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Important Questions for IGNOU PGDCFT MSCCFT MCFT003 Exam with MainPoints for Answer - Unit 2 Family Therapy: Meaning, Scope and Applications
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Unit 2 Family Therapy: Meaning, Scope and Applications
1. What are the functions of family?
The main functions of family are given below:
• Socialisation of children,
• Economic cooperation and division of labour,
• Care, supervision, ·monitoring, and interaction,
• Legitimising sexual relations,
• Reproduction,
• Provision of status like social-familial attributes, for example, SES, location. Status can be a) ascribed - for example birth order or b) achieved means based on individuals effort, and
• Affection, emotional support and companionship.
2. What are the characteristics of dysfunctional families?
The main characteristics of dysfunctional families are given below:
• Rigidity or lack of flexibility,
• Lack of individuation like enmeshment/loss of autonomy,
• Extreme detachment,
• Scapegoating, that means a family member (often child) is the object of displaced conflict/criticism,
• Triangulation, that means detouring conflict between two people by involving a third person, thereby stabilizing the relationship between the original pair,
• Faulty problem solving skills,
• Conflict avoidance,
• Inconsistent application of affection or discipline,
• Low levels of support or nurturance or acceptance, and
• Increased degree of expressed hostility towards each other or other family members.
3. What is the difference between psychotherapy and counselling?
"Counselling" is probably the most appropriate term to describe the process when the couple or family is basically "healthy" yet seek enrichment of their quality of life together. "Therapy" may be more appropriate when there is a great deal of emotional stress or pain in the relationship or system.
4. Write a short note on family life cycle.
Family life cycle emphasizes how development and change in families follow common patterns, which are shaped by the shifting patterns of internal and external demands in any given society. Families may at times be faced with massive demands for change and adaptation. This may be the result of changes in family composition by the birth of a child, a divorce or remarriage, a death or perhaps due to changes in autonomy within the family, children becoming adolescents, a woman going back to work after childrearing, retirement etc.
5. What are indications for family therapy?
Some of the indications for family therapy are:
• Common child psychiatric disorders,
• Child abuse,
• Eating disorders, especially anorexia nervosa,
• Depression,
• Schizophrenia,
• Marital and family distress,
• Families with problems across generational boundaries, and
• Families scapegoating a member or undermining the treatment of a member in individual therapy.
6. List the major approaches for family therapy. / Write a brief note on models of family therapy.
Following are the major approaches for family therapy:
i) Psychodynamic approach,
ii) Family systems perspective,
iii) Strategic therapy,
iv) Structural family therapy,
v) Experiential therapy,
vi) Cognitive-behavioural therapy,
vii) Narrative therapy
viii) Mutigenerational family therapy,
ix) Object relations,
x) Eclectic approach.
7. What are the salient features of multigenerational family therapy?
The salient features of multigenerational family therapy are given below:
• The application of rational thinking to emotionally saturated systems,
• A well-articulated theory is considered to be essential,
• With the proper knowledge the individual can change,
• Change occurs only with other family members,
• Triangulation-that is a pattern of interaction with two-against-one experience. A third party is recruited to reduce anxiety and stabilise a couple's relationship,
• Make the most use of genograms,
• Differentiation of the self that means a psychological separation from others.
• It involve psychological separation of intellect and emotions; and independence of the self from others,
• The greater one's differentiation, the better one's ability to keep from being drawn into dysfunctional patterns with other family members.
8. Name the founders of the various therapies.
- Multigenerational family therapy - Bowen
- Experiential therapy - Carl Whitaker
- Family systems perspective - Von Bestalanffy
9. What are the techniques used in family therapy?
Following are the techniques used in family therapy:
i) Genogram,
il) Family floor plan,
iii) Reframing,
iv) Tracking,
v) Joining,
vi) Family sculpting,
vii) Building communication skill
viii) Strategic tasks,
ix) Restructuring, and
x) Circular questioning.
10. Write a short note on restructuring?
Following are the techniques that can challenge and unbalance the family system during restructuring:
i) Enactment,
ii) Reenactment,
iii) Actualizing family transactional patterns,
iv) Marking boundaries,
v) Escalating stress,
vi) Assigning tasks,
vii) Utilizing symptoms,
viii) Paradoxical injunction,
ix) Manipulating mood in the family, and
x) Support, education and guidance.
11. Define resistance.
The term "resistance" refers to the maladaptive interactive patterns that keep families from entering treatment.
12. What are the essential personal moral ethics?
Following are the essential personal moral qualities r quired in a counsellor or family therapist:
i) Empathy,
ii) Warmth,
iii) Congruence,
iv) Sincerity,
v) Integrity,
vi) Resilience,
vii) Respect,
viii ) Humility,
ix) Competence
x) Fairness,
xi) Wisdom, and
xii) Courage.
13. When is CBT in the family context indicated? Discuss CBT in family context with help of examples.
Indications for CBT in the family context:
• Eating disorders, addictions,
• Child or adolescent behaviour disorders, and
• Relationship and family problems.
Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) for families is brief and solution-focused, and addresses a wide range of psychological problems. Patterns, especially around issues of conflict, are examined to identify the roots of the problem, as well as the goals for the therapy. The work is focused on helping the family members to think and behave more adaptively, and to learn to make better choices in efforts to get needs met, so that the family environment is more stable and peaceful.
14. How do you detect resistance in family therapy?
- If the counsellor wants the family to be in counselling or psychotherapy, she or he will have to recognize that the client (or a noncooperative parent figure) is the most powerful person in the family. Once the reason the family is not in treatment is understood, the counsellor or psychotherapist can draw upon the concept of tracking to find a way to reach this powerful person directly and negotiate a treatment contract to which the person will agree.
- Thus, the key to eliminating the resistance to family therapy lies within the family's patterns of interaction; overcome the resistance in the interactional patterns and the family will come to counselling or family therapy.
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