Important Questions for IGNOU MAPC MPCE046 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Block 4 Applications of Positive Psychology Unit 14 Positive Psychology in Workplace, Health and Well-being

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Block 4 Applications of Positive Psychology

Unit 14 Positive Psychology in Workplace, Health and Well-being

1. What is gainful employment?

Gainful employment focuses on employee well-being with a comprehensive approach, taking care of the physical, personal, psychological, economic, social, and organisational aspects.

2. Name the components of PsyCap.

The components of PsyCap are hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resilience.

3. What are the three psychological needs associated with meaningful work?

The three psychological needs associated with meaningful work are autonomy, self-determination, and relatedness.

4. Name the two components of employee engagement.

The two components of employee engagement are emotional engagement and rational engagement.

5. What does social well-being include?

Social well-being includes social coherence, social acceptance, social actualisation, social contribution, and social integration.

6. What is affective well-being?

Affective well-being is a multi-dimensional construct and it is measured with the frequency with which individuals experience various positive and negative affects.

7. Name the five C’s related to the employee in Pryce-Jones model of happiness at work.

The five C’s are Contribution, Conviction, Culture, Commitment, and Confidence.

8. Define Positive psychology interventions at work?

Positive Psychology Interventions at work (PPIs at work) are interventions that explicitly apply the theory and scholarship of positive work and organisation psychologies to guide, plan, design, and/or implement the interventions to improve personal as well as organisational level outcomes.

9. What is job crafting?

Job crafting is a proactive process at work in which employees can redesign their jobs so that they have some control over their work.

10. Explain the importance of the study of Positive Psychology at work.

The study of positive psychology at work is important because it shifts the focus from solely addressing problems to also enhancing strengths and well-being. This approach leads to better employee engagement, performance, and overall job satisfaction. It is also about building a more balanced, humanistic approach to management.

11. Explain the meaning and implications of the four components of PsyCap on personal and organisational outcomes.

The four components of PsyCap are:
  • Hope: Agency and pathways to meet goals, leading to better goal achievement and performance.
  • Self-Efficacy: Belief in one's ability to succeed, resulting in better task performance and problem-solving.
  • Resilience: Ability to bounce back from adversity, leading to lower emotional exhaustion and improved work behaviour.
  • Optimism: Positive interpretation of events, leading to higher motivation, well-being, and performance.

Collectively, these components enhance employee well-being and performance, and reduce negative outcomes like stress and burnout, positively impacting both the individual and the organisation.

12. Define flow at work. Discuss factors which would result in flow at work.

Flow at work is a state of deep absorption, enjoyment, and intrinsic motivation experienced during work activities. Factors that contribute to flow include:
  • Clear goals.
  • A balance between challenge and skills.
  • Immediate feedback.
  • Concentration on the task at hand.
  • A sense of control.
  • Loss of self-consciousness.

13. Discuss the meaning and consequences of employee engagement.

Employee engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related state of mind characterized by vigour, dedication, and absorption. Consequences of engagement are:

  • Improved job performance.
  • Greater loyalty and retention.
  • Higher productivity.
  • Increased well-being.
  • Organisational success, as employees invest their whole selves.

14. Discuss Great Resignation story and suggest ways so that culture does not become toxic.

The Great Resignation refers to the mass exodus of employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, often due to poor work culture and toxic environments. To prevent a toxic culture:

  • Prioritize employee well-being.
  • Provide opportunities for growth.
  • Foster open communication.
  • Recognize and reward contributions.
  • Promote work-life balance.
  • Develop strong leadership.
  • Actively seek and act on employee feedback.

15. Define meaningful work. Discuss the factors affecting meaningful work and their consequences.

Meaningful work is defined by workplace characteristics that facilitate the attainment or maintenance of one or more dimensions of meaning, and individual's judgement about their work. Factors affecting meaningful work include:

  • A sense of calling.
  • Autonomy, self-determination, and relatedness.
  • Opportunities for growth.
  • Having a positive self-concept and morale.

Consequences of meaningful work include higher job satisfaction, intrinsic motivation, job security, growth opportunities, positive self-concept, and organizational performance.

16. Which form of well-being (Hedonic or Eudaimonic or Social) is more relevant in the present-day world and why?

While all three forms of well-being (hedonic, eudaimonic, and social) are important, eudaimonic well-being is increasingly relevant in the present day. This is because it emphasizes meaning, purpose, and personal growth, which are crucial for long-term fulfillment and resilience in an uncertain world. Social well-being, emphasizing social connections, is also crucial for our well-being and is interconnected with eudaimonic well-being. Hedonic well-being focuses on pleasure and happiness, which while relevant, is not sufficient on its own.

17. Given a chance to choose, which well-being interventions will you choose (between generic and work specific) to motivate and reduce the distress level of employees?

Work-specific well-being interventions are more relevant to motivation and reducing distress because they address the unique challenges and opportunities within the work environment. While generic well-being interventions can be helpful, targeted interventions that focus on work-related factors such as stress, job crafting, work relationships, and opportunities for meaningful contribution are likely to have a greater impact on employee motivation and well-being within the workplace.

18. The ‘Gratitude at work intervention’ has been found to have strongest impact on desirable work outcomes as compared to other positive psychology at work intervention. Explain why it would have happened.

Gratitude interventions are effective because they cultivate positive emotions and enhance relationships in the workplace. They foster a sense of appreciation and connection among team members. The act of expressing and receiving gratitude can boost morale and reduce stress. Also, gratitude can help to focus on the positive aspects of work and improve overall job well-being. Furthermore, these types of interventions are simple to implement and can be embedded in daily work practices.

Important Points

  1. Hope consists of agency (goal-directed energy) and pathways (planning to meet goals).
  2. PCQ-24 is one of the most widely used scales to measure PsyCap.
  3. Flow is not a permanent phenomenon.
  4. The three components of flow are absorption, work enjoyment, and intrinsic work motivation.
  5. A sense of calling at work can help achieve meaningful work.
  6. The multidimensional framework of meaningful work includes content and process dimensions.
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With a focus on positive psychology and passion for spreading happiness in the world, The Real Happiness Center is helping people find out what happiness means to them, and how they can achieve it.