Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE001 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 3
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Unit 3. Self-Report Scales
1. What is the difficulty experienced in analyzing information from an interview?
Qualitatively analysing the data from an interview and making comparisons with data from other interviews is a difficult process.
- It takes time, which the counsellor/family therapist may not always have.
- In addition it also takes skill, which the counsellor/family therapist may not have due to a lack of training or aptitude. Hence it is not always feasible.
- There is also a risk that the individual biases of the counsellor/family therapist may colour the interpretation of such data and neutrality will be adversely affected.
2. What is a self report scale?
In a self report scale, all clients will answer the same questions. It is designed to obtain information about a specific area. After scoring the responses of the client, the counsellor/family therapist will be able to compare the client’s score in the area with the norms provided. This will give the counsellor/family therapist an idea of the client’s difficulty level in that area compared to the population in the normative sample.
3. Name four characteristics of a good self report scale.
A good self report scale has:
- good validity,
- reliability and
- appropriate norms and the
- items should be worded in simple language which can be easily understood.
4. Name two advantages of a self report scale.
- It facilitates a uniform process of gathering information. The same questions are administered to all the clients.
- No aspect of the area to be assessed is accidentally missed.
5. Name one disadvantage of a self report scale.
- Clients may be motivated to give socially desirable answers, due to the fear that the therapist or their spouse will think badly of them.
6. List three of the points to be kept in mind during testing.
- The consent of client should be taken prior to testing,
- the client’s results and response sheets should be kept confidential and
- the client should be permitted to stop the test if he or she wishes to do so.
7. What is the difficulty experienced in analyzing information from an interview?
- Information is broad - may not reveal about specific areas
- Individualised - the questions are different for everyone making it very difficult to compare
- Difficult to quantify
- Qualitative Analysis is tedious and difficult - requires time and skill
- Biases may creep in
- C/FT may miss some crucial information
8. What are the characteristics of a good self-report scale?
- Internal Consistency
- Reliability
- Validity
- Standardized Norms
- Easy to administer and fill
9. What are the advantages and disadvantages of self report scales?
- Easy
- Specific
- Comparable
- Norms for Interpretation
- Can be used to decide areas for therapy
- Can be used to track changes
- Can serve as therapy and to build awareness
- Specific Focus, no contextual information
- Clients may have difficulty understanding certain items
- Clients may not seek clarification
- Clients may not be objective
- Clients may give Social Desirabile responses
10. What steps can be taken to maximize the utility of a self report scale?
- Pick the right scale - not too long, complicated or tedious, and suitable for required information
- Establish good rapport
- Ensure client is not fatigued
- Ensure instructions are properly understood
- Explicitly state that you're available for clarifications
- Observe client behaviour during testing
11. What are the important ethical principles to keep in mind about utilizing self-report testing in intervention?
- SRS cannot replace interviewing, only supplements it
- Testing may disturb clients emotionally - due to realisation and reminders
- Only tests relevant to the client must be administered - not to specify counsellor's curiosity
- Informed Consent
- Confidentiality
- Clients should be permitted to stop, if they wish.
12. Name 5 self report scales used in family or marital assessment.
Family Assessment
- McMaster Family Assessment Device
- Family Interactions Patterns Scale
- Family Environment Scale
- Colorado Self-Report of Family Functioning
Marital Assessment
- Conflicts Tactics Scale
- Sexual Interaction Inventory
- Marital Communication Inventory
- Marital Intimacy Questionnaire
- Marital Quality Scale
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