Important Questions for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFTE002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Socio-Developmental Perspectives Unit 2 Impact of Mass-Media
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Block 1 Socio-Developmental Perspectives
Unit 2 Impact of Mass Media
1. What are the different sources of media?
The different sources of media comprise of both print and audio-visual sources of media. Newspapers and magazines constitute the print sources of media, while radio, television, computers and video games constitute the audiovisual forms of media.
2. What types of print media influence children and adolescents?
The key sources of print media that influence children and adolescents are newspapers, magazines, comics and books.
3. What types of audiovisual media affect children and adolescents?
The main audio-visual media forms which influence children and adolescents are television, computers, particularly the internet as well as video games like the playstation.
Important Points
1. Myopia is a visual deficit often resulting from excessive television or computer screen viewing.
2. Eating disorders result from extreme measures to diet and exercise.
3. Visual and spatial skills are enhanced by computer games
4. Restricting channel access - using Child lock
5. Negative body image concerns - may cause Eating Disorders
6. Positive influence of media include Informational programmes
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