Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE033 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Analysing and Managing the OD Process Unit 2 Diagnosing The System, Subunits And Process

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Block 3 Analysing and Managing the OD Process

Unit 2 Diagnosing The System, Subunits And Process

1) What is diagnosis in organisational development?

  • Diagnosis in organisational development (OD) is a way of determining the gaps between current and desired performance.
  • It is a planned change process carried out by OD practitioners who actively gather data from employees and management.
  • It helps to understand ways in which the goals of the organisation can be achieved.
  • Diagnosis is a major aspect of OD, and the entire intervention process depends on its results.
  • It should be carried out systematically, focusing on the organisation and its structures, and changes that are required.

2) Discuss the role of a consultant in the diagnosis stage of organisational development.

  • Consultants play an active role in gathering data from employees and management.
  • They help to identify gaps between current and desired performance and understand how to achieve organisational goals.
  • They provide a means of protecting themselves from excessive demands by clients.
  • They help the organisation to make good decisions about how to carry out the OD process.
  • They establish liaison systems to manage the relationship between the consultant and elements of the system where diagnosis takes place.
  • Consultants analyse and interpret collected data in order to develop an action plan.

3) What are the diagnostic activities emphasised by Beckhard?

  • Beckhard emphasised the diagnosis of various subsystems that make up the total organisation.
  • He also focused on processes such as decision-making, communication, relationship between groups, conflict management, goal setting, and planning methods.

4) Highlight any two purposes of diagnosis in an organisation.

  • One purpose is to enhance problem-solving and decision-making by providing relevant information about various aspects of the organisation and persistent problems.
  • Another purpose is to develop suitable intervention strategies based on an understanding of the problems identified.

5) Discuss various perspectives from which diagnosis in an organisation can be carried out.

  • Diagnosis can be carried out based on the decision taken by management, depending on the problem or the goals of OD.
  • The sources don't specify different perspectives of diagnosis except that the focus can be on the organisation and its structure, and on the subsystems and processes.

6) What are the phases of diagnosis in organisational development?

The three main phases of diagnosis are entry, data collection, and feedback.

7) Discuss the first phase in diagnosis of an organisation.

  • The first phase, entry, involves the initial encounter between the organisation's members and the consultant.
  • It's when the nature of problems are grasped and a decision is made about whether to continue with the diagnosis.
  • It is also the time to collect initial data through observation and studying documents.
  • Consultants establish liaison systems to manage relationships during this phase.

8) Discuss the phase of feedback.

  • Feedback involves meetings between the consultant and members of the organisation.
  • During feedback, the consultant presents the data analysis, and the parties discuss and interpret the data.
  • The content of feedback is the data analysis, and the process involves the composition of meetings, the system’s behaviour, and the consultant’s behaviour.
  • The goal of feedback is to present analysed data and create a platform for the members of the organisation to share their thoughts and opinions regarding the same.

9) What are the communication patterns, styles and flows in an organisation?

  • Diagnosis of communication focuses on who talks to whom, how long, about what, and who initiates communication.
  • It also examines whether communication is directed upward, downward, or both.

10) Discuss goal setting in an organisation.

  • Goal setting involves setting task objectives and determining criteria to measure accomplishments of those objectives.
  • The diagnosis focuses on questions like:
    • Do they set goals?
    • How is it done?
    • Who participates in goal setting?
    • Do they possess necessary skills?

11) Why is it important to diagnose decision making, problem-solving and action planning in an organisation?

  • It is important to diagnose decision-making, problem-solving, and action planning as these functions directly lead to the achievement of goals.
  • It involves evaluating alternatives and choosing a plan of action, which are integral functions for most organisation members.
  • Questions are asked such as:
    • Who makes decisions?
    • Are they effective?
    • Are all available sources utilised?

12) Discuss conflict resolution and management in an organisation.

  • This includes understanding where conflict exists, who the involved parties are, and how it's managed.
  • It considers interpersonal, intrapersonal, and intergroup conflicts.

13) Explain managing interface relations in an organisation.

  • Interfaces represent situations where two or more groups face common, overlapping problems.
  • The diagnosis focuses on the nature of the relations between the groups, if goals and responsibilities are clear.

14) How do you determine superior-subordinate relations in an organisation?

This focuses on formal hierarchical relationships, examining leadership styles, and problems that arise between superiors and subordinates.

15) Why is it important to diagnose technological and engineering systems?

  • It's important because all organisations rely on technology for production, operations, and information processing.
  • The diagnosis will determine if the technologies are adequate for satisfactory performance.

16) Why is it important to diagnose strategic management and long-range planning in an organisation?

  • It involves monitoring the environment, adding or deleting products, predicting future events, and making strategic decisions.
  • It highlights questions related to what type of support is available in these activities.

