IGNOU Solved Assignments - MAPC - MPC006 Statistics in Psychology - MPC-006/ASST/TMA/2014-15

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Section A

1. Explain in detail about Normal Probability Curve with suitable diagrams.

The normal curve offers a convenient and reasonably accurate description of a great number of variables. It also describes the distribution of many st... Continue Reading >>

2. A study was conducted in which the teachers were asked to rate students for a particular trait on a ten point scale. With the help of data given below find out whether significant difference exists in the rating of the students by the teachers.

X 7 3 7 1 5 5 5
Y 5 5 9 4 3 5 4
Z 6 3 7 1 3 5 3
The steps below explain the process of calculation of ANOVA. The general logic of analysis of variance is the same as that of significance tests.... Continue Reading >>

3. Test the hypothesis of no difference between the groups by using Mann- Whitney U test with the help of the following data:

Scores obtained by educated women on attitude towards health 59, 60, 61, 64, 63, 51, 52, 55, 53, 57, 56, 54, 52, 64, 56, 54, 58, 56, 62, 60, 57
Scores obtained by uneducated women on attitude towards heath 53, 63, 63, 58, 60, 62, 66, 65, 64, 68
The numerical below is an example of the process of performing the Mann-Whitney U Test. This approach can be extended to similar cases by replacing th... Continue Reading >>

Section B

4. Calculate coefficient between the following sets of scores using Pearson’s Product Moment method.

Individuals A B C D E F G H I J
Test A 1 6 7 3 11 9 7 11 14 11
Test B 2 3 5 6 6 8 10 10 12 13
The numerical below is an example of the process of performing the performing the Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation Analysis. This approach can be ... Continue Reading >>

5. Discuss in detail the measures of central tendency with suitable example.

Central tendency refers to the descriptive statistic that best represents the center of a data set, the particular value that all the other data seem ... Continue Reading >>

6. Discuss the procedure of ANOVA.

The steps below explain the procedure of Anova. The general logic of analysis of variance is the same as that of significance tests. That is, you assu... Continue Reading >>

7. With the help of following data, determine both the regression equations: Psychology (X): Mean= 30, Standard deviation=1.6 Sociology (Y): Mean= 25, Standard deviation= 1.7 Coefficient of correlation = 0.95

The numerical below is an example of the process of deriving the Linear Regression Equations. This approach can be extended to similar cases by replac... Continue Reading >>

8. A research was carried out in which the students of mathematics and literature were asked to express their preference for lecture method and group discussion method. The data obtained is given below. Find out whether the preference for a method is dependent on the subject taken by the students.

Students Preference for Lecture Method Preference for Group Discussion Method
Mathematics 3 12
Literature 5 10
The numerical below is an example of calculations carried out in the Chi Square Method. This approach can be extended to similar cases by replacing th... Continue Reading >>

Section C

9. Hypothesis

A hypothesis is a tentative statement about the relationship between two or more variables. A hypothesis is a specific, testable prediction about what... Continue Reading >>

10. Level of Significance

The level of significance, α, specifies how rare the sample result must be in order to reject H0 as untenable. It is a probability (typically .05, .01... Continue Reading >>

11. Histogram

The histogram comprises a series of bars of uniform width, each one representing the frequency associated with a particular class interval. As with th... Continue Reading >>

12. Point estimation

A point estimate is a single value—a “point'—taken from a sample and used to estimate the corresponding parameter in the population. A statistic is an... Continue Reading >>

13. Type 1 error

The decision to reject or retain H0 depends on the announced level of significance, α. α is a statement of risk that the researcher is willing to assu... Continue Reading >>

14. Point biserial correlation

It is a special case of correlation in which one of the variables has only two possible values, and these values represent different groups. For insta... Continue Reading >>

15. Degree of freedom

The concept of degrees of freedom is central to the principle of estimating statistics of populations from samples of them. 'Degrees of freedom' is co... Continue Reading >>

16. Variance

The variance, denoted with the symbol S2, is the mean of the squared deviation scores. Because the variance is responsive to the value of each score i... Continue Reading >>

17. Scatter plot

Scatterplot is arguably the most informative device for illustrating a bivariate distribution and visually assess correlation between two variables...... Continue Reading >>

18. Wilcoxon Test

One of the best ways to improve power is by employing repeated measures or matching, and such designs can be analyzed with nonparametric methods. A us... Continue Reading >>
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