Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 11

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 11. Problem Solving and Conflict Resolution

1. Define conflict.

Conflict can be defined as a disagreement or struggle between two or more people.

2. Enumerate the types of conficts.

Following are different types of conflicts:

  1. Approach– Approach,
  2. Approach–Avoidance,
  3. Avoidance–Avoidance, and
  4. Double Approach–Avoidance.

3. What kind of conflict has a positive outcome?

Constructive conflict – in which opponents recognise each other’s positions has a positive outcome.

4. Differentiate between basic / non-basic conflicts and situational/personality conflicts?

Basic conflict is a disagreement about fundamental roles, rules, tasks and functions whereas non basic conflict is a disagreement about non fundamental or situational issues.

Situational conflict is due to situations / specific demands, acts, events, behaviour etc. which are resolved, whereas personality conflict is based on some traits of an individual like aggression, depression, dominance etc. which are unlikely to be resolved easily.

5. Define conflict resolution.

Conflict resolution is a process of ending a conflict by cooperating and problem solving together. It is an approach to solving disagreements.

6. List the steps of conflict resolution process in the family.

The various steps of conflict resolution process in the family are:

  1. awareness
  2. setting limits: During the setting limits stage of conflict resolution the points to be argued are established and going beyond these points to argue other issues is not allowed.
  3. argument 
  4. negotiation: To negotiate is to deal or bargain with another. Negotiation is important in settling family conflicts by initiating suggestions for possible solutions for agreement to resolve the problem.
  5. following up

7. Define conflict and explain various forms of conflictswith the help of exampled.

8. What are the common sources of conflicts in the family.

9. Explain different stages of marital conflict.

10. What is conflict resolution?

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