Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 3 Positive Cognitive States and Processes Unit 9 Resilience

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Block 3 Positive Cognitive States and Processes

Unit 9 Resilience

1. Which wave of resilience focused on finding out resilient qualities?

The first wave of resilience research focused on identifying resilient qualities.

2. Name any one scale on resilience.

One scale on resilience is the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale.

3. Which approach dominated the earlier psychological research?

Psychopathological approach.

4. What is resilience?

Resilience is described as positive adaptation in response to adversity. Resilience is not the same as invincibility.

5. What is distal risk?

Distal risks are risk factors present within the environment but not within the immediate surroundings.

6. Explain cumulative protection.

Cumulative protection refers to the combined contribution of several protective factors in building resilience.

7. What is domain-specific resilience?

Domain-specific resilience refers to the idea that it is possible to display positive adaptation in one area of life while experiencing vulnerability in another domain.

8. Who termed resilience as ‘ordinary magic’?

Ann Masten termed resilience as ‘ordinary magic’.

9. What are the criteria for defining resilience?

The criteria for defining resilience are the presence of a significant adversity and the display of positive adaptation despite the adversity.

10. Explain public participation in resilience research.

Public participation refers to participants being involved in making decisions about the research, including objectives, methodology, and outcomes, and working with the researchers as collaborators.

11. Describe risk and protective factors in resilience.

  • Risk factors are conditions that increase the likelihood of negative outcomes in response to adversity, and they can be proximal (direct impact) or distal (indirect impact). These include individual vulnerabilities and environmental adversities. The presence of multiple risk factors represents cumulative risk.
  • Protective factors are conditions that buffer individuals from the negative effects of adversity and promote positive adaptation. These include individual strengths and resources as well as environmental and social support. Multiple protective factors represent cumulative protection.

12. Why is resilience described as ‘domain-specific’? Illustrate with the help of an example.

Resilience is domain-specific because individuals may display positive adaptation in one area of life (e.g., academics) while experiencing vulnerability in another (e.g., relationships). An example could be a student who excels academically despite having difficult family relationships.

13. Do you agree that resilience is ‘ordinary magic’? Provide examples in support of your answer.

The term 'ordinary magic' suggests that resilience is common and not extraordinary, and that despite adversity, people can achieve positive outcomes. Examples include individuals who overcome poverty to achieve success, or those who adapt to life after a serious illness.

14. Cite an example of apparent resilience that you might have observed in your life or in people around you.

This is a reflective question. An example could be observing a colleague who has navigated redundancy or other difficult work situations and still remains motivated and proactive.

15. Why do researchers recommend the use of mixed methods in studying resilience?

Researchers recommend mixed methods because both quantitative and qualitative data are valuable. Quantitative methods help understand statistical relationships, while qualitative methods provide in-depth insights into personal adaptation processes.

16. If you are asked to develop a resilience intervention on college students in India, which risk and protective factors will you focus on?

This is a reflective question. Considering the context, one may focus on family relationships, academic stress, and peer support as both risk and protective factors. Cultural values and spiritual practices could be leveraged as resources.

17. Provide a description of some of the multiple systems and protective factors that can contribute to resilience among individuals diagnosed with a chronic physical illness.

Multiple systems and protective factors include:

  1. Individual: Self-efficacy, optimism, coping skills, problem-solving abilities, and acceptance.
  2. Family: Social support, open communication, and stable relationships.
  3. Community: Access to healthcare, supportive groups, and opportunities for participation in social activities.
  4. Culture: Culturally relevant coping mechanisms and values.
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