Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE022 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 4 Organising and Planning Counselling and Guidance Unit 3 Organising And Evaluation Of Guidance And Counselling Programme

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Block 4 Organising and Planning Counselling and Guidance

Unit 3 Organising And Evaluation Of Guidance And Counselling Programme

1) On the basis of a need analysis survey of students at elementary level, prepare a calendar of guidance and counselling activities.

  • To create a calendar of guidance activities, you would first need to conduct a needs assessment survey. 
  • The needs assessment would help to determine the gap between what is and what should be, and would ensure the program is relevant, involves all staff, and helps to determine program goals. 
  • This can be done using techniques such as direct observation, questionnaires, psychological tests/inventories, consultation with informed persons, interviews, focus group discussions, and record and reports of studies. 
  • A planning committee including teachers, students, parents, school management representatives, and educational functionaries should be formed to identify the goals of the school guidance program. 
  • Based on this needs assessment, the guidance calendar can then be developed. 
  • The guidance calendar should show all planned guidance activities, including class talks, career talks, tours/visits, career exhibitions/fairs, and other activities. 
  • The activities should address the needs of students beyond the regular curriculum. 
  • The calendar should also include the date, time, target group, guidance service activity, and human and material resources needed.

2) Briefly describe the components of guidance and counselling programme.

A comprehensive guidance and counselling program includes several key components:

  • Individual planning: This involves activities to help students plan, monitor, and manage their personal, academic, social, and career development. It provides opportunities for self-appraisal and career planning.
  • School guidance and counselling curriculum: This is a structured curriculum designed to teach knowledge and life skills to students, emphasizing decision-making, self-knowledge, career exploration, and career development. The curriculum is organized around three major areas: learning to live, learn, and work.
  • Responsive services: This includes preventative, developmental, and remedial guidance and counselling, as well as consultation and referral services.
  • Counselling service: This provides opportunities for verbal interaction between the counsellor and the client to address specific problems.
  • Referral service: This connects individuals with specialized professionals or services when needed.
  • Consultation service: This involves collaborating with parents, teachers, and other staff to address student needs and issues.
  • Appraisal: This service gathers personal information about the learner to help them understand themselves better and provide the counsellor with essential facts.
  • Placement and follow-up: This service assists students in achieving their career goals, including subject selection and placement in schools or classes.
  • Research and evaluation service: This assesses the effectiveness of the guidance program and helps upgrade it to meet client needs.
  • Systems support: This includes staff development, resources, facilities, finance, and policy support needed for effective implementation of the program.

3) What is a developmental task according to Havighurst?

According to Havighurst, a developmental task is a midpoint between an individual's needs and societal demands that arises at a particular time in a person's life. Mastering these tasks at each life stage is essential for effective functioning, present happiness, and future success.

4) Discuss guidance at different stages of education

Guidance is a developmental process that is needed throughout life. The focus and objectives of guidance vary across different stages of education:

  • Elementary Stage: Guidance at the elementary level is developmental and preventative, focusing on building competencies, skills, and attitudes. The goals are to promote self-awareness and develop skills for handling the developmental tasks of later stages.
  • Secondary and Middle School Stages: During these stages, guidance shifts to exploratory activities to help students acquire a clear self and career identity, as physical and mental growth occur more rapidly. Efforts are made to help students resolve identity crises and cope with personal and career concerns.
  • Senior Secondary Stage: This stage focuses on remedial and preventative guidance, aiming for career understanding, identity, and decision-making skills related to future goals and values.

5) Elaborate following components of guidance and counselling in your own words.

a) Individual planning: This involves providing support and resources to students so they can manage and plan for their own personal growth. It includes helping them with their academic, social, and career development. Students learn to evaluate themselves, understand their environment, and set goals for their future.

b) School guidance and counselling curriculum: This is like a special course of study designed to help students develop important life skills. It teaches them how to understand themselves, make good decisions, and explore their career options. This curriculum is designed for all students in a particular grade or group. It includes lessons on understanding their own feelings, building relationships, making safe choices, and learning how to study effectively.

c) Responsive Services: These are the services provided to students to help them with any issues or challenges that might come up. It can include counselling to address personal or emotional issues, helping students who need extra support, and connecting students with other professionals if needed. These services aim to support healthy development across personal, social, educational, and career areas.

6) What is meant by Systems Support?

Systems support refers to the essential resources, structures, and policies that are needed to ensure a guidance and counselling program is effective. This support can include staff training and development, access to necessary facilities and equipment, adequate financial resources, and supportive policies from the school or educational institution. Systems support is crucial for the proper implementation and success of a guidance program.

7) Describe guidance calendar and elaborate its need in a comprehensive guidance and counselling programme.

