Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 2
Have you prepared these very important questions from Unit 2 for IGNOU MSCCFT MCFT002 Exam? Don't miss this chance to score good marks - get started!
Unit 2 Dimensions of Psycho-Social Stress and Coping
1. How would you define stress?
2. Enumerate different theories of stress.
3. Enumerate different models of stress.
4. How would you classify stress?
5. Describe management of stress/Enumerate the interventions for stress.
6. Explain briefly how does stress effect the physical and mental health of individual?
Stress has been implicated in different physical and mental diseases and disorders. This association has been reported with cardiovascular conditions (atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction), infectious diseases (viral diseases, such as herpes simplex, influenza, and coxsackie virus), HIV/AIDS, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis) and cancers. Stress can play a role in form of a predisposing, precipitating or propagating factor in these conditions. Also it could be responsible for the poor treatment response and relapse. The role of stress on these disorders is mediated through a multitude of factors.
Stress causes activation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the hypothalamic pituitary-adrenocortical axis, with responses that include increase in body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and plasma glucocorticoid concentration. The well-described effects of the SNS are mediated through alpha and beta adrenergic receptors located on the heart and throughout the vascular system, which includes the stimulation of renin secretion and subsequent increase in angiotensin II production. Psychosocial stress increases arterial pressure and also has been linked to chronic renal and cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. Long-term effects of social challenges on a number of physiological and behavioural parameters have also been reported, mainly involving the daily rhythms of heart rate and body temperature, food intake and social activity. Stress also alters the immune functions and the mediators of the immune response in the body.
Almost all psychiatric disorders are related to stress in some way or the other. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), acute stress disorder, adjustment disorders, ATPD, enduring personality changes, post-partum disorders, dissociative disorders, depression, schizophrenia have been associated with stress of different kinds. Stress is either a precipitating or an aggravating factor for most of these disorders
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