Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC005 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 2 Unit 3 Experimental Research - Field Experiment

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Block 2 Unit 3 Experimental Research - Field Experiment

1. Define experimental research.

Experimental research involves manipulating one or more variables and measuring their effect on other variables to determine cause-and-effect relationships.

2. Differentiate between experimental research and field experiment.

Experimental research is often conducted in a controlled lab, while field experiments are conducted in real-world settings.

3. Define research design.

Research design is the plan, structure, and strategy of an investigation conceived to obtain answers to research questions and to control variance.

4. Explain two basic objectives of research design.

Two objectives are to provide answers to the research question and to control variance.

5. Explain the importance of field experiment in research.

Field experiments allow researchers to study behavior in natural settings, increasing ecological validity.

6. How can we check the criteria of a good research design?

A good research design should answer research questions, adequately test the hypothesis, present an appropriate problem, control extraneous variables, and have generalizable results.

7. What are the three types of experimental research, explain each.

  1. Single case design: Focuses on the study of a single subject in detail.
  2. Quasi-experimental design: Lacks random assignment or manipulation of variables.
  3. Experimental design: Includes random assignment and manipulation of independent variables.

8. Explain Solomon four group designs.

The Solomon four-group design is used to control for the potential effects of pretesting on the results of an experiment. This design consists of four groups: two experimental groups and two control groups. One experimental and control group receive a pretest, while the other two do not. All four groups receive a posttest. This design allows researchers to measure the effect of the treatment, the effect of pretesting, and the interaction between the treatment and pretesting.

Important Points

  1. The selection of problem is the first step of research.
  2.  After defining the research problem the hypothesis must be formulated

  3. Strategy is more specific than plan, not structure.

  4. Flexibility and applicability to a wide variety of problems are considered strengths of field experiments.

  5. Field experiments are defined as experiments conducted in real-life situations.

  6. Experimental research used in science subjects such as physics, chemistry, medicine, and biology.

  7. Research problem can be stated in the form of hypothesis.

  8. Research is a scientific methodology in a controlled setting.

  9. The main task of an experimenter is to maximise the variance.

  10. The single case experiment is useful in clinical research.

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