Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Positive Cognitive States and Processes Unit 11 Flow and Mindfulness

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Block 3 Positive Cognitive States and Processes

Unit 11 Flow and Mindfulness

1. Who has contributed to the concept of ‘Flow’?

Mihály Csíkszentmihályi has contributed to the concept of 'Flow'.

2. Name a few characteristics of flow experience.

A few characteristics of flow experience include altered sense of time, merging of action and awareness, centering of attention, and loss of ego.

3. The concept of flow has parallels in which Hindu philosophy?

The concept of flow has parallels in the Hindu philosophy of Karma Yoga.

4. Name the psychological tests used to measure flow.

Psychological tests used to measure flow include The Flow State Scale II (FSS II) and the Work-related Flow scale (WOLF).

5. What is 'Sati'?

Sati is a Pali term for mindfulness.

6. According to Siegel (2014), what are the three components of mindfulness?

According to Siegel (2014), the three components of mindfulness are awareness, present experience, and acceptance.

7. What is ‘Vipassana’?

Vipassana is a form of meditational practice that derives from Theravada Buddhism.

8. Name certain dimensions of mindfulness.

Certain dimensions of mindfulness include non-judgemental, non-striving, acceptance, trust, patience, openness, and loving-kindness.

9. Who developed the mindfulness-based stress reduction program?

Kabat-Zinn developed the mindfulness-based stress reduction program.

10. What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) is a psychological intervention that aims to improve ‘psychological flexibility’ by combining acceptance and mindfulness strategies, with commitment and behaviour change strategies.

11. Explain the meaning of ‘Flow’.

Flow is an optimal experience where an individual is fully immersed in an activity, characterised by a balance between challenge and skill, deep involvement, and a sense of enjoyment in the activity itself.

12. Differentiate between flow and engagement.

While both involve being absorbed in an activity, flow is a specific state of deep immersion with a merging of action and awareness, whereas engagement is a broader term that can be applied to various activities. Flow is more likely to be focused on the activity itself.

13. Discuss mindfulness as a meditational practice.

Mindfulness is a meditational practice that involves paying attention to the present moment experiences with an attitude of acceptance and non-judgement. It encourages awareness of thoughts, feelings, and sensations without judgement.

14. Discuss the mechanisms of mindfulness.

The mechanisms of mindfulness involve focused attention, awareness of the present experience, and acceptance. It helps to reduce reactivity to thoughts and emotions and improves attention and emotional regulation.

15. Explain how mindfulness contributes to our well-being.

Mindfulness contributes to well-being by promoting a sense of connectedness, bliss, and peace, and by helping individuals to manage their thoughts and emotions more effectively. Regular practice of mindfulness has been found to improve both physical and psychological health.

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