Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 8

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 8. Promoting Well-Being

1. What are the different types of well-being?

  1. Psychological wellbeing
  2. Emotional wellbeing and Social wellbeing
  3. Physical wellbeing
  4. Cognitive wellbeing

2. What do you understand by social actualization?

Social actualization includes the personality traits of self-directedness, cooperativeness and self-transcendence that are each essential for well-being.

3. What personality traits are essential for well-being?

Personality traits essential for well-being

  1. self-directedness, 
  2. cooperativeness and 
  3. self-transcendence 

4. What factors affect well-being?

Factors such as life stages, personality factors, individual differences, stress, healthy values, and goal attainment affect well-being.

5. How can cognitive restructuring techniques be used to promote well-being?

Cognitive restructuring techniques be used to promote well-being by:

  • Assuming responsibility for your own thoughts
  • Facing the reality of the situation
  • Resolving whatever causes stress
  • Creating and adopting a positive frame of mind
  • Fine tuning expectations
  • Handling the Negative thoughts
  • Positive affirmations
  • Looking at positive aspects of the situations
  • Making self talk positive

6. How can assertiveness training be done?

In order to promote well-being one should be assertive that includes:

  • To say no and not feel guilty
  • To take your time to form a response to a comment or question
  • To ask for assistance with instructions or directions
  • To ask for what you want
  • To experience and express your feelings
  • To feel positive about yourself under any conditions
  • To make mistakes without feeling embarrassed or guilty
  • To own your own opinions and convictions
  • To protest unfair treatment or criticism
  • To be recognized for your significant achievements and contributions.
  • Focus on problem and not to belittle self or others.
  • Recognize his/her rights & others rights, stands up to protect those rights.
  • Overcome feeling of fear
  • Handle feeling of anger diplomatically

7. Can music be used to promote well-being and how?

Music can also be used to promote well being. One should:

  • Select the type of music most conductive to relaxation,
  • The music should be instrumental with a slow tempo, and
  • The selection should be enjoyable and 
  • the listening environment should be comfortable with minimizing distractions.

8. How do teachers promote well-being in student?

Teachers can promote well-being in children by reinforcing feelings of self worth, that, in turn may induce and strengthen the positive feelings. Those who have support from teachers & a strong and healthy social support network report more well-being.

Planning & designing games demanding high alertness and actions of reflex and swift-solving skills may help in enhancing the children’s state of anticipation of adversity and preparedness of encountering tough situations.

9. Elucidate the role of professionals in working with special population.

Professional can play an important role in promoting psychological well being among the families of disabled children. They help them in understanding their problem well and finding proper solution to the problem. Depending upon the further need of particular parent group, the professional could provide support such as helping in:

  • identifying needs of the group, 
  • facilitating parent group meetings, 
  • fostering mutual concern among parents, 
  • helping develop policies and programmes to be undertaken, 
  • providing technical guidance, 
  • motivating parents to mobilize resources and their activities which could help parents in helping themselves.

Programmes such as interpersonal and social-skills training, cognitive behavioural interventions designed to enhance coping effectiveness may have beneficial effects on people’s ability to positively reappraise their situations and to increase their senses of hope, with corresponding improvements in psychological adjustment. Formal vocational rehabilitation intervention programmes that support a return to career-related activities - broadly defined to include support for independent living assistive devices, and meaningful social activities.

10. Name any five components of psychological well-being.

The components of Psychological Wellbeing are:

  1. Self-acceptance
  2. Personal growth
  3. Purpose in life
  4. Environmental mastery
  5. Autonomy
  6. Positive relations with others
  7. Social acceptance
  8. Social actualization
  9. Social contribution
  10. Social coherence
  11. Social integration

11. How do intrinsic and extrinsic motives differ from each other?

  • Intrinsic Motives
    • Originate from basic psychological needs satisfaction
    • Reflect psychological growth
    • Essential to wellbeing
  • Extrinsic Motives
    • Originate from the need to obtain other people’s approval, admiration, and praise.
    • Reflect the need to avoid social punishment
    • Do not promote wellbeing

12. What are the different steps of creative problem solving?

  1. Describe the problem
  2. Generate ideas
  3. Select and Refine Ideas
  4. Implement the Selected Idea
  5. Evaluate and analyse the action plan

13. Give any 4 strategies for promoting well-being among the elderly.

  1. Physical Wellbeing:
    1. Incorporate healthy lifestyle:
    2. Eat hygienic and nutritious food
    3. Exercise/walk/jog regularly
    4. Adopt constructive, good habits
    5. Seek medical advice and follow prescriptions systematically
    6. Control stress through coping mechanisms
    7. Time management
    8. Clean & Safe Living conditions: live in non-polluting environment with proper ventilation and hygienic living conditions including use of safe water.
    9. Support Services: Awareness and availability of support services.
  2. Psychological wellbeing:
    1. Independence and autonomy
      1. Control over one’s own financial affairs: plan for secure future, supplementary income, dealing with financial crises and property management.
      2. Independence: have freedom to move about, doing things for oneself, choose one’s own clothes etc.
      3. Degree of autonomy: Greater autonomy leads to greater happiness.
    2. Life study management: Advise elderly people on how to manage major life events.
    3. Positive attitude: have and develop a positive attitude - tackle new challenges with enthusiasm.
    4. Self-concept: Develop positive self-concept (through optimizing view, self-confidence etc.)
    5. Recreational activities: Get involved and participate in recreational and sports activities.
    6. Creativity: Participate in arts and music activities.
  3. Social and emotional wellbeing:
    1. Social contacts: Elderly people will be happier if they have opportunities for social contact with outsiders, than if their contacts are limited to the family members.
    2. Emotional adjustments: Express negative emotions with less intensity and express positive emotions, explicitly (laughter and humour clubs are abundant).
  4. Spiritual and religious wellbeing:
    1. Spiritual Practices: Spirituality has always been important in Indian culture. 
    2. Yoga: Yoga and meditation help to promote well-being systematically. One should practice yoga and meditation regularly.
    3. Religious Practices: Studies have shown that increase in frequency of religious practices has beneficial effects on the well-being of older people. Prayer helps to reduce anxiety.
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