Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC005 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 1 Basic Process/Concept in Research

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Block 1 Unit 1 Basic Process/Concept in Research

1. What is research? Discuss qualities of good research.

  • Research is a process through which new knowledge is discovered. It involves a careful, systematic, patient study and investigation to establish facts or principles.
  • Qualities of good research include being empirical, logical, verifiable, based on theories and principles, and replicable.

2. In your opinion, what may be various criteria of a good research?

Good research should be objective, reliable, valid, and generalizable. It should also contribute to the understanding of a research question, be available to investigate, and lead to further questions.

3. Discuss importance and relevance of psychological research.

Psychological research is important for understanding behavior and mental processes. It can improve critical thinking skills and help evaluate answers to questions about behavior. It also helps in predicting and controlling activities that may have cause-effect relationships.

4. How can you minimize research biases in psychological research?

Psychologists should maintain objectivity by keeping complete records, standardising procedures, making operational definitions, and minimising biases and controlling errors.

5. What is the role of discovery of justification in psychological research?

The discovery phase involves getting an idea and forming new ways of thinking about a phenomenon. The justification phase involves testing these ideas and determining if they are valid.

6. List the steps involved in research process?

The steps include: problem identification, formulating a hypothesis, identifying/manipulating/controlling variables, formulating a research design, constructing devices for observation and measurement, sample selection and data collection, data analysis and interpretation, drawing conclusions, and preparing a report for publication.

7. Explain the importance of research questions in psychological research?

Research questions are the starting point of any research. They guide the entire process and help in identifying the factors that need to be examined to find an answer.

8. What is the role of review of literature in research process?

The review of literature helps eliminate duplication, provides guidance for further research, identifies important variables, and provides an estimate of previous work.

9. Why formulation of hypothesis is necessary while conducting it?

Hypotheses are testable propositions that offer tentative solutions to a problem. They provide direction and help the researcher interpret data.

10. How do the steps in the research process help a person to get knowledge?

Following the steps systematically helps ensure that research is objective, reliable, and valid, leading to a better understanding of a topic.

Important Points

  1. An investigator comes up with a new idea or a different way of thinking is known as context of discovery.
  2. Use of uniform consistent procedure in all faces of data collection is known as standardisation.
  3. Scientific knowledge is based on empirical evidences.
  4. Psychologists should maintain objectivity by avoiding biases.
  5. Psychological researches should be replicable.
  6. Operational definition of a concept is necessary in scientific research.
  7. The first step of research process is identifying a problem.
  8. Hypotheses are formed before formulating a research design.
  9. Preparation of report and publications of research study allow the other researchers to replicate the study.
  10. An operational definition of the variables is necessary for the purpose of measurement.
  11. Selection of particular data collection method depends on the nature of study.
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