Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 4 Applications of Positive Psychology Unit 13 Applying Positive Psychology in Relationship, Family and Aging

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Block 4 Applications of Positive Psychology

Unit 13 Applying Positive Psychology in Relationship, Family and Aging

1. What does positive psychotherapy aim at?

Positive psychotherapy aims at "building what’s strong" as opposed to "fixing what’s wrong".

2. What does PERMA stand for?

PERMA stands for Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment.

3. Differentiate between close and casual relationships.

Close relationships are characterised by knowledge, care, intimacy, and mutual influence, while casual relationships involve less emotional depth and commitment.

4. What are the three components of Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love?

The three components of Sternberg’s Triangular Theory of Love are intimacy, passion, and decision/commitment.

5. What are the three primary styles of love in Lee’s theory of love?

The three primary styles of love in Lee’s theory of love are Eros (passionate love), Ludus (game-playing love), and Storge (friendship love).

6. What are the major types of attachment styles found in adults?

Concurrent with attachment styles found in infants, adults have secure, avoidant, and fearful avoidant attachment styles.

7. Which of the techniques of applied positive psychology for flourishing relationships is based on Gottman’s research studies on married couples?

The Sound Relationship House, the Emotional Bank Account, and Three Good things are a few positive techniques based on Gottman’s research.

8. What are the main characteristics of a balanced family?

A balanced family is characterised by an average level of family cohesion (a balance of self and family togetherness), an average level of flexibility in rules and leadership, and high communication.

9. What is “Familism”?

“Familism” refers to a strong identification with nuclear and extended kin enmeshed with high cooperation and affiliation.

10. What is capitalisation on a positive event?

Capitalisation on a positive event focuses on interpreting the positive event in a unique and meaningful manner, giving a sense of privilege to the concerned individual.

11. How do family rituals help family-centred positive therapy?

Family rituals comprise of resilience, pride, and stability, and are usually unique to the family or sometimes to the culture. These events are distinct from daily life routines as they are capable of communicating values and often help galvanise the positive emotions of gratitude and appreciation of one another.

12. Differentiate between primary and secondary aging.

Primary aging is understood mostly as biological aging whereas secondary aging is a byproduct of ‘disuse, abuse, and disease’—factors that are under personal control of an individual.

13. What are the different perspectives of aging?

The different perspectives of aging include biological, psychological, and social perspectives. Age can be understood from a biopsychosocial perspective as well as based on functionality. Biological refers to deterioration at cellular level, psychological perspective is the subjective age we confer to, and social perspective is the age standard expectations set by social norms.

14. Describe the PEACE model to reduce ageism.

The PEACE model focuses on reducing ageism through positive education about aging and positive contact experiences.

15. Identify two strategies that may help boost successful aging.

Two strategies that may help boost successful aging include having an active lifestyle and focusing on positive emotions.

16. Describe the theories of love and friendship that help understand what close relationships are.

Theories of love and friendship include:
  • Sternberg's Triangular Theory of Love: This theory proposes that love consists of three components: intimacy, passion, and commitment.
  • Lee's Styles of Love: This theory suggests different love styles, including Eros (passionate), Ludus (game-playing), and Storge (friendship-based).
  • Attachment Theory: This theory focuses on how early childhood attachments influence adult relationships, identifying secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant attachment styles.
  • Social Exchange Theory: This theory suggests that people maintain relationships based on perceived costs and benefits.

17. What are the different positive techniques to help relationships flourish?

Positive techniques include:
  • Spotting Strengths: Focusing on and appreciating the strengths of the partner.
  • Using the 'Three Good Things' exercise: Recalling positive moments and feelings.
  • The Sound Relationship House: Building a secure relationship through mutual understanding, respect, and support.
  • Capitalisation of positive events: Sharing and celebrating good news.

18. Define the characteristics of a balanced family.

A balanced family is characterised by:
  • An average level of family cohesion, balancing individual needs with family togetherness.
  • An average level of flexibility in rules and leadership.
  • High communication.

19. How can you apply positive psychology in the context of family?

Positive psychology can be applied in families by:
  • Focusing on strengths rather than weaknesses.
  • Building resilience and coping mechanisms within the family.
  • Improving communication.
  • Promoting flexibility and adaptability.
  • Creating a positive home environment.
  • Engaging in shared family activities and rituals.

20. Is aging only a biological process? Elaborate.

No, aging is not solely a biological process. It also encompasses psychological and social aspects. Biological aging includes physical changes, while psychological aging involves cognitive and emotional changes. Social aging relates to how a person's role and status change in society as they age. Successful aging considers all these factors.

21. How is positive psychology useful for successful aging?

Positive psychology is useful for successful aging by:
  • Promoting a positive outlook on aging.
  • Encouraging healthy lifestyle choices such as physical activity.
  • Fostering social connections and support.
  • Maintaining a sense of purpose and meaning.
  • Capitalising on positive experiences and learning from life lessons.
  • Reducing ageism and promoting positive contact.
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