Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE033 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Analysing and Managing the OD Process Unit 3 Models For Managing Change (Including Six Boxes Organisational Model)

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Block 3 Analysing and Managing the OD Process

Unit 3 Models For Managing Change (Including Six Boxes Organisational Model)

1. Explain changing organisational structure and changing work environment.

  1. Changing organisational structure involves modifying how the organisation divides and coordinates its work. This can include alterations in reporting relationships, departmentalisation, and overall hierarchy.
  2. Changing work environment refers to alterations in the conditions and atmosphere in which employees work. This can involve changes to physical spaces, technology, culture, and working relationships.
  3. Both types of change are interconnected, as changes in one area often affect the other.

2. Discuss the relevance of change agents in the process of change.

  • Change agents are crucial for facilitating and managing organisational change.
  • They act as catalysts for change, guiding the organisation through the various stages of the change process.
  • Change agents help to identify the need for change, develop strategies for implementation, and support employees through the transition.
  • They also help to overcome resistance to change and ensure that the changes are successfully integrated into the organisation.

3. Highlight any two preparations to be made before implementation of change.

  • Creating a clear vision for the future: This involves defining what the organisation will look like after the change and communicating this vision to all stakeholders. This will involve defining a mission supported by the necessary inputs required to achieve the change.
  • Identifying and addressing potential resistance: This includes recognising the reasons for resistance and developing strategies to overcome it. This can involve identifying the key players in the organisation whose support is required.
  • Another preparation involves creating a plan that includes a checklist of activities, people responsible and a sequence of events.

4. Discuss the relevance of leaders in the organisation during the change process.

  • Leaders play a crucial role in driving and supporting the change process.
  • They must communicate the vision for change, create buy-in among employees, and provide resources and support to facilitate change.
  • Leaders must also address any resistance and make necessary adjustments to the change strategy.
  • Furthermore, leaders need to provide motivation and encouragement to the employees.

5. Which is the most important aspect during preparation for implementation of change according to you? Give reason.

  • Creating a clear vision and a mission statement backed up by values and the inputs necessary for achieving the change are key.
  • A clear vision provides direction and motivation, and helps to reduce uncertainty about the change process. Without a clear vision, employees may not understand the need for change, resulting in resistance and failure of the change effort.

6. Discuss economic factors as a reason for resistance to change.

  • Economic factors can lead to resistance when employees fear the change will negatively impact their job security, pay, or benefits.
  • They may worry about potential job losses, reduced earnings, or changes in their working conditions.

7. Describe psychological factors that lead to resistance to change.

  • Psychological factors contributing to resistance include fear of the unknown, discomfort with new ways of working, and a lack of trust in management.
  • Employees may also resist change if they feel their skills or expertise are devalued, they have habituated to the current status quo, or they feel a sense of loss of control.

8. Explain shaping the future as a strategy for change.

  • Shaping the future is a strategy where the organisation proactively identifies and prepares for future trends and challenges, so that the organisation is ahead of the competition.
  • This involves developing new capabilities, products, or services to meet anticipated customer needs.
  • This also involves a thorough analysis of the opportunities and threats and defining the organisation's future mission.

9. Explain in detail Lewin’s change model.

Lewin’s change model consists of three stages: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
  • Unfreezing: This stage involves creating awareness of the need for change and overcoming resistance. It involves motivating and preparing the employees to embrace the change process. Managers need to identify background factors contributing to resistance and then explain the problem and the need for change.
  • Changing: This stage is when new behaviours, processes, and practices are introduced and tested. This is a process of learning between the managers and their subordinates where they try new ways of doing things to resolve issues and problems.
  • Refreezing: In this stage the new behaviours and processes are solidified, and they become the new norm.

10. Highlight Marvin Weisberg “Six Box Model”.

  • Marvin Weisbord’s “Six Box Model” is a diagnostic tool that highlights the effectiveness of an organisation.
  • It consists of six interconnected areas that need to be aligned for an organisation to be successful.
    • Purposes: Are the organisation members clear about the organisation’s mission and purpose?
    • Structure: Is there an adequate fit between the purpose and the internal structure?
    • Relationship: How are interpersonal relations in the organisation?
    • Rewards: Are the rewards aligned with the performance and work activity of the employees?
    • Leadership: How effective are the leaders at maintaining balance across all the other boxes?
    • Helpful Mechanisms: Does the organisation have the technology and resources necessary to support the change process?

