Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPC003 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 1 Unit 2 State/Trait Approaches to Personality

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Block 1 Unit 2 State/Trait Approaches to Personality

1. Make distinction between individual traits and common traits. Following Allport, discuss the different types of individual traits and their importance in predicting human behaviour.

Individual traits are unique to a person, while common traits are shared by groups. Allport identified cardinal traits (defining characteristic), central traits (general characteristics), and secondary traits (situational preferences) as different types of individual traits. These help predict behaviour by understanding unique patterns within individuals.

2. Explain viewpoints of Cattell regarding traits as being one of the determiners of human behaviour.

Cattell viewed traits as fundamental units of personality, categorising them into source and surface traits. He used factor analysis to identify 16 source traits, which he believed could be used to predict behaviour.

3. Do you find Eysenck’s type-trait hierarchy a satisfactory explanation for making prediction about human behaviour?

Eysenck proposed a hierarchical model with types (superfactors), traits, habits, and specific responses. This framework suggests that behaviours can be understood by assessing individuals along dimensions of extraversion/introversion, neuroticism/stability, and psychoticism/impulse control.

4. Discuss the different trait modalities as outlined by J.P. Guilford for understanding and predicting human behaviour.

J.P. Guilford used factor analysis to identify seven modalities of traits for understanding and predicting human behaviour. These modalities are:

  • Morphological traits: These refer to physical attributes, such as physique, head size, and the length of hands and legs.
  • Physiological traits: These pertain to physical functions, like heart rate, breathing rate, and hormone levels. According to Guilford, there is little relationship between morphological and physiological traits.
  • Needs: These are relatively permanent dispositions that motivate a person towards certain conditions. For instance, the need for prestige motivates a person to seek social recognition.
  • Interests: These are a person’s generalised tendency to be attracted to some stimuli. Interests are general rather than specific traits, and are valued positively. They also relate to the liking of performing certain activities.
  • Attitudes: These are a disposition to favour or not favour a social object or action. They involve beliefs, feelings, and actions, and are cognitive, affective, and conative.
  • Aptitudes: These refer to how well an individual can perform a given activity. Aptitudes are more specific than general abilities. Guilford identified three primary aptitudes: perceptual, psychomotor, and intelligence.
    • Perceptual aptitudes relate to the various sense modalities, such as visual, auditory, and kinaesthetic sensitivity.
    • Psychomotor aptitudes are abilities shown by physical educators, dance instructors, and athletic coaches.
    • Intelligence is a general aptitude. Guilford developed a Structure-of-intellect model based upon operations, products, and contents. This model originally consisted of 120 factors of intelligence, which was later expanded to 180.
  • Temperament: This refers to the manner in which an individual performs a behaviour. It can be assessed through inventories like the Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey (GZTS), which measures 10 bipolar traits. Some of these include general activity vs. inactivity, restraint vs. impulsiveness, and sociability vs. shyness.

Guilford emphasised that these modalities should not be seen as separate parts of personality but as different directions from which the whole can be viewed. He also proposed three levels of trait generality: hexic, primary, and type. Hextic traits are specific to certain situations, whereas primary traits are shown in a broader range of behaviours. Types are composed of primary traits that have positive intercorrelations.

5. Discuss the role of five-factor model in understanding human behaviour.

The Big Five model describes personality using five broad dimensions: Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism (OCEAN). It provides a framework for understanding individual differences in personality and has been used in various research areas.

6. Do you find trait perspective a satisfcatory explanation for explaining personality. Give reasons.

The trait perspective is a useful framework as it offers a structured way to understand and measure personality, focusing on consistent patterns of behaviour. It also allows for a comprehensive assessment by accounting for various traits in an individual. However, it may overlook the impact of situational factors on behaviour.

Important Points

  1. Allport was a supporter of:
    • Trait approach to personality
    • Idiographic approach to personality
  2. Your hair style will be the example of Secondary trait.
  3. Allport emphasised more upon Individual traits.
  4. Following Allport, the trait which is a defining characteristic of one’s personality is Cardinal trait.
  5. You have just been told by counsellor that on the basis of Myers-Briggs personality test you are an ESTP. Your counsellor apparently favours Type approach to personality.
  6. The inter-correlation among surface traits leads to the development of an inference about Source trait.
  7. Erg belongs to the category of Dynamic trait.
  8. Shyness is not assessed by clinical Analysis questionnaire.
  9. Friendliness is an example of Surface trait.
  10. According to Cattell Source trait causes behaviour for predictable purposes.
  11. Type-Trait-Habit-Response is the correct sequence of organisation in Eysenck type-trait hierarchy.
  12. Pscyhopathic tendencies are not assessed by EPQ?
  13. According to Eysenck, Psychotics are not oriented toward inner reality.
  14. Eyesenck claimed that personality can best be understood by assessing people on two dimensions: Extroversion and Neuroticism.
  15. Interest is Not a hormetic trait. 
  16. Physique is an example of Morphological
  17. 180 abilities have been identified by Structure-of-intellect model. 
  18. Physical functions like heart rate, breathing rate, brain wave patterns are all covered by Physiological traits.
  19. Practical – imaginative is not assessed by GZTS.
  20. Psychoticism is not assessed by Five factor model.
  21. The latest version of NEO-PI-R measures the dimensions of personality through Six facets 
  22. Goldberg developed Transparent Bipolar Inventory.
  23. Mischel has been considered as the most severest critics of trait approach.
  24. High scorers on Agreeableness dimension of Big Five model would be characterised by being good-natured, trusting and soft-hearted.
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