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Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC005 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 2 Reliability and Validity - External and Internal
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Block 1 Unit 2 Reliability and Validity - External and Internal
1. Define reliability. Discuss any two methods of estimating reliability of test scores.
- Reliability refers to the consistency of measurement. It indicates that any significant results must be repeatable.
- Two methods are:
- Test-retest reliability: Repeating the same test on the same sample at two different time periods.
- Parallel forms reliability: Comparing two equivalent forms of a test that measure the same attribute.
2. What is meant by internal consistency reliability? Discuss any two methods of assessing internal consistency reliability.
- Internal consistency refers to the extent to which items measuring the same phenomena produce similar results.
- Two methods:
- Split-half reliability: Randomly dividing items into two sets and correlating the scores from each half.
- Kuder-Richardson estimate of reliability: Using a formula to calculate reliability based on item difficulty.
3. What are some problems associated with reliability assessed via the test-retest method?
- Problems include:
- Practice effects: Repeated tests may lead to improved scores.
- Memory effect: Respondents may recall their previous answers.
- Absence: People may be absent for re-tests.
4. State the strengths and drawbacks of parallel forms reliability.
- Strengths: It avoids the memory effect, and the practice effect.
- Drawbacks: It can be difficult to create truly equivalent forms of a test, and may be costly and time consuming to administer two forms.
5. Write short notes on: K-R formula 20, Spearman Brown formula, Cronbach alpha.
- Kuder-Richardson formula 20: A method for estimating internal consistency for tests where items are scored as 0 or 1.
- Spearman-Brown formula: Used to adjust split-half reliability, enabling correlation as if each part were a full length test.
- Cronbach's alpha: An index of reliability, considered the mean of all possible split-half coefficients.
6. Define validity and distinguish between reliability and validity.
- Validity refers to the degree to which a test measures what it claims to measure.
- Reliability is about consistency, while validity is about accuracy. A test can be reliable without being valid, but not valid without being reliable.
7. Explain construct validity. How does it differ from content validity?
- Construct validity measures the extent to which a test measures a theoretical construct.
- Content validity assesses if a test covers the range of behaviors represented by the theoretical concept being tested.
8. What is internal validity? Discuss various threats of internal validity.
- Internal validity concerns the logic of the cause-and-effect relationship between independent and dependent variables.
- Threats to internal validity include: events outside the lab, maturation, testing effects, regression effects, selection, and mortality.
9. What is external validity? Discuss various threats of external validity.
- External validity concerns the generalizability of research results to other situations, subjects, settings, and times.
- Threats to external validity include issues generalizing to different subjects, times, or settings.
10. Write short notes on: Convergent and divergent validity, Concurrent and predictive validity.
- Convergent validity: The extent to which a measure correlates with other measures that it is theoretically predicted to correlate with.
- Discriminant validity: The extent to which a measure does not correlate with measures that it should not correlate with.
- Concurrent validity: A type of criterion-related validity where the criterion measures are obtained at the same time as the test scores.
- Predictive validity: A type of criterion-related validity where the criterion measures are obtained after the test.
Important Points
- Internal Consistency Concerns whether the various items on a test are measure the same thing.
- Memory effect / carry over effect is not possible in parallel form method.
- K.R. Formula is applied in which each test item is scored 0 or 1.
- Scores from the two halves of a test are correlated with one another in split half reliability.
- Spearman Brown formula is used for adjusting split half correlation.
- If a test measures what it purports to measure it is called Validity
- If a test is correlated against a criterion to be made available at the present time it is a type of validity known as Criterion validity.
- The property of a test that measurement actually measure the constructs they are design to measure are known as Construct validity
- A test should sample the range of behaviour represented by the theoretical concept being tested, is known as Content validity.
- Face Validity refers to what appears to measure superficially.
- Results can be generalised to another situation or population in external Validity.
- Dropping out of some subjects before an experiment is completed causing a threat to internal validity.
- Any bias in selecting the groups can decrease the internal validity.
- Internal Validity concern the logic of relationship between the independent variable and dependent variable.
- Confounding error occurs when the effects of two variable in an experiment can not be separated.
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