Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC005 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 3 Variables and Constructs

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Block 1 Unit 3 Variables and Constructs

1. Identify the independent and dependent variables: As the number of trials increases error decreases.

  1. The event manipulated or altered by the experimenter is termed as independent variable. Independent Variable: Number of trials

  2. The dependent variable is the response that the person or animal makes. Dependent Variable: Error

  3. Any and all other variables that may mask the relationship between independent variable and dependent variables are known as extraneous variables.

  4. Manipulated variables are called active variables and measures variable are called attribute variables.

  5. Quantitative Variable is one that varies in amount whereas Categorical Variable varies in kind.

2. Which of the following constructs (as used) would be classified as an Intervening Variable(IV) or a Hypothetical Construct (HC)? IV HC

  1. Thinking is the mental activity leading to problem solving. (IV)
  2. Arousal is he increase in neural activity in the lower brain stem following stimulation. (HC)
  3. A reinforcement is something that makes you want to repeat the behaviour that was rewarded. (IV)
  4. The id is the deepest part of the psyche and motivates our “base” desires. (HC)

3. Define variable and discuss the various kinds of variables.

  1. A variable is something that varies, having at least two observable values.
  2. Types include: stimulus, organism, response; independent, dependent, extraneous, confounded; active, attribute; quantitative, categorical; continuous, and discrete.

4. Explain Intervening variables and Hypothetical constructs in your own words.

  • Intervening variables are abstract concepts that link independent and dependent variables but are not directly observable.
  • Hypothetical constructs are theoretical concepts that are not directly observable but are inferred from observable behaviors.

5. Differentiate between variables and constructs. Giving suitable example elucidate the different types of variables.

  • Variables are tangible and measurable, while constructs are abstract and theoretical concepts.
  • Examples: age (quantitative), gender (categorical), reaction time (continuous), number of bar presses (discrete).

6. Write short notes on:

  • Independent & dependent variables: The independent variable is manipulated, and the dependent variable is measured.
  • Quantitative & categorical variables: Quantitative variables are numerical, and categorical variables are groupings.
  • Active & attribute variables: Active variables are manipulated, and attribute variables are measured traits.

7. Explain the nature of extraneous variable with suitable examples.

Extraneous variables are any variables other than the independent variable that may influence the dependent variable and mask their relationship. For example, in a study on the effect of a new teaching method on student performance, the students' prior knowledge can be an extraneous variable that may affect their test scores regardless of the teaching method.

Important Points

  1. Variable is a property that taken as different values.
  2. Variables are tangible.
  3. Variables are related to theoretical concepts.
  4. Variables can be manipulated, controlled or observed by the experimenter.
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