11. Discuss the 12 dimensions in Burke & Litwik model of Organisation Change.

The Burke and Litwin model strives to link performance with internal and external factors, using 12 dimensions:
  • External Environment: How external factors influence the organisation.
  • Mission and Strategy: The organisation's goals and strategies.
  • Leadership: The style and effectiveness of management.
  • Organisational Culture: The shared values, beliefs, and norms within the organisation.
  • Structure: The formal design of the organisation.
  • Systems: The policies and procedures.
  • Management Practices: How well managers conform to the organisation strategy and deal with employees and resources.
  • Work unit Climate: How employees think, feel and what they expect and the relationships between employees.
  • Tasks and Skills: The job positions and the skills and knowledge required.
  • Individual Values and Needs: Employees opinion about their work, and factors that lead to better job satisfaction.
  • Motivation Level: How much effort employees are willing to make to achieve organisational goals.
  • Individual and Overall Performance: The level of performance on both an individual and organisational level.

12. Explain in detail the concept of change.

  • Change refers to any alteration in the work environment of an organisation.
  • It includes adapting to change, controlling change, and effecting change.
  • Change can be planned or unplanned, and it can be driven by external or internal forces.
  • Change affects the entire organisation as all the sub units or departments of an organisation are inter-related and inter-dependent.
  • Different parts of the organisation may be influenced by change at different rates of speed and significance.
  • Effective management techniques are required to deal with changes.

13. Discuss the preparations that are to be carried out before implementation of change.

  • Developing a Clear Vision: Defining what the organisation will look like after the change.
  • Identifying and Addressing Potential Resistance: Recognizing and addressing the reasons for resistance to change.
  • Communication: Communicating the vision and the reasons for change to all stakeholders.
  • Resource Allocation: Ensuring the resources needed to support the change are available.
  • Involving Employees: Ensuring that the employees participate in the change process.
  • Leadership: Ensuring that leaders support the change process.
  • Detailed Plan: Develop a plan for the change that includes tasks, responsible people and a sequence of events.

14. Highlight the strategies for change.

  • Shaping the Future: Proactively anticipating and preparing for future trends. This includes identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the organisation and analysing the opportunities and threats.
  • Transformational Change: Radical change involving significant alterations in the organisation.
  • Incremental Change: Gradual changes, which tends to be risk averse.
  • Reengineering: Improving productivity and satisfaction in the organisation.

15. Discuss any two models of change.

  • Lewin’s Change Model: This model proposes three stages of change: unfreezing, changing, and refreezing.
  • Kotter's Eight-Step Plan for Implementing Change: This model includes establishing a sense of urgency, creating a guiding coalition, developing a vision and strategy, communicating the change vision, empowering employees for broad-based action, generating short-term wins, consolidating gains and producing more change, and anchoring new approaches in the culture.
  • Weisbord's Six Box Model: This model includes 6 interconnected areas which need to be aligned in order for an organisation to be effective.

16. Highlight any two aspects that facilitate change.

  • Genuine and hard-working employees: Change depends on the commitment of employees to the functioning of the organisation. When employees are dedicated to the organisation and its goals, they are more likely to actively participate in and support the change process.
  • Effective leadership: Leaders play a crucial role in implementing change as they are in regular contact with employees and have great influence over them. Effective leaders can communicate the vision for change, create buy-in among employees, and provide resources and support to facilitate the change.

17. Highlight changing work process as a strategy for change.

  • Changing work processes involves implementing incremental changes within an organisation.
  • This strategy tends to be risk averse and can sometimes underestimate the extent of change needed.
  • If these small changes are not supported throughout the organisation, they can be unsuccessful.
  • This approach can include changes to work methods, workflows, and the use of technology to improve efficiency.
  • It can also involve reorganising work teams to create more independent groups.
  • It can also include changes in workload and schedules.
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