Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 12

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 12. Interpersonal Communication

1. Communication is a two way process. Justify by citing relevant examples.

Communication can be defined as a process of meaningful interaction whereby a person not only sends but also receives and understands a message.

Communication is a two-way process. It has a transmitter and a receiver. Therefore, it is essential for facts to be transmitted in such a manner that the meaning intended is conveyed and the receiver understands the use of the message.

For example, in India, people fold their hands in greeting. In Japan, people bow from the waist. In Pakistan, people touch their forehead with the right hand.

2. What is interpersonal communication?

Interpersonal communication is the process through which people create and manage their relationships, exercising mutual responsibility in creating meaning. A quantitative definition of interpersonal communication includes any interaction between two people, usually face to face. Using a qualitative definition, interpersonal communication occurs when people treat one another as unique individuals, regardless of the context in which the interaction occurs or the number of people involved.

3. Describe the Principles of non-verbal communication with examples.

Principles of non-verbal communication:

  1. Non-verbal communication is multi channeled: Most verbal messages like words, sentences and paragraphs reach us one at a time. However, non-verbal messages bombard us simultaneously from a multitude of channels. For instance, overwhelming facial expressions, postures, gestures of people travelling on a bus or train.
  2. Non-verbal communication is ambiguous: Non-verbal cues are informative but they are most reliable when accompanied by verbal messages and embedded in a familiar cultural and social context (Berry et al., 1994). For instance, a frown may indicate that your idea is not clear to the audience or it may also depict disagreement with your viewpoint.
  3. Non-verbal communication conveys emotions: Non-verbal communication is very effective in communicating emotions. People demonstrate their positive feelings for others by being more close, or by just holding their hands.
  4. Non-verbal communication is continuous: Unlike verbal communication, non-verbal communication is never ending and continuous. Speaking or writing has a clear beginning or end but nonverbal messages like your posture, gestures or expressions are endless.
  5. Non-verbal communication has more impact:When we get exposed to both verbal and non-verbal messages, non-verbal signals are more powerful and have more impact on our behaviour. In a situation like appearing for a job, non-verbal cues are given more weightage to understand the message.
  6. Non-verbal communication is unconscious: Non-verbal communication happens unconsciously and cannot be hidden beyond a level. For instance, your shivering hands during your presentation may contradict your bold and confident voice and reveal your state of nervousness.
  7. Non-verbal communication is culture specific: Non-verbal signals are different in different cultures. Every culture has its own unique way of communicating non-verbally. For instance, people of European culture tend to say hello or make a firm handshake to greet people than people of Asian origin. There is lot of variability amongst Asians as well. For instance, a Japanese may bow but an Indian may join both hands to show gratitude.
  8. Non-verbal communication occurs jointlywith verbal communication.

4. Describe the Barriers to effective communication.

There are many barriers to communication.

  • These barriers to effective communication could be in the sender, receiver or sometimes in both. 
  • These barriers can stall or distort communication; therefore, attention must be paid to overcome these barriers. 
  • Communication barriers arise when people view things with a different attitude. 
  • There are people who have a judgemental attitude which gets reflected through their excessive analysis, bossiness, name-calling, ridiculing, making value-based comments and judgements, moralising or ignoring.
  • Some people reflect that they know every thing. It gets reflected through advising, moralising, ordering, patronising, threatening or lecturing. This form of behaviour often inhibits people from sharing their concerns and experiences.
  • Communication can also be limited or ignored with individuals who are consistently preoccupied with self.

5. How will you define an effective communicator? Briefly explain the different strategies used for competent communication.

6. What is interpersonal communication? Describe the characteristics of quality interpersonal communication.

7. Describe the principles and functions of non-verbal communication.

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