a desire for recognition.
6. Explain conflict.
Conflict arises when two or more parties oppose each other in social interaction, seeking scarce resources or incompatible objectives and they exert social power to prevent opponents from achieving their objectives.
7. What are the causes of conflict?
The causes of conflict include incompatible goals, scarce resources, perceptions of marginalisation, or deprivation of what is available to others, and opposing objectives between social groups.
8. Write five characteristics of conflict.
- Opposition between parties.
- Social interaction with use of power.
- Efforts to attain scarce resources or incompatible goals.
- Intent to prevent others from achieving their goals.
- It is a social process that occurs between individuals, groups, or even nations.
7. Write negative effects of conflicts.
Conflict can cause social disruption, emotional distress and hinder group progress towards goals.
8. What is social interaction?
Social interaction is the process of reciprocal influence between individuals, wherein the actions of one person affect and are affected by others. It encompasses a range of social relationships and involves mutual stimulation and response.
9. What do you mean by the term social process?
A social process is a pattern of recurring social interactions that occur over time, involving sequences of events, repetitions, relationships, and continuity that lead to a specific result. It is the means by which social interaction leads to change.
10. Is there any relationship between competition and conflict? Discuss.
Yes, there is a relationship. Competition can often escalate to conflict if the competition becomes too intense, when the competition for limited resources or recognition becomes adversarial and involves one party actively trying to undermine the other and when there is a loss of focus on shared objectives.
11. Write in brief about the causes and characteristics of conflict.
Causes of conflict include: incompatible goals, scarce resources, perceptions of inequality, deprivation and opposing objectives of social groups. Characteristics of conflict include: opposition between parties, social interaction with power, an effort to attain scarce resources, and the intent to prevent others from achieving their goals.
12. Elucidate briefly about cooperation.
Cooperation involves individuals or groups working together toward common goals, and it can be direct or indirect. Its various types are essential for social cohesion, group functionality, and accomplishing shared objectives.
13. What are the general types of conflicts?
Some general types of conflicts include: interpersonal conflict, intragroup conflict, intergroup conflict, and international conflict.
14. What is social interaction according to Dawson and Gettys?
According to Dawson and Gettys, social interaction is "a process whereby men interpenetrate the minds of each other". This highlights the reciprocal influence that individuals have on one another's thoughts and behaviours through interaction.
15. What are the two essential conditions of social interaction?
The two essential conditions of social interaction are:
- Social contact: This is the initial phase of interaction, established through various means such as face-to-face meetings or communication media like radio and letters. Social contact can be positive, leading to cooperation and understanding, or negative, causing conflict and hatred.
- Communication: This is the process through which messages are transmitted between individuals, using language, gestures, or other symbols. Communication is a crucial part of social interaction, allowing individuals to share information and influence one another.
16. What does Cooperation mean?
Cooperation means working together in the pursuit of a common interest or goal. It is a joint activity where two or more individuals or groups combine their efforts in an organised way to achieve a shared objective. Cooperation involves a conscious effort and a mutual understanding of the shared goal.
17. What are the main forms of social interaction?
The main forms of social interaction are:
- Cooperation: Working together for a common goal.
- Competition: A struggle for resources that are in limited supply.
- Conflict: A conscious action to oppose or resist another.
- Accommodation: Adjusting to new situations and resolving conflicts.
- Assimilation: The process of integrating into another culture, adopting its values, beliefs, and customs.
18. What is the role of cooperation?
Cooperation plays a vital role in both individual and collective achievements. Its role includes:
- Achieving Goals: Cooperation enables individuals and groups to accomplish tasks that would be difficult or impossible to achieve alone.
- Social Order: Cooperation is essential for maintaining social harmony and order within a community.
- Fulfilling Needs: It allows for the sharing of economic, emotional, and social resources among members of a group.
- Socialisation: People learn to cooperate through interaction in groups such as their family.
19. Explain the value of competition in the society.
Competition provides several values in society, including:
- Status Determination: It helps in establishing the social standing and roles of individuals within a social hierarchy.
- Economic Growth: Competition stimulates economic activity by promoting efficiency and innovation.
- Ego Enhancement: It provides a means for individuals to feel validated and achieve a sense of personal accomplishment.
- Prevents Monopoly of Power: Competition prevents any single individual or group from gaining absolute dominance or control.
- Motivation: Competition drives people to excel in various fields and improve their skills.
20. Elucidate briefly about accommodation.
Accommodation is the process of adjusting to new conditions and resolving conflicts. It involves making changes in behaviour to harmonise with new environments or social situations. Accommodation can be a response to conflicts where hostile groups make adjustments and find ways to coexist. It is also essential for maintaining social order.
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