Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE022 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Assessment in Counselling and Guidance Unit 4 Multicultural Counseling And Guidance: Role Of Counselors In Preventing Illness And Promoting Positive Health

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Block 3 Assessment in Counselling and Guidance

Unit 4 Multicultural Counseling And Guidance: Role Of Counselors In Preventing Illness And Promoting Positive Health

1) Discuss multiculturalism in one or two sentences for Europe.

Multiculturalism in Europe: Multiculturalism in Europe involves the recognition of multiple cultures within its societies, largely driven by immigration. It seeks to address ethnic tensions and promote constructive interaction between different cultures.

2) Discuss multiculturalism in one or two sentences for USA.

Multiculturalism in the USA: In the USA, multiculturalism developed from a pragmatic movement, evolving into political and cultural pluralism, emphasising respect for diverse cultural backgrounds.

3) Discuss multiculturalism in one or two sentences for Australia.

Multiculturalism in Australia: Australia's multiculturalism emerged from its history as a group of independent British settler colonies that had a deliberate process of immigration, resulting in a diverse mix of Indigenous cultures and immigrant communities.

4) Discuss multiculturalism in one or two sentences for India.

Multiculturalism in India: India is a diverse nation with multiple cultures, languages and religions, and its democracy is founded on the principle of pluralism.

5) Discuss multiculturalism in one or two sentences for Indonesia.

Multiculturalism in Indonesia: Indonesia has over 700 living languages, and it is predominantly Muslim, but also includes large Christian and Hindu populations. The country's national motto is "Unity in Diversity".

6) Define and describe multicultural counseling.

Multicultural counseling recognises that clients and counselors have different cultural backgrounds that affect their attitudes, values, and biases. It involves understanding the impact of culture on psychological processes and addressing the needs of cultural minorities. Multicultural counseling is considered to be the norm, in that all clients bring their unique personal histories and cultures into the counseling process.

7) Trace the history of multicultural counseling.

History of Multicultural Counseling: Multiculturalism began as part of the pragmatism movement in the late 19th century in Britain and the United States, developing into political and cultural pluralism in the early 20th century. Philosophers, psychologists, and historians developed the concepts from which today's understanding of multiculturalism emerged.

8) Describe the relationship between multicultural counseling and guidance.

Relationship between multicultural counseling and guidance: Both multicultural counseling and guidance aim to help individuals make informed choices and transitions in their educational, vocational, and personal development. Guidance includes activities such as advising and assessing, while counseling involves deeper processes that help clients solve problems. Both are seen as "companions" working together to assist individuals in multicultural societies.

9) What are the trends in multicultural counseling?

Trends in Multicultural Counseling: There is a trend to focus on cultural awareness and sensitivity, recognising that individuals belong to many cultures. There is also a trend to emphasize the importance of culture-specific knowledge for certain cultural groups that are primarily defined by race and ethnic background.

10) Define positive health and indicate how is it concerned with counseling?

Positive health is a state beyond the absence of disease, including a combination of excellent biological, subjective, and functional measures. In counseling, positive health is concerned with the overall well-being of the client, emphasizing strengths and psychological growth rather than just the absence of illness.

11) How will you prevent mental ill health and promote positive health?

Preventing mental ill health and promoting positive health: This involves understanding the signs and symptoms of mental health disorders for early detection and intervention and focusing on well-being through strength-based approaches. The emerging field of positive psychology seeks to balance mental health research by studying and promoting psychological strengths.

12) Discuss illness, its causes and prevention from multi cultural counseling point of view.

Illness, its causes and prevention from a multicultural perspective: A counselor should be aware of how cultural backgrounds can impact perceptions of illness and its causes, so that they can appropriately help clients to identify and minimise their health risks, and engage with their health care resources. Prevention involves primary actions to avoid disease, secondary actions to detect it early, and tertiary actions to reduce severity.

13) What are the principles and ways to reduce risk and promote health?

Principles and ways to reduce risk and promote health:

  • Minimize known hereditary risks, such as early screening for a family history of breast cancer.
  • Effectively use health care resources.
  • Identify personal risks and learn ways to reduce them.
  • Healthy living includes a healthy diet, physical activity, adequate rest and managing stress, good oral health and obtaining recommended services, like immunisations.

14) Discuss the practical steps for reducing risk and promoting health.

Practical steps for reducing risk and promoting health:

  • Identifying available resources
  • Building confidence (self-efficacy)
  • Building awareness, that it matters what you do, eat and smoke
  • Making a plan and setting goals

15) What is meant by healthful balance?

Healthful balance refers to an equilibrium that can be disrupted by an overgrowth of germs and other conditions, where a healthy balance can be destroyed by overuse of antibiotics, malnutrition, drugs or chronic disease.

16) Define Health.

Health is a state of complete positive physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

17) Define Hedonism.

Hedonism refers to the perspective of maximising positive experiences and minimising negative ones. Subjective well-being, includes affective balance (frequency of positive emotions minus the frequency of negative emotions), and perceived life satisfaction.

18) Define Eudaimonia.

Eudaimonia refers to living fully and allowing the richest human potential possible, an ancient and modern idea.

Important Points

  1. Flow is defined as the "psychological state that accompanies highly engaging activities".
  2. "Life satisfaction" is the sense that one’s own life is good.
  3. "Secondary prevention" involves actions to detect the presence of disease in its early stages when it is easier to treat.
  4. Tertiary prevention involves actions to "reduce" the severity of a disease that has already occurred.
  5. Healthy living is a "primary" means of disease prevention.
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