Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE001 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 5

Have you prepared these very important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT006 Applied Social Psychology Exam? Do not miss this chance to score good marks - get started right NOW!

Unit 5.  Emotion Focused Couples Therapy

1. Discuss the use of emotions in EFT.

Emotional experiences of each partner shape their relationship. During any interpersonal interaction, emotions guide us; or rather orient us towards the next action we have/need to take. In EFT, emotions are used to change emotions.

The emotional style one partner uses to get the needs fulfilled evokes the emotional vulnerability of the other partner. S/he reacts or behaves in keeping with this vulnerability. This evokes a further response from the first partner. Thus there is a feedback loop within the couple system which maintains the distress or the negative interaction patterns.

2. How are emotions and attachment related?

  • EFT therapist perceives symptoms of marital distress as distorted expressions of normal attachment related emotions.
  • Attachment theory postulates that marital distress occurs when the attachment bond is threatened.
  • Accessibility and responsiveness of the attachment figure is essential for a feeling of personal security.
  • In attachment context, a couple that is fiercely fighting, is in reality fighting for a sense of safety and security with each other. 

3. From an EFT perspective how is couple distress conceptualised?

  • Couples experiencing distress have rigid, maladaptive interaction cycles.
  • These patterns become self-reinforcing and maintain distress.
  • EFT for couples aims at reduction of distress experienced by partners by creating safer and more secure attachment bonds between them. 

4. What are the steps in EFT?

  1. Form therapeutic alliance and identify relationship needs and attachment insecurities underlying the conflict. 
  2. Identify the negative interaction cycles that maintain attachment insecurity and distress. 
  3. Access the primary emotions underlying each partner’s interactional position. 
  4. Reframe the problem in terms of circular causality so that the cycle is viewed as the key relationship problem.
  5. Experiential identification of disowned attachment needs, fears and aspects of self.
  6. Promote acceptance by each partner of the other’s emerging experience.
  7. Facilitate the expression of needs and wants to restructure the interaction, based on new understandings, and create bonding events.
  8. Facilitate the emergence of new solutions to old problems
  9. Consolidate new positions and cycles of attachment behaviour

5. What are the contra-indicators for EFT?

  • Ongoing violence & aggression between partners
  • Severe psychiatric conditions such as psychosis or suicide attempts in one partner
  • Couples who are aiming at dissolution of the relationship
  • High level of mistrust
  • High degree of alienation (or emotional distance) from each other.
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