A guidance calendar is a schedule of all the guidance activities planned in a school. It is a key component of a school's guidance program and lists activities such as class talks, career talks, tours, career exhibitions and other events that address needs beyond the regular classroom. The calendar helps to ensure that these activities are properly coordinated and do not overlap with other school events. It also ensures the efficient use of resources, and provides advance information to the administration and target groups. The calendar should also indicate the date, time, target group, activity, and resources needed. The calendar is developed collaboratively with staff, parents and community members.

8) Suggest two activities which you would like to organise in school for each of the following objectives:

  1. Facilitating students adjust in school
    1. Organize school visits for parents and children before the start of the academic year to familiarise them with the school environment. 
    2. Arrange small playgroups to help children interact with their peers.
  2. Developing basic academic skills:
    1. Form study groups where students can work together to enhance their skills.
    2. Administer testing and non-testing tools to identify deficits in learning basic skills.
  3. Improving relationship between teacher and student:
    1. Organise meetings for teachers and parents to discuss ways of improving teacher-student relationships.
    2. Have teachers create a warm climate in the classroom, and model positive behavior for students.
  4. Identifying learning difficulties in students:
    1. Use psychological tests, observations, and interviews to identify learning difficulties.
    2. Organize counselling sessions to develop self-esteem among students experiencing learning difficulties.
  5. Developing study habits/skills and attitudes:
    1. Organise workshops or brainstorming sessions to develop interest in good study habits. 
    2. Collect good books on developing good habits and motivate students to read them.
  6. Identifying and helping children with special abilities/talents: 
    1. Use psychological tests, observations, and interviews with students, teachers, and parents to identify children with special talents.
    2. Supply information to students and parents about opportunities to enhance their talents, including placement services.

9) According to you which two objectives are very important for career development of students at this stage?

Two very important objectives for career development at this stage are:

  • Assisting students to develop a general awareness about the world of work, work attitudes, values and habits. This is crucial as it creates an understanding of the various types of work available and helps students develop positive attitudes towards work. It forms a foundation for future career choices.
  • Helping students make realistic vocational choices and set goals considering all relevant factors. This is important for students to align their interests and abilities with career options, making informed choices about their educational and career paths.

10) Suggest two activities which you would like to organise in school for each of the following objectives:

  1. Developing a positive self-concept, appreciation and respect for all human beings including peers irrespective of caste, creed, religion, sex and socio-economic status:
    1. Organise self-expression activities where students can share their thoughts and feelings, focusing on their unique qualities and what makes them proud.
    2. Conduct interactive sessions where students can learn about and appreciate the diversity within their classroom and community. This can include sharing of stories, traditions, and customs.
  2. Preventing violence and substance abuse and inculcate conflict resolution skills:
    1. Organise role-playing activities where students can act out scenarios involving conflict and practice strategies for resolving these situations peacefully.
    2. Conduct group discussions and workshops to educate students about the negative effects of violence and substance abuse, and provide them with healthy coping strategies.
  3. Educating for building character and moral awareness:
    1. Use storytelling to highlight the importance of making ethical choices and demonstrate how such decisions impact others.
    2. Engage students in group activities to identify their personal values and discuss how these can be integrated into their daily lives.
  4. Developing skills to face demands of adolescence stage:
    1. Organise interactive workshops led by counsellors or other experts to teach students practical coping skills to manage stress, emotions and resolve conflict.
    2. Facilitate open discussions and peer support groups to provide students with a safe space to share their challenges and learn from one another's experiences.

11) According to you which four objectives are very important for academic development of students at this stage under guidance and counselling programme?

Based on the sources, four important objectives for academic development of students at this stage are:

  • Developing study skills. This will help students become independent learners, manage their time efficiently, and improve their communication skills.
  • Facilitating and strengthening self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-direction. These qualities will help students make appropriate academic choices, make successful academic adjustments and enhance personal development.
  • Helping students relate personal characteristics to educational requirements and occupational options. This will support students in making informed academic choices that align with their strengths and career aspirations.
  • Identification of children with special needs and helping them. This helps these students to cope with their problems and progress in academics with special provisions and facilities.

12) Suggest two activities which you would like to organise in school for each of the following objectives:

  1. Assisting students in career exploration and career planning:
    1. Organise career talks where professionals from different fields share insights about their work, educational requirements, and career paths.
    2. Create opportunities for job shadowing or field visits to workplaces, enabling students to observe real work settings and interact with professionals in their areas of interest.
  2. Helping students make realistic vocational choices and setting goals considering all relevant factors:
    1. Arrange career counselling sessions where students can relate their individual characteristics to various training courses and occupations, enabling them to make informed choices.
    2. Facilitate discussions and workshops with career experts to help students understand the link between their personal attributes and career requirements.
  3. Identification of students with special needs and learning difficulties and helping them in career development:
    1. Conduct comprehensive assessments using psychological tests, observations, and interviews to identify the specific needs and challenges of individual students.
    2. Provide individualised guidance and counselling to help students with special needs explore appropriate vocational options based on their unique abilities and interests and provide referral to agencies for their placement.

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