17) What is the role of diagnosis in organisational learning?

This diagnosis is concerned with the learning climate in the organisation, and asks about strengths, problem areas, and the availability of ideas or suggestions from all members.

18) Discuss relationship as one of the boxes in the model suggested by Weisbord.

  • In Weisbord’s Six Box Model, relationships are one of the areas in which things should go right and be consistent for an organisation to be successful.
  • Relationship focuses on the interactions between individuals, between units or departments, and between people and job requirements.

19) Discuss in detail the concept of diagnosis and its relevance in an organisational set up.

  • Diagnosis is a planned change activity where OD practitioners actively gather data from employees and management to understand the current functioning of the organisation.
  • It aims to identify the gap between the current and desired performance and understand how organisational goals can be achieved.
  • It is a major aspect of OD and serves as a foundation for intervention strategies and is crucial in determining the success of any change initiative.
  • It is carried out systematically, focusing on the organisation, its structures, and any required changes.
  • Diagnosis helps to systematically understand the organisation so that appropriate interventions can be developed to solve problems and enhance effectiveness.

20) Explain any two phases of diagnosis in an organisation.

  • Entry: The first phase which involves the first encounter between the consultant and organisation members, during which preliminary issues are identified and an agreement to proceed is made.
  • Data Collection: This phase is when the consultant begins to gather information about the organisation's processes and structures through various methods, including observations and interviews.
  • Feedback: This phase involves the consultant presenting the analysed data to the organisation members for discussion and interpretation.

21) Discuss the purposes to carry out diagnosis in an organisational set up.

  • One key purpose is to determine gaps between current and desired performance.
  • It is also important to understand how the organisation's goals can be achieved.
  • Another is to enhance problem-solving and decision-making by providing relevant information and identifying persistent problems.
  • Finally, to develop suitable intervention strategies based on the diagnosed issues.

22) Discuss various organisational processes that need to be diagnosed.

  • Communication patterns, styles, and flows which focus on who communicates with whom, how, and about what.
  • Goal setting, which looks at how objectives are set and who participates in the process.
  • Decision-making, problem-solving, and action planning, which focuses on how decisions are made, problems are solved, and plans are developed.
  • Conflict resolution and management, understanding where conflict exists and how it is handled.
  • Managing interface relations, examining how different groups interact and collaborate.
  • Superior-subordinate relations, looking at leadership styles and issues in hierarchical structures.
  • Technological and engineering systems to ensure they are adequate for performance.
  • Strategic management and long-range planning, which focuses on how the organisation monitors its environment, predicts future events, and makes strategic decisions.
  • Organisational learning, assessing the learning climate and the availability of ideas and suggestions.

23) Describe the Six Box Model.

  • Weisbord's Six Box Model is a diagnostic tool that helps to understand the effectiveness of an organisation. The model helps to understand management of change in an organizational setup.
  • It includes six areas that need to be internally consistent for an organisation to be successful:
    • Purposes: The organisation’s mission and goals.
    • Structure: How work is divided, and whether the internal structure fits with the purpose.
    • Relationships: The interactions between individuals, units, and people and their jobs.
    • Rewards: How the organisation formally rewards and punishes its members.
    • Leadership: The role of the leader in supervising activities and maintaining balance.
    • Helpful mechanisms: The technological support and other facilities available.

24) Explain diagnosis according to Howard.

According to Howard, diagnosis involves developing road maps to guide and direct organisational change. This means that when a diagnosis is carried out, it should lead towards changes in the overall aspect of the organisation. Howard views diagnosis as a tool for charting the course of change within an organisation.

25) Discuss the box pertaining to helpful mechanism.

In Marvin Weisbord’s “Six Box Model,” the ‘helpful mechanism’ box refers to the various systems and resources that support the organisation’s operations and its change processes. These mechanisms are crucial for the organisation’s ability to function efficiently and adapt to change.

Here are some key aspects of helpful mechanisms:

  • Technological support: This includes the technology and tools that are used by the organisation to complete tasks and manage information.
  • Expert support: Access to expert advice and guidance is necessary to facilitate the change process. This may include internal experts or external consultants.
  • Other facilities: This refers to all other resources and infrastructure necessary for the smooth operation of the organisation, such as physical facilities and support systems.
  • Diagnosis: Diagnosis in this area helps the organisation to update its technology and develop various other facilities.
  • Adaptability: These mechanisms should be adaptable to the changing needs of the organisation.

The 'helpful mechanisms' box is essential because it recognizes that organisations need the right tools, technologies and other resources in order to achieve their goals and manage change effectively. A well-functioning 'helpful mechanism' ensures that all the necessary support systems are in place for the success of the organisation.

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