Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT002 Exam with Main Points for Answer - Unit 5

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Unit 5 Mental Health Perspective in Chronic Physical Illnesses

1. What is chronic illness?

A chronic illness is the illness lasting three months or more, by the definition of the National Center for Health Statistics (USA). Chronic illnesses may be permanent leaving residual disability, are caused by non-reversible pathological alteration, require special training of the patient for rehabilitation, and/or may be expected to require a long period of supervision, observation or care.

2. What can be done to handle different personality traits while treating a physical disorder?

Understanding of the psychology of the patient helps in engaging the patient in the treatment process. Following steps can be taken to handle different personality traits:
1) Appropriate reassurance,
2) Specific schedule of visits (for example, thrice a week visit),
3) Set clear expectations regarding the doctor’s time and availability,
4) Educate them regarding the illness, its treatment,
5) Encourage discussion of fears,
6) Balance the warmth and formality,
7) Listen patiently without dispute or agreement,
8) Do not confront for irrational fears,
9) Use of phrases such as “you deserve the best” or “you deserve no less” is helpful,
10) Do not force any treatment, and
11) Reassure the patient that she and he is safe and will not be intruded on.

3. What are the types of focus based coping styles?

There can be two types of focus based coping as given below:
a) Problem-focused coping: In problem-focused coping, thoughts and behaviours are used to alter the problem that is causing distress. It is used when patients feel that the situation is under their control.
b) Emotion-focused coping: Emotion-focused coping type regulates the emotional response to the problem. Patients will tend to choose this coping strategy when they appraise the situation to be out of their control.

4. What are the factors leading to poor coping strategy?

Some of the factors that may lead to poor coping strategy are:
1) Presence of co-morbid psychiatric illness,
2) Personality trait of patient,
3) Lack of social support,
4) Low educational and economic status, and
5) Severity of disease at the time of diagnosis.

5. What is the difference between coping style and defense mechanism?

The psychological concept of coping is more behavioural as it involves action (for example, seeking social support or productive problem solving) and is generally a conscious experience whereas defense mechanisms are usually conceptualised as intrapsychic processes that are largely out of the individual’s awareness.

6. What is the impact of denial on the medical outcome?

Studies of the impact of denial on medical outcome have reported both beneficial and adverse effects. Denial is beneficial when it gives hope and improves the quality of life, enables a patient to stay motivated, helps to avoid the immediate stress and gradually accept the diagnosis. Denial has adverse outcome if it prevents the patient from taking treatment or endangers the patient’s health, for instance due to noncompliance after discharge. Some denial is perhaps necessary for very effective coping with an overwhelming illness.

7. Which is the commonest emotional response seen in medical illness?

Anxiety is seen in almost everybody suffering from medical illness. Psychoeducation regarding the illness, empathy and reassurance to the patient’s specific fears such as pain, death, isolation, disfigurement, dependence, disability can offer significant relief from anxiety.

8. Discuss various subjective variables that can affect the individual’s response to given physical illness.

  1. Personality Types
    1. Dependent
    2. Obsessional
    3. Histrionic
    4. Paranoid
    5. Narcissistic
    6. Schizoid
  2. Coping Styles
  3. Defense Mechanisms
    1. Denial
    2. Suppression
    3. Repression

9. Explain psychological adaptation to chronic illness in detail.

  1. Basic Concepts of Psychosocial Adaptation
    1. Stress
    2. Crisis
    3. Loss and grief
    4. Body image
    5. Self-concept
  2. Emotional Response to Illness
    1. Anger
    2. Anxiety and Fear
    3. Sadness
    4. Guilt
    5. Shame
  3. Behavioural Response to Illness
    1. Adaptive Response
    2. Maladaptive Responses

10. Describe the role of care-giver in psychological adaptation of patient.

In collaboration with the family it is necessary to develop a plan for managing stress. This plan should comprise of commitment of all family members to work on the problems, inclusion of all past successful coping strategies and use of strategies that are flexible and reality-oriented.

What families can do? Family members may:
1) Provide emotional support and containment,
2) Share responsibility for decision making regarding the treatment setting, options and meeting financial costs,
3) Maintain stability that is the standard family functions, emotional nurturing, feeding, clothing, sheltering, educating, and socialising must continue, and
4) Adapt to change and help the patient to cope with the illness.

Staff providing the services to the patients with chronic illness should understand the psychological response to an illness and behave in an empathic, non-judgemental and caring manner. Medical staff should be sensitive to the needs of the patient and look into the situations where family fails to take adequate care of the patient.

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