Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE022 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 4 Organising and Planning Counselling and Guidance Unit 1 Introduction To Developing Guidance And Counselling Programme

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Block 4 Organising and Planning Counselling and Guidance

Unit 1 Introduction To Developing Guidance And Counselling Programme

1) Differentiate between unstructured and structured guidance and counselling programme.

Unstructured vs. Structured Guidance and Counselling Programmes:

  • In an unstructured programme, the entire teaching faculty, parents, and students are involved in guidance activities, with less responsibility placed on the school counsellor. However, this approach tends to lose its focus as guidance activities are subsumed under regular teaching duties.
  • In a structured programme, a professionally trained counsellor carries out guidance functions with the help of career teachers, subject teachers, parents, and community agencies. This approach has its own identity and allows for the assignment of specific responsibilities.

2) Describe the educational role of guidance functionaries.

Educational Role of Guidance Functionaries:

  • Guidance personnel interpret educational programmes to parents and the community.
  • They help parents understand their children's abilities and interests, and the educational opportunities available.
  • They organise remedial teaching based on diagnoses.
  • They identify students with special needs (gifted or disabled).
  • They assist students in adjusting to school subjects.
  • They conduct follow-ups of school leavers.

3) How can guidance and counseling programme cater to the personal, social and emotional needs of individuals?

Meeting Personal, Social and Emotional Needs: Guidance and counselling programmes cater to personal, social and emotional needs by:

  • Counselling students with adjustment and behavioural problems.
  • Providing counselling to students and parents who are at risk of dropping out.
  • Maintaining personal records of students, including their characteristics and family background.
  • Ensuring the involvement of teachers in the students’ overall development.
Guidance and counselling also help students in self-understanding, self-acceptance and self-realisation.

4) What do you mean by Individual Inventory service?

Individual Inventory Service: The individual inventory service is a systematic assessment procedure used to identify the characteristics and potentials of each student. It includes:

  • Collecting data on students' family backgrounds, abilities, aptitudes, interests, and achievements using standardised tests, school records, and observation reports.
  • Creating a cumulative record (CRC) of students with input from teachers, peers and parents.

5) What are the different techniques for assessing the needs for a guidance and counseling programme?

Techniques for Assessing Needs: Needs assessment for guidance and counselling programs can use various techniques, including:

  • Standardized questionnaires, checklists, inventories, and tests.
  • Tools developed specifically for the school’s needs.
  • A survey.
  • Data can be qualitative or quantitative in nature, and can include case studies, observations, and interviews.

6) Who can be the members of a school guidance committee?

Members of a School Guidance Committee: A school guidance committee typically includes:

  • School principal
  • Teachers
  • Interested parents
  • Student representatives
  • Representatives from local agencies such as doctors, psychologists, industrialists, social workers, or entrepreneurs.

7) How will you publicize the guidance and counseling programme?

Publicising the Guidance and Counselling Programme: Publicity is important to ensure participation, and can be achieved by:
  1. Informing people about the date, time, place, objectives, and outcomes of the activity.
  2. Using print media like newspapers.
  3. Using audio-visual media like radio and TV.
  4. Disseminating information during school events.
  5. Displaying information on school notice boards.

8) What do you mean by a guidance calendar?

Guidance Calendar: A guidance calendar is a schedule that helps in organising guidance activities, and includes the date, time, target group, guidance service activity, and required resources. The calendar should:

  • Be developed with the involvement of staff, parents, and community members.
  • Help avoid overlapping with other school activities.
  • Provide advance information to administration and target groups.

9) Differentiate between comprehensive and partial guidance and counseling programme.

Comprehensive vs. Partial Guidance and Counselling Programmes:

  • comprehensive programme includes all guidance and counselling services implemented by a trained counsellor or teacher counsellor. It covers areas such as orientation, information, testing/assessment, counselling and referral.
  • partial programme has limited scope.
  • A comprehensive programme requires school management to provide facilities such as a counsellor's room, furniture, a computer and psychological tests.

10) What should be the focus of a school guidance and counseling curriculum?

Focus of a School Guidance and Counselling Curriculum: The school guidance and counselling curriculum should focus on:

  • Decision-making.
  • Self-knowledge.
  • Career exploration.
  • Career development.
  • It should be designed according to grade level to serve all students.
  • It should include learning to live, learning to learn, and learning to work.

11) What are the equipments required for a school guidance resource centre?

Equipment for a School Guidance Resource Centre: A school guidance resource center requires:

  • Career literature.
  • Filing cabinets.
  • Display racks.
  • Bulletin boards.
  • Glass cupboards.
  • Projectors (filmstrip and film) and screens.
  • Tables and chairs.
  • A computer with internet access.
  • A camera.
  • Audio/video recording equipment.

12) Discuss the importance of various guidance services in the school context.

Importance of Guidance Services in Schools: Various guidance services are important in schools as they assist with:

  • Appraisal and self-understanding.
  • Orientation.
  • Adjustment.
  • Development.
  • Educational and vocational planning.
  • Personal problem solving and decision-making.
  • Addressing family problems.
  • Other activities related to assessment, counselling, prevention, consultation, coordination and psychological testing.

13) Briefly describe the essential infrastructural facilities required to implement guidance and counselling programme in a school.

Essential Infrastructural Facilities: The essential infrastructure for implementing a guidance and counselling programme includes:

  • Trained guidance personnel.
  • A budget or financial resources.
  • Facilities such as space (room), furniture, storage for materials, and display boards.
  • Psychological tests and career literature.
  • A dedicated time in the school timetable.

14) What are the different requirements needed to be considered for setting up a school guidance resource centre?

Requirements for Setting Up a School Guidance Resource Centre: The requirements include:

  • Identifying the target group.
  • Choosing a suitable location and space.
  • Ensuring there is staff assistance.
  • Securing a budget.
  • Obtaining materials and equipment.

15) Describe the role of “School Guidance Committee” in a comprehensive guidance and counseling programme.

Role of the School Guidance Committee: In a comprehensive guidance and counselling programme, the school guidance committee is crucial for:

  • Planning.
  • Implementing.
  • Monitoring.
  • Evaluating services and activities.

16) Upon conducting a need assessment survey in a school, which services/activities do you expect to propose under a guidance and counselling programme.

Services/Activities Proposed After a Need Assessment: Based on a needs assessment survey, the proposed services/activities would vary depending on the school's specific needs but may include:

  • Orientation services for new students.
  • Individual analysis services to assess student needs.
  • Counselling services for individual and group support.
  • Career planning and information services.
  • Referral services for specialist support.
  • Programmes to address specific issues identified in the needs assessment, such as academic underachievement, behavioral problems, or substance abuse.
  • Activities to promote self-awareness, decision making and conflict resolution skills.
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